Chapter 240 The Secret of the Brave
In front of the Glory Temple, Freya, who went to ask for help, was mentally prepared to argue with the great elders.

After all, the brave men so far have not brought benefits to the temple. On the contrary, some actions may cause misunderstandings among the elders. The elders originally did not approve of the brave man. Now they want the temple to come forward to support the brave man. It is by no means a simple matter.

But there is no way, no matter how strong a person is, it is difficult to go against the forces.

Just like what the subordinates of the nobles and powerful people said.

There is no need for them to compete with the brave man in a force competition. Just using the public opinion resources at hand is enough to ruin the brave man's reputation and become the target of public criticism.

If then, as in the "illusion", those powerful interest groups really label the brave man as a "heinous person" and lead the ignorant people to hate and hate the brave man, it will be tantamount to pushing the brave man away. The opposite of humanity.

She, Freya, as a saint, must never let such a desperate future happen!

Therefore, the best way at the moment is to let the Glory Temple completely disclose the identity of the hero to the public before the forces that spy on the hero take action.

In this way, as long as everyone is told about the catastrophe in the future, Freya believes that the humans in the world will unite, stop fighting each other, and be able to work together with the brave men to prepare for the alien invasion.

With this belief, when Freya walked into the temple, she was a little surprised. The elders, who were usually hard to see, were now all at the door of the outer temple.

The six elders were divided into two rows, one on the left and one on the right, standing respectfully.

Looking at that posture, it was as if he hurriedly came out to greet her after discovering that she was coming.

"Great Elder Nuolan?"

This made Freya a little confused, and she cautiously asked the middle-aged woman in charge.

In the saint's impression, the great elder always had a straight face and sat high on the throne. How could he be like this now? After seeing her, he actually ran over to greet her.

"Come on, come on, Freya, you are here. We miss you so much. Are you tired? Come in and sit down. We have prepared fruits for you."

"Yes, Freya, are you thirsty? Let's get you some holy water?"

"Freya, why are you wearing this set of civilian clothes? Is the previous saint's dress damaged? Come here! Get the best new saint robe for the saint immediately!"

"Let's take a shower and change clothes first. I'll help the saint prepare the water for the bath."

"Come on, Freya, let me take off your boots."

The six glorious elders now have no meaning of elders. They are just like Freya's six old ladies.

They swarmed up and gathered around Freya to greet her. Some of them thought some eldest lady had returned home.

Freya was almost shocked to see one of the elders actually squatting down and taking off his shoes himself.

"Wait, wait a moment elders!"

The Saint, who came back to her senses, quickly stopped the extremely enthusiastic elders, and then distanced herself. Freya, who was confused, stared at them with doubts on her face.

"Everyone, are you okay?"

You must know that the original elders all gave orders to her as elders. Like serving tea and water, she, the little saint, was the one who served the elders. How come it was all the other way around when she came back?
But soon, Freya got some clues from what the elders said next.

"Freya, you have worked really hard on this journey to escort the brave man."

"Yes, yes, Freya, our Council of Elders has decided to fully open the temple's treasury to you from now on to subsidize the expenses of you and the brave man."

"Not only that, the Presbyterian Council unanimously believes that it is most correct to leave the holy water to you, the young people of the future."

"So Freya, is it your intention to come here this time, Lord Brave?"

"Did the brave man have any requests?"

"We, we shouldn't have done anything that dissatisfied the brave man, right?"

Speaking of the last elders, all of them were frightened.

Some of them even tightened their legs, as if they were afraid of making mistakes and being punished by the brave men.

Only here did Freya finally understand.

It turns out that the source of the 180-degree turn in the attitude of the elders towards themselves is here.

Sure enough.
Did the brave man do something somewhere that he didn't know about?

Freya originally said that she would ask the Glory Temple to protect the brave.

Now it seems that she was worrying too much.

My brave man has already considered this and made arrangements one step ahead.Although Liao Yu's comprehensive approach made Freya feel at ease a lot.

But she always felt that the brave man was deliberately "hiding" something from her.

Combined with the hallucinations that have become more and more frequent recently.

Freya felt deep in her heart, as if there was always an illusory voice telling her that there were some secrets that she didn't know.

The saint clenched her hands tightly.

In fact, she hated this feeling.

The voice in her heart seemed to have captured her mentality and began to seduce her, telling her to go to the basement of the Glory Temple and in front of the statue of the Glory Goddess.

Once there, she will know more about the secrets behind the brave man.

It is indeed tempting.

Freya looked at the basement corridor leading to the statue. The dark tunnel seemed like an abyss. As long as she stepped into it, she could get the truth, but
The saint took a deep breath.

Finally chose to refuse.

But just as she was about to turn around and leave, an unexpected voice sounded from the side.

"Wait a minute, Freya."

"Yong, Lord Yong?"

Liao Yu walked out of the darkness of the corridor. He was actually ready to let Freya know the truth, but he didn't expect the saint to turn back.

Liao Yu was certainly aware of Freya's recent abnormal behavior.

After all, the former "Emperor" had been with the Philosopher's Stone for the longest time. Even if his authority was not as high as that of a true hero like himself, he could still be affected by it to some extent.

The Philosopher's Stone traveled back through the world, and although the Emperor's consciousness was also erased, it would still remain to some extent.

The saint's frequent hallucinations and inner-induced voices may be the residual consciousness of the "Emperor" at work.

Liao Yu: "Why don't you keep moving forward?"

"I am afraid."

Freya shook her head.

Even if there is a so-called truth ahead, if this truth will make her sway towards the brave, then Freya would rather be kept in the dark forever than become the saint who doubts the brave.

Freya was afraid of her like that.

after all.

The whole world can doubt the brave man.

Only she can't.

On this point, Freya has been steadfast from the moment she decided to say "You wake up, brave man" to Liao Yu when she first met.

"Master Brave, let's go."

Freya turned around and wanted to leave, trying to escape, but unfortunately, Liao Yu took a step forward and held her hand.

Their hands were intertwined.

Even though they are silent at this time, a lot has been expressed in this silence.

The light of the Philosopher's Stone began to flicker on Liao Yu's right hand.

This time, the light of memory not only covered Liao Yu, but also Freya.

But for the saint.

She alone would be afraid, afraid of such a secret.

But at this moment, with Liao Yu's hands tightly intertwined, she only had unprecedented courage and determination in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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