Chapter 241 Brave, where is the brave!

"Foreign invasion, catastrophe in the future?" The well-dressed noble sat in a high position and frowned.

"Do you believe it?" Several leaders of the large chambers of commerce looked at each other and laughed.

"There is no more advanced species than human beings. We are the only intelligent life in the universe." The prince of a certain big country stood up from his seat and raised his arms and shouted, attracting countless cheers from below.

"This is complete nonsense! Freya, as a dignified Saint of Glory, in order to protect criminals, you can even tell such lies that make people laugh out loud!" Fellow members of the Glory Sect expressed indignation.

"Indeed, it seems that we, the Golden Lion Kingdom, should reconsider our policy support for your Glory Temple." The Finance Minister shook his head while eating grapes.

"Miss Freya, rather, if this catastrophe is real, then you should support our arrest of the brave man, so that we can analyze the mystery of the Destiny Child and popularize this technology to the public, so that we can do a better job Prepare for future disasters.”

"That's right. Instead of placing bets on one person, why not sacrifice this person so that all mankind can be improved?"

The other dignitaries gathered together, as if they were persuading each other with sincerity, but in the shadows behind them, there were greedy eyes.

Following the old memories stored in the Philosopher's Stone, the illusory scenes Freya saw in her hallucinations became more and more solid, as if they had become reality, the reality of another world.

The bewitched people took to the streets to demonstrate.

They are convinced of the hero's evil deeds.

Holding high the banner of crusade.

"Judgment! Judgment! Judgment!"

Cries of indignation could be heard.

Eye-catching banners litter the streets.

"The world doesn't need brave men!"

"We ourselves are the saviors!"

"Hand over your authority! Hand over your sacred objects!"

"Yes, even if there are indeed brave men, they belong to all of us humans!"

"Turn it in! Turn it in! Turn it in!"

Freya looked at those twisted faces, their faces were flushed and their eyes were about to burst.

Listening to the roar of mountains and tsunami, jealous desire overwhelmed reason.

As a saint, she was once the target of criticism.

Pushed to the forefront by the powerful.

They keep saying that being brave is to save humanity.

But "humanity" has decided to abandon the hero.

You as a saint.

I want to be the enemy of all mankind and continue to choose the brave.

Or join the "human" side.

Let's carve up the brave man with them, take away the power, sacrifice the brave man, and use his power to "benefit" all mankind.

A cruel choice between two.

The nobles looked at her with smiles, the elders ignored her, and the court officials looked forward to her.

Freya saw that she finally chose in the picture.
the latter.

The nobles cast admiring glances, the elders nodded happily, and the state officials clapped their hands.

After all, only as a "saint" she can sense where the hero is.

Captures can be carried out accurately.

So in this way, Freya was chosen as the representative, and as the team leader, she launched a series of crusade against the "heinous" brave men.

The first crusade ended in a disastrous defeat. Not only was she defeated by the brave, but also a large amount of gold coins and goods belonging to the nobles in the crusade team were also robbed by the brave.

The second crusade ended in a disastrous failure. She fell into the trap of the brave, and her entire army was destroyed. She also had all the magic props and enchanted weapons purchased by the chamber of commerce for them, which were all captured by the brave.

The third crusade ended in defeat. She and the brave fought inextricably. In the end, she was captured by the brave. The important information of several countries was also tortured by the brave, resulting in the "national treasures" of those countries behind. "Stealed and taken away by the brave.

The fourth crusade almost succeeded. She took advantage of the hero's hunt for a dangerous monster and took advantage of it. She wanted to compete with the snipe and the clam for the fishermen's profit. Unfortunately, she didn't calculate the time correctly. As a result, their crusade team collided with the monster first. On board, the brave man turned into a simple fisherman.

The fifth crusade failed miserably, and ten bottles of holy water potions were stolen.

The sixth crusade failed, and the epic weapon "Eternal Blade" was captured

The seventh crusade failed miserably, and three seventh-level scrolls were taken away.
The eighth time. The ninth time. No. 20 time.
The Saint lost to the Hero over and over again.

And blocked the mouths of the powerful with bruises all over their bodies.

But it is undeniable.

The strength of the brave man began to increase by leaps and bounds with the Saint's crusade, especially when he used the "captured" Saint's resources to support the war. When the dignitaries came to their senses, they found that the current brave man had already become a terror. Mighty.Having no choice but to do anything to the brave, they pointed the flames of anger at Freya.

Only then did they realize that the Saint had not chosen the latter.

But the former.

They arrested the saint.

Tied to the cross.

The blazing flames were burning at Freya's feet.

A stinging burning sensation shot through the skin.

The curses and insults from the major forces and interest groups echoed in my ears.

They can do nothing to the brave.

What can I do about a mere saint?
The brave man becomes stronger and stronger as he fights again and again.

But without the authority of the "Adventor", she would only become weaker and weaker as she fought over and over again.

Freya didn't struggle in the picture.

There was no resistance.

The rough hemp rope cut red marks on her delicate skin.

The heat wave of the billowing flames blurred her vision and made it difficult to breathe.

Dimly, she seemed to see a brave man.

But at this time, the brave man was already surrounded by other companions.

He is no longer the brave man who only had saints back then.

So, until the last moment when she was swallowed up by the flames of "judgment", Freya had no regrets, she was very happy.

I am glad that there are others in this world who can believe in the brave and accompany the brave to fight together.

but why.

There will be tears falling from the corners of the eyes.

The false happiness was exposed.

Regretful sadness fills the heart.

Freya knows, because she has never been regarded as a companion by the brave from beginning to end.

The story that obviously belongs to the "Saint" does not end here.

Just when Freya was vented by the powerful and wanted to throw herself into the pit of fire.

A dramatic scene full of irony unfolds.

That was a day that all mankind will never forget.

A huge crack appeared in the sky.

The trembling earth screamed.

Tsunamis flood cities and hurricanes bring destruction.

Accompanied by super-level spells that destroy the world.

Countless powerful demons emerged from the dimensional rifts.

Humanity's defenses are in tatters, and they are like toys in front of aliens.

Money cannot bribe the demons.

Women cannot please the demons.

Nobles and commoners were slaughtered by demons, and princes and refugees alike began to flee.

The trial of the saint was also abandoned.


The fearful dignitaries finally united. They put on the masks of hypocrisy and began to praise her as a saint. They took off the shackles for her, loosened the hemp ropes, washed away her crimes, and made her once again the center of attention. Saint.

The purpose of all this is just to allow Freya, as a saint, to help them find the hero and help them pray to the hero.

No one cares about disaster until it happens.

Brave, where is the brave!

Come back, brave man!
Come back and protect the world, come back and protect them!
(End of this chapter)

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