The hero who saves the world in the first eye, and the devil king in the second eye

Chapter 245 From now on, we are all captured by the brave

Chapter 245 From now on, we are all captured by the brave
to be frank.

For Leon, this was actually more frightening than surprising.

When he contacted the succubus just now, he didn't pay much attention to Liao Yu, thinking that he was just an ordinary human follower captured by Elena. This was not difficult for the succubus.

But later, when he accidentally told Elena about the movements of Ancient Lordan, the little succubus said something to the human next to her in a confused manner.
"A brave man, eh? Isn't that brother Liao Yu?"

Elena is still okay.

Zhimo's eyelids immediately twitched.

Before, he, more or less like Elena, had no concept of human "braves", thinking that they were just human elites, and no matter how powerful they were, they were just heroes.

But as Gu Luodan's encirclement and suppression order was issued.

The evil demon can mobilize so many people and mobilize all the apostles to destroy the targets at once. Its strength and value can be imagined.

And the other side.

After Elena first showed off her relationship with the hero, the little succubus soon realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Wait, then, isn't my brother very dangerous?"

"Quick, Leon, tell us where it is safe and take your brother to escape!"

The six apostles' encirclement and suppression was no joke.

Even if two of them, Leon and Dadaya, can show off, the others, especially Hercule, who are great demons at the peak of their combat power, are controlled and strengthened by the evil blood of Ancient Lordan. Na shuddered just imagining that scene.

"It must be me. It's that bastard Gu Luodan who found me, damn it! Brother, yes, I'm sorry, it was me who got you involved."

Elena immediately apologized to Liao Yu.

After that, Dayou gritted his teeth and took the initiative to leave Liao Yu.

From the little succubus's point of view, Gu Luodan wouldn't be able to fight Liao Yu in this way at all. It could only be because she was there, so he assembled an army to arrest her in a mighty manner.

In response, Liao Yu shook his head.

"You are overthinking Elena. There will be a battle between me and the Demon King, and it has nothing to do with you."

"I agree, Grodan did not mention you, and"

Leon hesitated for a moment, but still stared directly at Liao Yu and said: "Brave, those monsters on the human side should be from your hands. I have seen this kind of power, and it also exists in Gu Luodan. It is evil blood. "

"That's right. In a sense, our powers have the same origin. They all come from the evil god, and our purpose is the same, to eradicate you as demons."

Liao Yu nodded and did not deny it.

Such a clean and sincere attitude also won Leon's favor. Zhi Mo nodded, which made a lot of explanations and made him more determined to resist Gu Luodan.

Otherwise, if this continues and Gu Luodan popularizes the evil blood among the demons, then all the demons will become such flesh and blood monsters.

"I understand, I will buy time for you."

Leon has no other choice now.

If you want to fight against Gu Luodan, you can only rely on Liao Yu's power, so before the brave man grows up, during this period of time, it is up to him to fight for the brave man, even if it means sacrificing his life.

Seeing the wise demon looking like he was ready to sacrifice his life for righteousness, Liao Yu couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Although Leon has a sinister and vicious snake face, he is definitely the most unwavering among the apostles in terms of loyalty to the demon clan.

"It doesn't matter, let all the apostles come over. This saves me some trouble, oh. It looks like they are already here." Before Leon could figure it out, Liao Yu took out his own small branch. Pointing towards a shadow not far away, he gently clicked.

Suddenly, a figure was forced to appear in the shadow. The other person struggled to break free, but the shadow that originally obeyed her now seemed extremely strange, and in turn turned into a cage to trap her.

Leon took a closer look and saw that the person who was bound by the shadow now was not Hill, the Apostle of Shadow, or someone else.

and many more.

Is it.
At this time, several teleportation arrays flashed up from all around Liao Yu, and the first one to bear the brunt was Hercule, the big demon whose body was full of muscles. He had already punched Liao Yu.

The little succubus was scared to death. Now the big demon has been eroded by the evil blood and has lost his mind. He only has a strong desire to fight, but in exchange for it, he has a body that is much more terrifying than the original demon apostle, with the scarlet flames of hell. It seemed as if it was going to devour them directly.

However, the next moment was exactly the same as when Hill was captured just now.

The "Hell Flame" that was supposed to belong to the great demon's authority suddenly changed when it approached Liao Yu. The impurities contaminated by the evil blood dissipated one after another, and Huawei's more pure red flame began to burn its owner.

Hercule's offensive posture suddenly disappeared. From the outside, it was as if Liao Yu took a branch and the big devil started to spontaneously combust.

Immediately afterwards, without stopping, Liao Yu directly took a small branch and pointed it backwards. He only heard a "bang" and the sword demon who wanted to stab Liao Yu in the back also failed.

The current sword demon Arpad, like Hercule, is contaminated by evil blood. The blades of the sword demon's limbs are all printed with evil purple lines.

She blocked the sword demon's back stab with a branch and even bounced it away. This was like an illusion. Elena rubbed her eyes, and the little succubus opened her mouth wide at Liao Yu.

Before the demons came, although Liao Yu had fought, Elena didn't know much about humans after all, so she didn't have much idea.

Well now, in just a few breaths of time, he defeated three apostles, such an exaggerated fighting power.

The last person who came from the teleportation spell to surround Liao Yu was the Rotten Demon Apostle.

Its bloated body, like the sword demon, was contaminated by evil blood and covered with purple lines. As Liao Yu touched the small branch, the rot demon's defeat was even more exaggerated this time, as if it had been directly transformed by a transformation spell. From the original ferocious fat man to a yandere humanoid girl?
Alice stood there stupidly, obviously not yet understanding what was happening to her.

At last.

Also the initiator of everything.

As a magician who activated the teleportation array and teleported all the apostles in one breath, Dadaya also symbolically threw a small fireball in the direction of Liao Yu.

Even the fireball extinguished itself in mid-air because of insufficient magic power. Afterwards, Dadaya raised his hands to express surrender to Liao Yu.

At this point, Leon finally came to his senses.

The wise demon was immediately angry with Dadaya.

Even this fool could see that it was the magician who had made his own decision, and he sent all the apostles to Liao Yu in one breath.

At this, Dadaya shrugged.

It was as if he was repaying Leon for not communicating with him at all, and deliberately using Grodan to force them to make a gamble to send Elena away.

Nowadays, the magicians have also "gambled" a bit, betting that the brave man has absolute power and can defeat all the apostles.

As for the result
Dadaya spread his hands.

"Okay Leon, from now on we are all captured by the brave, how about you also cooperate?"

(End of this chapter)

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