Chapter 246 The End of the Retrospective Journey

Dadaya seemed to be joking, but actually Jumo was very confident in his heart.

From the time when Liao Yu communicated with the demons through Elena's pendant, the demons had already glimpsed some of Liao Yu's power, and the total amount of magic power far exceeded that of all their apostles.

Therefore, Dadaya judged at that time that the strength of the brave man was probably still higher than that of Gu Luo Dan. So this time Gu Luo Dan happened to gather all their apostles to encircle and suppress the brave man, and the magician would take advantage of it.

He openly and openly teleported all the apostles except for the most special demon-cultivator Ulala. Since they were all about to surrender to the enemy anyway, he might as well act decisively.

No, it can’t be called surrendering to the enemy.

Now looking at the little succubus floating in the air and stomping his feet, Dadaya shook his head as Ju Mo looked at the little succubus who was questioning Liao Yu angrily as if he had been deceived.

It was simply unimaginable to him how Elena, with her temperament and abilities, could get so much love from the brave.

Can we just chalk it up to luck?

Or rather.

In addition, even though he was mentally prepared, the battle between Liao Yu and the apostles just now was still beyond Dadaya's expectation. Although the magician knew that the brave man was very strong, he did not expect him to be so strong.

His original plan was that the hero could delay the Great Demon and the Sword Demon who were most seriously contaminated by the evil blood.

The rest of Alice was held by him and Hill.

Unexpectedly, even if the two demons were strengthened by the evil blood and had the strongest combat power, the brave man was defeated with just one move.

This may no longer be the level of "power".

Dadaya believed that Leon must have discovered some clues.

The power of shadow that should have belonged to Hill, in turn, helped Liao Yu.

The great devil's hellfire burned himself in turn.

There are also sword demons, rot demons, etc. It seems that the corresponding authority of each apostle suddenly fails in front of the brave man Liao Yu, and even turns towards Liao Yu.

This kind of authority is not quite what a brave man possesses.

Instead it's more like

The power of the apostle can never harm the real devil.

This is another reason why Gu Luodan, who usurped the throne and became king, was so furious after being rejected and injured by the succubus apostle that he wanted to kill the succubus tribe.

From the moment he was hurt by the succubus, every apostle knew that what Grodan inherited was nothing more than a "hypocritical" throne.

What is the true king?

The destiny that can just suppress every apostle is one.

Second, and another stronger evidence is that
That's right, Elena's attitude towards Liao Yu.

Maybe the little succubus is a fan of the authorities.

He was also clamoring to find the Demon King.

But as a bystander, Dadaya knows the succubus family very well. It is true that they are good at playing with emotions, but the person the succubus apostle is really close to will always be one - the devil king.

In particular, Elena is the only one left in the succubus tribe. She is undoubtedly the next succubus apostle. Elena herself has not noticed that the degree of dependence she has shown on Liao Yu has gone far beyond " Brother" is so simple.

All signs seem to point the hero to the true identity of the Demon King.

But then there are many contradictions.

Why does a brave man have the power of a demon king?

Since the brave man has this power, why not stop the demons in advance before Ancient Lordan comes.

Even after the demons arrived, they still did not take the initiative to attack and were still in a defensive attitude.

Gives people the feeling of "waiting"
What are the heroes waiting for?
Or is it that the brave man is planning something bigger?
Dadaya knew there must be some secret.

And this secret between the brave man and the demon king is likely to be related to evil blood, evil demons, and those weird flesh and blood monsters, and even involves the source of the existence of the demon clan.

However, Jumo quickly put all this aside.

After all, there will always be another person who can solve these complicated things that rely on their brains.

Dadaya believes in Leon.Don't underestimate the tacit understanding between the wise demon and the demon king. This is the inheritance of the demon clan since ancient times.

No demon can understand the king better than Leon.

Well, Leon has not gone to break this layer of window paper with the brave now. There must be a deep meaning in this, and as a magician, there is no need for him.

While Dadaya was meditating, Liao Yu had already asked Leon to come over and get beaten once.

The apostle's family must be neat and tidy.

just kidding.

Liao Yu had to "battle" the wise demon with a small branch, not only to restore the plot, but also to record it with the "sweeping" ability belonging to the brave.

In this way, the "battle records" of several major apostles are successfully entered.

Liao Yu deliberately always held a small branch, not just to show off.

The same is to "record" the small branches.

In this way, when the future emperor uses the "sweeping" relics to turn all humans into faceless men who imitate the brave men, he will be able to easily deal with it.

Because I changed history.

The brave man in history always fights with twigs, and the faceless man will do the same.

But the problem is that the twig itself is not an artifact at all.

Just an ordinary tree branch.

Essentially, he relies on the dual power of the LV99 Demon King and the Brave that he obtained in his second round, and uses the power of cheating to defeat all methods.

Then by then, the faceless man who can only use twigs will inherit approximately zero combat skills.

It can be easily disintegrated by itself, the Emperor's greatest killing move.

Liao Yu calculated the course of history and concluded that his "retrospective journey" using the Philosopher's Stone had come to an end.

At node one, the arrival of the demons has been completed.

Node [-], the defeat of the apostles by the brave has been completed.

The two key nodes left now are
Three, the brave man kills the devil.

Fourth, the brave man "disappears" from the world.

Liao Yu had no intention of completing these last two points alone.

in contrast.

From here on, I have to retreat and fade away, becoming the "supporting role" in the story.

After all, the person who tied the bell needs to be untied.

The purpose of spending so much effort to "go back" from the future to history is to change the past of the "Emperor", save Freya who became the evil god's resurrection vessel, and find a way to dissolve the pollution of the plane.

Therefore, Freya still has to go on the next part of the road alone.

Liao Yu saved and recorded the images of the battle just now, transmitted them, and then looked up to the sky in the distance. That was the location of the demons.

And there, after receiving the image, Freya also started acting according to their "script".

Inside the Demonic Hall.

While Gu Luodan was still imagining that the apostles would capture the brave man, and then he would absorb his authority and become the vessel for the resurrection of the evil god, a figure that was incompatible with the dark style here had quietly arrived.

"Are you still delusional?"

"Guluodan, you have been abandoned by the "Lord". "

Accompanied by a deserted voice.

The expressionless Freya walked out from behind the pillars of the Demon Hall and looked calmly at the frightened Grodan.

(End of this chapter)

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