Chapter 247 The villain
The demon was horrified, he had no idea how Freya got close.

However, Grodan quickly adjusted his emotions and forced himself to calm down. Afterwards, the demon quickly scanned Freya up and down and immediately recognized her.

"Are you...that saint?"

Gu Luodan was shocked and surprised. After all, Freya now had the same appearance as the saint, but the words she said and the other person's current aura were very different from the saint in the intelligence.

Bringing up what Freya said just now.
The demon frowned, and after confirming that the saint seemed to have no ill intentions, he immediately asked:

"What did you mean by that sentence just now?"


"Are you too"

Freya didn't need to say anything. She stretched out her hand and the brilliant magic projection was reflected on the wall, and the scene recorded inside was exactly the process of Liao Yu's battle with the apostles.

The demon was surprised at first, but after seeing the contents clearly, Gu Luodan, who had just calmed down a little, suddenly became panicked again.

No, this time it went straight to panic.

Because in the picture, Gu Luodan can clearly see the power of Liao Yu, the brave man. All six apostles are not enemies with one move, let alone two betrayers among them!
"How. How could this be."

"That's not the case in the prophecy. The brave man should be weak. Why, no."

Gu Luodan had no doubt that the image was false.

After all, a battle of this level cannot be simulated and faked casually.

He was a little dazed, mumbling to himself, as if it was difficult to accept the reality.

But soon.

When Gu Luodan saw a certain little succubus next to Liao Yu in the picture, his expression instantly became ferocious, as if he understood everything in an instant.

"Elena is her! Damn it! I knew she wasn't dead! The succubus. It's them. It's them again!!"

The demon roared.

Anger crawled all over Gu Luodan's body.

The succubus clan will only be loyal to the real demon king.

Elena's appearance next to the hero and showing such closeness proved an extremely cruel fact to Grodan.

A new demon king was born again.

And unfortunately, he is the brave man.

"Why, no! This is wrong! The Demon King should only be summoned. Only high-ranking "Adventors" can become the Demon King!Why should he? Why should he? ! "

"Elena's stinky succubus must be hiding some secret! I knew it! I knew the succubus clan also hid the key summoning object!"

Gu Luodan was so helpless and furious for a while.

The demon was smashing things wildly.

After all, the current situation took a turn for the worse almost in an instant.

The apostles all rebelled.

The position of "Demon King" he had finally usurped was gone.

The most desperate thing is that the other party has gathered the two destiny paths of "brave" and "devil king", which means that the other party can become the container of the evil god and be resurrected for the Lord.

No wonder.

No wonder the human saint in front said that he was abandoned by the Lord.


The Lord actually gave him a false prophecy.

cheated him!

Turns out he is the clown

The person who is truly favored by the Lord is the brave man!
After venting his inner resentment, Gu Luodan also knew that it would be useless no matter how unwilling he was here, and the situation had not reached the point of complete despair, and there might be a turn for the better.

Thinking of this, the demon turned his attention to Freya again.

"So, why did you come to me? Did the hero send you here? To appreciate the ugliness of a loser like me?"

As a hero who can be chosen by the evil god, Gu Luodan doesn't believe that he is a good person at all.

Therefore, even the saintess Gu Luodan believed that the darkness and ugliness in her heart could only be better than him.

Freya also hoped that the demon would understand this way.

She pretended to call "Lord" earlier for this purpose.

"Do you want revenge on the hero?"

The saint spoke.It made Gu Luodan both surprised and reasonable.

Looking at Freya, who was still expressionless, the demon smiled instead, and said sarcastically: "No wonder you came to me. What, could it be that you also spied on the power of the Lord?"

Freya didn't speak.

In the eyes of evil spirits, they do not deny it.


Ha ha.

The Lord betrayed him, and the Saint betrayed the brave man.

Grodan did not doubt Freya at all.

After all, that is the power of the Lord.

Who doesn’t want to be the “vessel” for the evil god’s resurrection?

"Tell me about your plan."

"The next brave man will come to attack you right away. You will definitely die, but if you and I cooperate, help me draw more of the brave man's attention, and hold him off for me when necessary, I can sneak attack the brave man from behind. .kill him."

"At that time, after the hero dies, I will become the only container of the "Lord" and the resurrected evil god. I will promise to resurrect you in return."

"It's a good plan, but how can I trust you?"

"Do you have any other options?"

After Freya's words, the demon fell into silence. It could be seen that he was still very unwilling, but as the saint said, he really had no leverage.

Or be killed by the brave in vain.

Or, by cooperating with the saint's betrayal, the brave man can be used as a backer. If he is lucky, Freya can really fulfill her promise, and he can be resurrected in the future and make a comeback.

No matter how you look at it, he has only one choice.

Finally, Gu Luodan took a deep breath and nodded to the saint.

"Okay, I promise you."

"Let us kill the brave man together."

After reaching an agreement with Gulodan.

Freya left the demon clan and walked alone in the wilderness.

Looking at the darkening sky, she couldn't help but recall the last agreement between Liao Yu and her before they parted ways.

Is this world line good now?
very good already.

As long as Gu Luodan is killed and no further follow-up is done, peace can be ushered in, but it will only be a "short-term" peace.

Because then the world line will completely change.

Elena, who has achieved a "happy ending", will no longer summon the Demon King.

With a happy ending, Wilsey will not become a demon apostle.

The future is all messed up.

The Philosopher's Stone must break into pieces.

With the destruction of the Philosopher's Stone, neither Liao Yu nor she knew what would happen. At least they would lose the power of the Demon King, or at worst, even Liao Yu's existence might disappear.

After all, Liao Yu's power and "Devil King" destiny are all preserved from Erzhoumu. It can be said that the historical status is maintained only by the Philosopher's Stone.

Moreover, the problem of evil gods has not been solved at all, and the plane is still being polluted.

So no matter what, Freya clenched her fists. She knew that she must continue the development of history and continue to become the emperor.

Only in this way can Liao Yu and her hero continue to become the devil in the future.

Completely stabilize the two destiny paths of "brave" and "devil king".

Become the new evil god.

From now on, there will be no more pollution on the plane.

The current story cannot be concluded yet.

Sorry, Elena, Velsey
You will definitely hate me in the future.

But for the future.
She will still play the villain.

Must become emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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