Chapter 248
"News, news! The fourth apostle, the Rotten Demon King, has been defeated by the brave man! Chris City, Dandelion Peak, and Tianna Plain have all been recaptured by the Alliance Army and returned to human territory!"

Newsboys ran loudly through the streets announcing the good news.

People on both sides rushed to buy newspapers, and most of their faces were filled with joy and pride.

"Master Brave is so powerful. Is this the fifth apostle to be defeated?"

"Yes, if we continue with this momentum, we humans will soon be victorious!"

"But I read in the report that the brave man only captured these apostles. Why! Wouldn't it be better to just kill them!"

"Oh, have you forgotten? The brave man said that the demons that are now invading and coming to our world are bewitched by their false king. As long as the false demon king is killed, the war between humans and demons will be over."

"I heard that the demons also have demon rebels who support the brave, and they don't want to fight us humans."

"Tch, I'm afraid you're pretending to surrender because the hero is too powerful, right? If I were a demon, I would also surrender to the hero. This kind of person who adapts to the situation is totally untrustworthy!"

"Yes, I also think it's better for the brave man to be careful about the demons and don't be deceived."

"Hey, Mr. Brave, you are good at everything, but you are too soft-hearted. If you ask me, you should kill all the demons. Why join forces?"

"What do you mean, are you questioning the hero?"

"No, I dare not."

"Okay, okay, the war is not over yet. It is a good thing that the demon clan can split internally and help us. As for how to deal with the demon clan in the future, I believe that the brave man will make the right decision by then!"

Liao Yu did not choose to directly announce that he had taken care of all the apostles.

After all, this is too different from history.

Therefore, even though Leon and other demon apostles have secretly defected to them, they are still resisting symbolically on the surface.

But it can also be seen from the results.

With the help of the apostles, the subsequent human army almost made great progress in the counterattack.

Demonic positions were conquered one after another, and the frequent good news coming from the front also made the humans in the rear more and more confident, and many were already preparing to celebrate their victory.

Everyone can see that the demon clan is gone.

at last.

As the last occupied area was also recovered by the human alliance army.

At this point, the demons have been completely defeated.

The only remaining territory is the lonely Demon King's Castle with a bare commander.

The regrouped brave army has already set off towards the Demon King's Castle.

The clarion call for the final battle has already been sounded.

Human beings all over the world are nervous and looking forward to it.

But there are exceptions.

Daran College.

Mage Tower.

As a legendary figure on the human side, Melvin contributed many new magical arts to mankind during the war.

With the war between humans and demons, humans are also growing rapidly.

Today's magic world can be said to be full of flowers compared to the beginning. We have to admit that under the pressure of foreign enemies, the potential of human beings is unparalleled.

However, it was such a person, the top combat power on the human side, who still stayed in his mage tower during such a final battle.

Even many of Melvin's disciples found it difficult to understand.

My teacher, why don't you join the hero in the final crusade against the Demon King?

Even if the hero feels that he has a sure chance of victory, the significance of this battle is extremely important. When it is mentioned in the future, future generations will remember it and it will be remembered forever.

The disciples could only think that Melvin no longer disdained these reputations. The teacher announced the retreat at this time. It was probably because he had reached a critical moment in studying a powerful technique.

In fact, they guessed right.

Now in the mage tower, Melvin was alone in the messy room, immersed in studying.

The legendary archmage's hair was disheveled, his whole body was dirty, and his clothes seemed to have not been changed for a long time.

The magic that can make a genius like Melvin so devoted is none other than the key inheritance of the demon clan - Demon King Summoning.

The summoning array that imitated the depiction lit up again and again, and failed and went out again and again.

Even Melvin himself couldn't remember how many experiments he had done.Ten thousand?One hundred thousand?Hundreds of thousands?

But hard work pays off.

After countless failures, he got closer and closer to the core of the Demon King's summons, and he had already analyzed [-]% of this set of techniques.

At this point, it's enough.

He completed the task assigned to him by Liao Yu as a teacher.

You should watch it next
Although that is the least, it is also the most critical "[-]%".

Even though he was exhausted and extremely tired, Melvin still walked to the window and looked into the distance. That was the Demon King's City, where the final battle would take place.

Under the Demon King's Castle.

Elena looked at the tall castle not far away with mixed feelings in her heart.

This place once belonged to the succubus tribe.

But after Grodan killed the demon king and massacred the succubi, he took over this place.

And now.

She was finally able to come back openly again.

Stand in front of this castle.

But this time, she was no longer the little succubus who had to hide in hiding and lived in unwillingness and fear every day.

Now they have assembled an army.

With the help of brave men and humans, the rebels under Gu Luodan were eliminated one by one, and all the cadres of the evil demon clan were liquidated.

There is only one last step left before the demon clan is revived.

As long as we break through this place and kill Gu Luodan, the succubus clan's great revenge will be completely avenged, and the demon clan will return to normal.

Also holding the same mentality as Elena was Velxi.

This time, many elves can be seen in the brave crusade team.


Although the elves also hate the demons, for the sake of Velxi and Elena, the elves have transferred this hatred to Gu Luodan.

As long as they belong to Gu Luodan's faction and the demon king who was the culprit of the elves' destruction is eliminated, the hatred of the elves will be avenged.

Elena from behind also assured their elves.

As an ally, the demons will never forget the elves, let alone the help of humans. When she restarts the summons of the demon king in the future and finds the new true demon king, the friendship between the three tribes will last forever.


A very beautiful happy ending.

that's it.

With such longing for the future, the soldiers broke through the door of the Demon King's Castle and rushed in bravely.

The defense within the castle was simpler and more vulnerable than imagined.

It seemed that even Gu Luodan had given up resistance.

They encountered little obstruction along the way and successfully reached the Demon King's Palace. In the main hall, Gu Luodan did not run away. He just sat on the throne and watched them quietly.

On one side are the heroes and the saint, as well as Elena and a group of apostles.

There was only a lonely Grodan on the other side.

There is no need to continue fighting with such a comparison of combat effectiveness.

Like a counterattack on the verge of death, Gu Luodan's body swelled, he rose up from the throne, and took the lead in attacking. His aura reached its peak, and he went straight towards the brave man.

The brave man is not afraid, holds the holy sword in his hand, and confronts the devil tit for tat.

However, the battle ended faster than expected.

Gu Luodan, who had a last-ditch mentality, had no intention of confronting the brave man head-on. Instead, he smiled evilly after tricking the brave man into killing him too.

The demon's swollen body suddenly exploded. No one expected that Gu Luodan would transform his entire body into a magic bomb. The raging impact swept through the entire Demon King's Castle in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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