Chapter 249 Death of the Brave

"cough cough"

Elena, who was disgraced by the bombing, climbed up from the rubble.

The entire Demon King's Castle was almost destroyed and collapsed in this self-destruction of the demon, which is enough to show the power of this explosion.

The little succubus was still a little dazed. After coming to his senses, a look of anxiety appeared on his face.

At the last second of the explosion, Elena saw that it was the brave who held up the barrier.

He even used his own body to isolate the impact.

"Liao Yu! Brother Liao Yu!"

Elena was extremely panicked.

None of them expected that Gu Luodan, as the demon king, would be so ruthless that he would die with them without even giving up his life.

With such a magic explosion that burned life force, Elena was still extremely uneasy even though she knew that Liao Yu was very strong.

This was the second time she had such a sense of loss.

For the first time, she had already lost her parents and the succubus clan.

This time, she didn't want to lose the hero again.

Elena felt heartbroken when she thought that Liao Yu might be killed in the evil explosion in order to protect them.

The little succubus was not half happy that the demon king was dead. She cried and ran towards the ruins, trying to find that familiar figure.

In the smoke of the explosion, Elena quickly found clues.

"Sister Freyja? That's great! Hurry! Sister!"

Under the impact of the explosion, everyone dispersed. After Elena discovered the Saint, she was immediately overjoyed. She grabbed Freya's cuffs and asked the Saint to find the hero quickly.

In this way, the two of them quickly searched towards the center of the explosion. After a while, Elena keenly felt the weak breath of life among the rubble and gravel.

"There! Brother is there!"

The little succubus immediately flew away, only to see the brave man lying in the deep pit. Although the equipment on his body was damaged by the explosion, revealing the blurred flesh and blood affected by the explosion, at least the chest that was still heaving showed that the brave man survived. .

"Quick, sister Freya, treat your brother quickly!"

Elena struggled to pull the seriously injured hero out of the pit.

But after that, she could only worry around the brave man and had no choice.

Although the Succubi also have healing abilities, most of them are limited to the Demon King and require a mutual contract to be established.

Fortunately, when it comes to treatment, we have some of the best in the world.

Freya nodded.

With an expressionless face, she slowly came to the brave man who was affected by the explosion and was extremely weak and covered in blood.

In fact, Elena should be able to detect something abnormal about the Saint at this time.

But at this time, the little succubus focused entirely on the hero and didn't think much about it.

So this also led to
I saw Freya placing her radiant hands on the chest of the brave, and the next moment.

The glorious holy power did not turn into healing power.

Instead, it became a spike.

Freya was sent directly into the chest of the hero.

Under this scene, Elena's mind went completely blank.

She couldn't believe what was happening.

But reality is reality.

Her sister Freya is obviously the saint who likes brave men the most, but actually...
"you you!"

Elena's eyes widened with anger. The little succubus had never been so angry. Before she could yell at Freya, the saint slapped the little succubus away with a wave of her hand.

Next, the Saint, who "lasted" the hero, began to wrap the hero's body with radiance, as if she was absorbing the power from the hero's body.

Freya's magic power surged instantly, but Elena could do nothing but watch helplessly. The saint betrayed the hero and brother Liao Yu in the end.

"Come on, Elena."

Seeing that the little succubus was about to rush forward to fight Freya desperately, the wise demon appeared at this time and grabbed Elena.

After Leon took a final deep look in the direction of the hero and the saint, he immediately ordered the rest of the demons to retreat, regardless of Elena's cries.

It all happened so fast.

The remaining soldiers who were scattered by the explosion had no idea what happened.

The same goes for the elves.Wilsey only saw Elena being led by the wise demon and quickly rushing out of the Demon King's Castle, and many demons were also evacuating as if they were running away.

what happened?
What happened?
What about the brave?

Where is Sister Freya?

When the remaining human soldiers and elves regrouped and hurriedly explored the depths of the explosion, they finally saw a scene that shocked them.

That is
The lifeless corpse of the brave man.

"The demons have rebelled."

"They've been acting just for this moment."

"But fortunately, the brave man killed the demon before he died and gave me his power. From now on, any demon is no longer an ally of humans. We must immediately assemble the army, clean up the demon, and leave no one behind. "

The saint's cold explanation echoed in everyone's ears.

Let Velxi and all the members of the Elf clan shut down.

Could it be that Elena and the apostles had been acting all along, pretending to join the brave?

Intuition told Wei Erxi that something was wrong.

Something is wrong here.

But when she wanted to ask more questions, Freya had already walked away. She didn't even look at Velxi and the elves, she was extremely unfamiliar.

It's like he's become a different person.

What is this
Wilsey was never willing to let this happen. She even wanted to rush up to Freya to reason with her, but she was stopped by the sensible Elder Naxi.

The elves announced their withdrawal and would no longer participate in the chaos between humans and demons.

The young Wilsey could do nothing but leave with the great elder, endure it for the time being, wait for her cultivation and growth, and then explore the truth.

At the same time, as the news released by the Saint quickly spread to the human rear, no one doubted Freya.

On the contrary, many humans support the Saint.

"I've told you a long time ago that the demons are completely unreliable!"

"Yes, anything about taking refuge in the brave is all fake!"

"Damn demons!"

"Master Brave, woo woo woo."

"Destroy the demons! Defeat the demons!"

"Avenge the brave man!"

Under the leadership of the Saint, the human army quickly regained its strength and launched an attack on the demon army on Elena's side that had once been regarded as allies.

But unfortunately, the demons seemed to have been prepared for it.

Under the leadership of the wise demon apostle, one step ahead, all the remaining demons were transferred to the Chaos Rift to seal themselves for self-protection.

In the end, although the brave man died regretfully.

But the demons completely disappeared from the world.

The demons who are forced to flee into the Chaos Rift are suicidal and are certain to die.

After ushering in peace.

Freya, who inherited the power of the brave, was quickly elected as the Emperor.

Immediately afterwards, surrounded by countless nobles, a country with absolute hegemony centered on the Saint was quietly formed after the salvation, and was named by Freya - Empire Knox.

But have the demons really failed completely?

In order to avoid Freya's pursuit and revenge, Elena hid in the Chaos Rift from the demons. Elena had never hated a person as much as she does now.

She must avenge the brave man.

We must make Freya, the betrayer, and the humans who helped Freya slander Liao Yu pay the price!
How to take revenge?
They, they have nothing left
"Maybe there is another way, Elena."

Compared to the despair of the little succubus, Leon stood up at this time.

The wise demon looked into the distance with his profound eyes, as if he had already discerned something.

He quickly said: "Have you forgotten, Elena, you still have one authority that you have not used."

"My. authority?"

Leon nodded: "Yes, the devil summons."

 Please take time off tomorrow to watch the S game! blg rush!
(End of this chapter)

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