Chapter 250 The Beginning of Dreams
In the Chaos Rift, the little succubus was awakened by Leon's words.

In the past, she had never thought about becoming a "Devil King" because of Liao Yu's status as a hero.

but now.

Seeing Liao Yu being betrayed by Freya, Elena realized that the devil she had been looking for was right in front of her, wasn't she?
After the saint took away the power of the hero, Liao Yu no longer had any restrictions.

Humans will betray Liao Yu.

But the demons won't.

She, Elena, even less!
What if brother Liao Yu loses his authority as a hero?

Now that Gu Luodan is dead and the position of the Demon King is vacant again, isn't now the best time to summon the Demon King again?

Moreover, if the devil summons
This is the oldest and longest inheritance from the demon clan. It must, must be possible to resurrect brother Liao Yu!
for sure!
The little succubus was extremely excited when she thought of this, but the idea was a good one. If she really wanted to realize it, Elena was stuck at the first difficulty.

How can I be sure that the "Demon King" summoned is a brave man?

Although according to the records in the inheritance, the Demon King Summoning Conference will respond to the expectations of the Succubus tribe to some extent, and combined with the situation, summon the Demon King that best suits the current situation of the Demon tribe, and Elena also believes that her own obsession with brother Liao Yu .

But what if.
What if the summoning ritual did not accept her plea and summoned another demon king?
In the past, when Liao Yu was still around, Elena didn't feel it so clearly, but after losing Liao Yu, the little succubus finally understood her heart. She could no longer get close to other people.

What if she were asked to serve a new, unfamiliar demon king and develop feelings for others?
Elena felt chills and nausea just thinking about that scene.

and so.

No matter what, this devil must be Liao Yu!

She must find a way to accurately lock the demon king's summons to Liao Yu and "reincarnate" the brave man as the demon king.

Just at this moment, Leon's voice sounded.

"Elena, I have a hero's relic here, it may be able to help."

Zhi Mo said and took out a stone from behind.

Leon told the little succubus that this is the soul stone of the brave man, and that Liao Yu's teacher Melvin personally sealed a small part of the brave man's soul inside.

"Leon, when did this happen, why didn't I know!"

This is definitely a surprise among surprises for Elena.

After all, this is not just a relic. If there is still a small part of the soul, the summoning will be foolproof.

The smart demon behind explained that Melvin had noticed Freya's anomaly a long time ago and secretly made preparations to communicate with him as a smart demon.

So he sent the magician to assist the legendary human mage to study the summoning of the devil together, and finally created this soul stone.

On the eve of the decisive battle, Melvin gave him the stone as a precaution.

After listening to Leon's words, Elena understood a lot. No wonder Melvin had withdrawn from their brave team very early, rarely participated in the battle, and was not even present at the decisive battle.

It turned out that he was preparing for the next step.
Very good!
The positioning problem was solved with the soul stone, and the last remaining problem was Elena's own strength.

She is still in her infancy, and if she wants to initiate the summons, she must at least wait until she reaches adulthood. As for the lifespan of a demon, adulthood may take a long time, measured in hundreds of years.

Collecting the memories with brother Liao Yu, the little succubus's face flashed with determination. From now on, she will take this as her goal and concentrate on practicing in the Chaos Rift. Until that day, when she grows up enough to launch the summons, it will not only be The beginning of her revenge is also the time when the demons sound the clarion call for counterattack.

Those who had the same idea as Elena were the elves on the other side of the horizon.

Elves and demons alike.

They are all long-lived species.Drifting in a star tree boat outside the human world, the body of the little elf princess is wrapped in a leaf chrysalis. Wilsey is determined to enter deep sleep. In the leaf chrysalis, she will absorb the knowledge inheritance of the elves and try her best to , accelerate your own growth.

When she breaks out of her cocoon, she will definitely return to the human world and find out the truth.

Unlike Elena, Velsey does not believe that Freya is a traitor.

The once gentle and reliable saint sister had long taken root in the heart of the little elf princess. She thought there must be some hidden meaning in it, and she also thought of something that Liao Yu had said to her back then.

"If we get separated one day, let's go to the secret stronghold to meet up."


Thinking of this, Wei Erxi believed even more that Liao Yu would not die so easily. After all, there was still an agreement between them.

In the future, she will go to the "secret stronghold" to investigate as soon as possible.

Keeping the name "Illinoe" in mind, the little elf princess fell into a deep sleep, waiting for her awakening a hundred years later.

Everywhere in the human world is celebrating the victory of the war between humans and demons.

There are also many thoughtful people who have discovered that this is the best era of opportunity.

The waste created by the war is full of endless possibilities.

This is the perfect time to reinvent class.

Some of the original civilians stood out and became new nobles, while some refugees relied on the war to soar into the sky and became new dignitaries.

As their identities change, their concepts gradually become different.

In the past, they and the brave men overthrew the landlords and made the nobles who were blood-sucking borers stand trial. Under the leadership of the brave men, they awakened their ideas and hated those who exploited them.

Now that they had become nobles, they began to reach out to their former selves and began new exploitation.

Power corrupts people, money is confusing.

If one regards one's struggle as cultivation.
You will find that this is not similar to the magic change of the "evil god".

As one's own capital becomes larger and larger, just like the mutation that occurs when magic power is cultivated to the end, one's consciousness will become smaller and smaller until it is transformed beyond recognition.

The wheel of history moves forward.

In a corner where no one was paying attention, Liao Yu appeared in Melvin's mage tower, and the two of them made one final confirmation.

The brave man is dead.

Even if the clone created with magic power fakes death, as long as enough people observe it and think it is a fact, then to this world, the hero is really dead.

Only when the world detects that the hero is dead will a new second-week "Demon King" line be opened.

This can be seen from the energy filled Philosopher's Stone in Liao Yu's hand.

Next, Elena only needs to use "Demon King Summoning" to make herself descend into the Chaos Rift, and it will be completely consistent with history, so that he can get the real bug.

The Demon King who comes from the Three Weeks Purpose and is also a hero.

It was not until here that Liao Yu discovered that the Philosopher's Stone did not change history and affect the future. It was more like he had completely arrived at another world line, assisting him in this world line and returning to the future that belonged to him.

How to put it, it's like going back to a certain point in the past and completing certain conditions to unlock the "hidden ending".

(End of this chapter)

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