Chapter 251 Recycling History
With the activation of the Philosopher's Stone, things around Liao Yu began to change rapidly.

The crystal blue light began to radiate around the world with Liao Yu as the center, just like the scene in the original "look back", but this time the scene began to move forward to the future.

The human world was rapidly rebuilt after the war, and the rise and fall of one country after another was rapidly evolving. With the "Emperor" as its core, the empire named Knox eventually became the world's hegemon. As a subsidiary, the Sorcerer Kingdom, the Inquisition, and the Glory The Holy Kingdom became the largest three kingdoms under the empire and divided up the rest of the world.

Of course, there are also some surrounding small countries and fringe forces, such as the Syndicate, Illinois, etc.

But far outside the human world, in the originally barren Chaos Rift, the demon clan could only survive by relying on the infinite regeneration of the demon-nurturing Ulala, but this time it was different.

Because of the changes in history, Elena formed a friendship with the little princess of the elves when she was a child. Although she usually always repaired the field, facing the difficulties of the demons, the many natural spells that Velxi once taught her were of great help. help.

Elves favored by nature, even in a desolate area like Chaos Rift, there are always plants surviving on it. Elena used the assistance of these elves to successfully help the demons and passed the most difficult time.

After hundreds of years of multiplying and reproducing in the Chaos Rift, the little succubus who could only flap its immature wings and stomp in the air has grown into an apostle who can stand alone.

Elena has become more beautiful. The petite and cute figure at that time has now become slender and plump. The antelope horns on her head are fuller and rounder, and the fleshy heart-shaped tail sticking out from behind her buttocks is swaying.

Perhaps the only thing that hasn't changed is Elena's excited and expectant eyes. She is extremely excited about the next "summoning", which is the hope of meeting the brave again.

She had been waiting for this moment for too long, and finally, now she has grown into a real succubus apostle. Over the past few hundred years, she has been practicing hard and sleeping round after round. She has enough strength. Power, activate the Demon King's summons.

Under the leadership of Elena, all the demons in the Chaos Rift gathered on the plain.

Except for the demons, the other eight apostles were located on both sides of the huge altar.

The apostles under the summoning ceremony were used to throw sacrifices into the magic circle.

The brain of the wise demon, the blade of the sword demon, the blood of the great demon, the touch of the nurturing demon, the eyes of the shadow demon, the feet of the rot demon, the tongue of the magic demon, and finally
Liao Yu saw Elena on the high platform of the altar and took a deep breath. The succubus finally moved toward the platform below, slit her wrist, and spread her blood and essence to the summoning circle, followed closely behind.
The formation summoned by the Demon King burst out with dazzling light, and the entire Chaos Fissure trembled violently. The sky-high light beam tore through the space, and a blurry figure finally emerged from the formation. It was none other than himself.

But this time, there was no provocation from the devil.

After all, for the demon clan, evil spirits are already a thing of the past.

The demons don't mind him as a hero.

On the contrary, precisely because they had experienced the terrifying power of the former brave man, millions of demons in the Chaos Rift roared excitedly at themselves, as if to express their joy.

The demons are lucky that such a strong man can become their king.

The energy of the Philosopher's Stone continues, and the calculation from "past" to "future" continues.

After successfully descending as the "Demon King", the first human country I chose to go to was still the small border country of Illinois as it was in the second week.

Because there was an agreement between him and the elves.

A hundred years later, Wei Erxi has grown from the little princess to a graceful girl who looks like a hibiscus emerging from the water.

She never forgot her original agreement.

They have always stayed in this secret stronghold that belongs to them.

Although it is slightly different from the past history.

But just like humans, they automatically ignore those unimportant memories and retain only the most special and meaningful images.

Most people don’t remember how many slices of bread they’ve eaten.

But I will definitely remember how hard I fought for a few minutes on my first night.

How he met Wilsey was not important. What was important was that they finally met again a hundred years later.The two little lolita who once surrounded the brave man are now together again. Although their stature and appearance have changed and they are now hundreds of years old beautiful girls, the fighting spirit and Shura field between them are still indispensable.

This time, Wilsey no longer needs to use the power of the devil to become an apostle.

She inherited the legacy of the Elf Queen in "Leaf Chrysalis" and could easily reach the realm of the Flower Apostle.

As for Wilsey's status as a "demon".

All we can say is that that night, the Elf Princess rode on the Demon King "over and over again" and ushered in a great victory.

At the same time, the demon clan's destructive advance continued.

The three major kingdoms fell one after another, and the relics of the brave were successfully returned to themselves.

In this way, as the "historical events" were gradually recycled, the light of the Philosopher's Stone in Liao Yu's hand became darker and darker. On the contrary, the world around him seemed to be going through a slideshow, from blurry black and white to gray, It's becoming clearer and clearer.

until the last node.

The Emperor activated the power of the relic to detonate the insect eggs on all humans. Faceless warriors surrounded the demons one by one, preparing to sound the clarion call for counterattack.

At this point, the timeline completely corresponds to the Second Eye, the Philosopher's Stone no longer shines, and the world in Liao Yu's eyes is once again filled with color.

He successfully came to a new future.

The original faceless warriors inherited the brave man's excellent fighting skills against the demons, which caused the situation to take a turn for the worse. The demons were forced to shrink their defenses, which involved a lot of energy.

At the same time, in order to protect themselves, they must fight against the faceless men, but once they kill the faceless men, they will also kill the transformed humans. The human race will suffer annihilation at the hands of the emperor.

But the new future is different.

I saw those faceless men, each holding a small branch, and they seemed to be very unpredictable, but in fact, their real fighting power, let alone the demons, might not even be able to defeat an adventurer.

They will only wave branches when facing the enemy. After all, this is what the brave men looked like in the past.

For such faceless men who pose no threat and cannot occupy the resources of the demon clan, Liao Yu ordered that the demon soldiers be sent to move these faceless men away one after another and protect them first.

In this way, the lives of these transformed humans can be temporarily saved.

It also allowed Liao Yu to free up his energy and prepare for the next battle - the showdown with the "Emperor" in the new future.
One of the goals of putting so much effort into creating a new future, which was to protect the human race in this world, has been completed.

And the next second goal should be.
Save Freya.

It is different from the "Emperor" who had no bonds and was tormented by the brave and the world.

The emperor in the new future is more like an agreement.

Because only by becoming the "Emperor" can Freya maintain the stability of the Philosopher's Stone, allowing herself to successfully calculate back to this new future and recover pieces of history.

But the price is that the saint will be forced to act as emperor for thousands of years.

Liao Yu knew that there must be too much to bear.

So now, it's my turn to make up for Freya.

(End of this chapter)

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