Chapter 3 You are too weak
Good news: You can travel back in time and enter the salvation game you have completed!

Bad news: He has become the king of the Dog Demon Tribe who was destroyed and sealed by himself as a "villain" in the game.

This opening is indeed much, much, much more difficult than in the game.

It seems that the [very simple] question about the beginning of the "protagonist"'s life experience in my questionnaire is not in vain!

This game really listens to players' voices!

I listen to you*——!

Must calm down now.

Liao Yu has read a lot of time-travel novels, such as "Second Week, They Are Full of Malice to Me", and the protagonist entered the second week of the game.

He can't panic.

Be sure to think calmly.

Game panel!

Game panel to the rescue!

We must inherit the invincible attribute of the "Child of Destiny" who can clear the final chapter alone by brushing countless demons crazily when we cleared the level!

Liao Yu frantically called for the system in his heart.

Good news, the familiar personal panel really calls out.

bad news.
【Liao Yu】

【Race: Human】

[Fate: Demon King]

[Secondary Fate Track: None]

【Strength: 1】

[Physical: 1]

【Mental Power: 1】

[Exquisite skills: 0]

[Spell power: 0]

【Lucky value: 1】

【Evil value: 103692498】

[Currently wearing the title: Heinous]

[Heinous crimes cannot be forgiven]

【Quality: Ultimate】

[Title equipment effect: According to the player's past behavior, the crime value will be increased proportionally]

Liao Yu: "."

He *--you dog official stupid*-has*-disease, right!
After a burst of birds singing and the fragrance of flowers in his heart, Liao Yu's most worried premonition came.

After all, in the questionnaire at that time, I also filled in the [very simple] option in the column of the protagonist's talent.

calm down!

At times like this, you must stay calm!

Liao Yu recalled a novel he had read called "I Turned a Cannon Fodder NPC into a Legendary Witch". The protagonist in it was also trash at the beginning, but it still didn't prevent him from becoming a legend later.

I now have a "devil king" destiny, although Liao Yu has never been exposed to this in the game, but just from the name, I know it must be awesome and has unlimited potential.

As long as you give him some development time, returning to the top will not be a problem!
Why has my own race not changed! !

Or human?

He wouldn't be so flustered if he gave Liao Yu a "devil clan" now.

When Liao Yu was thinking about the status quo crazily, the four leaders of the demon clan on the opposite side were also a little stuck in their brains, thinking crazily.

After all, Liao Yu's appearance now looks exactly like the devil they imagined.
The difference is a bit big.

Generally speaking, demons judge individual strength based on body shape and characteristics.

For example, the great demon Hercule, who is several meters tall, has terrifying muscles bulging all over his body, and a pair of huge hell claws are even more terrifying and vicious.

For example, Arpad, the sword demon, although he is thin and small, his limbs are completely specialized into blades, and any movement can easily kill the enemy.

Another example is Succubus Elena, at least she has antelope horns, succubus wings, and enchanting tail.

For example, the wise demon Leon, whose whole body is covered with snake scales, has cold snake eyes that make people shudder at first glance, and spits out letters to capture external pheromones from time to time.

And these characteristics as demons, they are on Liao Yu's body. One, not even one can be seen!
That's why they had subconscious thoughts before.


What appears on the altar is a "human" shadow.

But these four are basically the traditional Demon King faction, so even though they are full of confusion and incomprehension to Liao Yu, they still kneel on half knees and give their allegiance.

They did not dare to take any action before Liao Yu expressed or spoke.


Such a short-lived balance was soon broken.

The other five demon leaders who did not come to participate in the summoning ceremony have now arrived.

There was such a big movement at the altar that it even caused the entire Chaos Fissure to vibrate. The strange image of the dark light pillar rising into the sky could be seen no matter where it was.

The stronger the vision, the stronger the demon king.

This is a fact recognized in the inheritance of the Demon Race.

Therefore, whether there were urgent matters and tasks at hand, or the five demon chiefs who hadn't planned to participate in the ceremony, they immediately put down whatever they were doing and rushed over to check it out as quickly as possible.

that's it.

In front of Liao Yu, there were five more old friend BOSS who had been "single brushed" by him.

Shadow Demon Hill was wearing a cloak, covering his whole body in the shadow of the cloak, making it impossible to see his face and expression clearly.

Wearing a crow mask, only the lower half of the face is exposed, the sorcerer Dadaya.

A fat man like a butcher, Alice, a rotten demon crawling with maggots in the festering flesh all over her body.

A gigantic octopus with infinitely many regenerating tentacles, Yumoulala.

and finally
The whole body is covered with bandages, only the eyes are exposed, like a mummy, and now he is looking at his evil demon Guluodan with a novel look, as if he has discovered some interesting toy.

It was Grodan who broke the silence first.

"So, this is the Demon King you summoned, a human? Oh, sorry, it should be said that it seems to be a Demon King that has highly overlapping characteristics with humans?"

The demon made a harsh and bitter sound.

The succubus Elena frowned immediately. She wanted to go to Glordan for a long time, but now she exploded and stood up immediately, angrily yelling at the demon.

"Gu Luo Dan! Is this your attitude in front of the Demon King? Kneel down!"


The demon chuckled.

The bandaged face had many wrinkles.

His cloudy eyes withdrew from Liao Yu, as if he had finished identifying something, and turned to Elena with a sarcastic tone: "Elena, I'm sorry that you are the only one left in your succubus group. , after all, if other succubi are here, they will never let you, a fool, continue to be the leader, so keep your eyes peeled."

"What you summoned is not a demon king at all, but a human being, or a human being."

Gu Luodan turned his attention to Liao Yu in the center of the altar again.

"Still a very weak human being." The demon added.

at last.

Grodan's arrogant and joking words finally made the great demon Hercule on the other side unable to stand it anymore.

"Gu Luodan, you can choose not to follow the Demon King, but if you continue to disrespect the Demon King like this, I have the right to expel you according to the clan rules!"

Hercule stepped forward, with a strong body belonging to the great devil, and came to Guluodan. In comparison, Guluodan, as a demon, was like a child.

"Hehe. No wonder our Demon Race has fallen to where it is today. It seems that there are more than one blind idiots."

Although Gu Luodan still had to talk back, he did not dare to say anything more about Liao Yu due to Hercule's sense of oppression.

After all, among the nine apostles, the great demon and the sword demon are undoubtedly the strongest in terms of combat effectiveness.

The evil demon could only look at the position of the wise demon Leon.

"Leon, as a wise demon, don't you want to be the same as these idiots, and you will be loyal to each such demon king?"

Leon was silent at first.

Then he said: "As the initiator, I can feel that the ceremony was successful, and it was a perfect success. Gu Luodan, you should have seen the vision in the space just now, so you rushed over, right? "

What Leon said was indeed true.

Gu Luodan asked himself. To be honest, he was shocked at that time. He thought of countless excuses and was ready to kneel down in front of the Demon King. But when he came and saw such a Demon King, he Only then did I regain my energy,

Seeing that he couldn't convince the other apostles, and even Zhimo was still so stubborn, Grodan was a little annoyed.

"Haven't you noticed yet? Has your so-called Demon King ever said a word or shown his power to you?"

"Okay! Since you all want to be blind, turn a blind eye to the fact that the summoning failed, and want to continue to deceive yourself, then I, Grodan, will wake you up!"

In fact, it is very simple to prove that the demon king on the altar is not a demon king, but an ordinary human being.

Gu Luodan stepped away from his bandaged body and walked towards Liao Yu step by step.

It stopped when it was about ten meters away.

"Oh great demon king, I, Growdan, am honored to have a glimpse of your appearance. I wonder if you can satisfy me, a humble demon, with a small request?"

"I hope to have a duel with you. Of course, I have no intention of provoking you. I just want many fellow demons who have strong expectations for you to witness your powerful power. Oh! Don't worry, I understand. You have just been summoned and are not used to it yet, so I will lower the conditions a little bit."

"You don't need to defeat me, you can catch my five attacks oh no, three times, as long as you can catch my three attacks, then I, Glordan, will immediately offer my allegiance to you!"

"Then may I ask our venerable king, do you dare?"

Demons, also known as terrors.

This demon group is good at launching spiritual attacks, and can impose various negative states on the enemy. Fear, confusion, rebellion, etc. are all good tricks of demons.

Liao Yu clearly remembered that in the game plot, the evil demon Gu Luodan single-handedly destroyed countless human fortresses that were originally easy to defend and difficult to attack. The guards inside were destroyed without attack, abandoned the city, and even fled. Take the initiative to open the city gate wide, surrender and beg for mercy.

This made it easy for the demons to drive straight in, and countless ordinary people in the city became slaves of the demons at once.

Now Gu Luodan also used his ability in speaking skills and activated his fear aura.

According to the deduction in the demon's mind, the next Liao Yu, this weak human being who was wrongly summoned by the ceremony, will soon kneel down and beg for mercy, showing a full ugly face.


However, Gu Luodan would not have thought that Liao Yu was indeed a human being, a weak human being, but he was also a weak human being who had "singled" them.

The aura of fear is entirely psychological.

It can infinitely magnify inner fear.

Ordinary human beings would be terrified in their hearts just by seeing Glordan covered in bandages like this, with his sneaky eyes, and hearing the name of the demon.

As long as you have fear and fear, you are playing into Gu Luodan's hands and will be infinitely amplified by the evil spirit.

Liao Yu, who has studied these demon bosses for a long time, has no idea how many times he has studied these demon bosses because he needs to make a single achievement. He couldn't be more clear about the little trick that Gu Luodan used now and the aura of fear imposed on him. .

As for the coping method, it is also very simple.

The low level is called courage, and it is also a strategy commonly used by the Alliance Army in the game later.

The intermediate level is called faith, which is to cover the inner fear with faith, which is the practice of the church army.

The advanced method is called.
"You are too weak."

"Not fit."

(End of this chapter)

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