Chapter 4 You guys, let's go together

Liao Yu spoke on the altar and calmly shook his head at the demon below.

Human fear comes from the unknown.

Unfortunately, Liao Yu knew more about demons than Gu Luodan himself.

Human fear comes from status differences.

Unfortunately, Liao Yu is very clear about his current destiny, named Demon King, who is the king of all demons. As an apostle, Gu Luodan is his subordinate.

Human fear comes from past experiences.

Not coincidentally, as Liao Yu, who had single-handedly defeated Guluodan, he had almost never been defeated, and some of them just looked down on him, the defeated boss.

When the object of the fear aura cannot generate fear, or even despises you in turn, the fear aura will break down on its own.

Therefore, in the game, the evil demon Gu Luodan, this BOSS was evaluated by Liao Yu as a good player in the abuse of food.

But don't say it's a high-pressure situation, if you meet someone who is evenly matched, you will stop cooking directly, and you are completely a blank slate boss.

Compared with the real strength, Liao Yu was the most difficult to crack at the beginning, and the hard-boned boss who had been dented for several days. For the sword demon and the big devil, it was simply an appetizer.

You are too weak to deserve it.

Liao Yu said this sentence from the heart.

And to the ears of Growdan on the opposite side, the demon was angry, but in his heart, the shock was far greater than the anger.

Why isn't this human being affected by his fear aura! ?

This. This is not right!
He can clearly sense that the human beings on the altar are very weak. This is his unique talent of "perception of the weak" as a demon, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it!
But why.
Why is this damned human pretending to be a demon king not afraid of himself, even still there, still despising him?
just like.
A real devil! ?

Exactly as what Liao Yu had guessed in his heart, a master of food abuse like a demon would only play with the wind. After a little abnormality that was out of his control, Gu Luodan panicked.

He was obviously humiliated by himself in this way, but Gu Luodan didn't speak, let alone dared to talk back to him.

Because the devil is afraid.

Afraid that he would make a wrong judgment, what should he do if he really is the devil?
It is true that Liao Yu did not inherit the invincible attribute of "Son of Destiny".

But he spent tens of thousands of hours in "The Fallen", and the ashes-level world knowledge he accumulated is still in his mind.


Seeing Gu Luodan's current dilemma, another apostle in the square of the altar let out an undisguised laugh.

"Golodan, I'm sorry that you still have so many evil demons, but you actually let this idiot be the leader. Keep your eyes open, that is our king, who is about to lead our demons to glory. king!"

Succubus Elena immediately sneered.

Still intact, she returned Gulodan's previous mocking words to her.

Therefore, Liao Yu looked at Elena.

This is the apostle who has defended himself the most on the scene from the very beginning.


The most steadfast king supporter among the demons.

It is also the only apostle boss that he has completely killed in the game.

Other Apostle BOSS can hide the original body in the Chaos Crack, so he can only repel it.

Although the succubus can do the same, but in the final battle, the apostle of the succubus chose to fight in real body, advance and retreat with their demon king, and fight with themselves together.

Of course, in the end, the demon king was killed, and the succubus apostle also died in love.

Just now, Liao Yu didn't pay much attention because he was still in the confusion of time travel.

But now take another look.
The succubus apostle in front of him is only about the same size as the previous generation, but his actual appearance has indeed changed, and he is much younger. Obviously, he is a new generation of succubus apostle.

This is not good news for Liao Yu.

Liao Yu traveled over, not only calmly thinking about his panel, but also observing and analyzing the situation through the communication between the apostles.

First of all, I don't know if it's because the previous generation of demon kings defeated their subordinates miserably, or because my human image really doesn't meet their expectations of the demon king.

In short, these apostles were obviously not that respectful towards themselves.

Liao Yu remembered that the Demon King Summoning Ceremony in the game should be held by the nine great apostles.

But the first thing he saw, there were only four of them.

The remaining five apostles arrived belatedly.

And when Glordan provoked him so much, apart from Elena, only Hercule took the initiative to stop Glordan.

Wise Demon Leon retorted after being questioned, which shows that Wise Demon doesn't actually trust him that much in his heart.

And his only die-hard fan, the succubus Elena, is still a new generation, and her strength is definitely much weaker than other veteran apostles. It is obviously unrealistic to really expect Elena to protect herself alone.

this gambit
It does fit the [very simple] questionnaire.

Liao Yu let out a sigh of relief.

He already has a way to break the situation.

It should be said that Liao Yu felt a lot more relaxed when he saw his terrifying nine-digit crime value on the game panel.

For him, who is on the side of human justice in the game, the evil value is a purely negative attribute.

But here it is.

On the side of the demons as the villain camp.
Liao Yu looked away.

Although I suppressed Growdan, but seeing the demon like this, he still didn't give up. He had to come up with something, and I'm afraid he could suppress him, as well as the remaining apostles.

In that case
Then just take some out yourself.


Liao Yu spoke again.

"Golodan, I agree with your suggestion just now. The demons have endured for too long, and have been aggrieved for too long. I should indeed respond to your expectations. Let you, let you, let the millions of fellow demons below, see to hope."

"So, I am willing to fight with the real strong among you."

Gu Luodan likes the yin and yang, and so does Liao Yu.

He emphasized the words "truly strong" and coupled with the previous words "you are too weak and unworthy" is equivalent to a slap in the face of Gu Luodan among the demons.

Although the evil demon's face is now covered with bandages and his expression cannot be clearly seen, one thing can still be seen from Gu Luodan's clenched fists.

Of course, among the apostles present, no one paid attention to Glordan anymore.

All their attention was focused on Liao Yu, their new demon king.

real strong.

The apostles were wondering what Liao Yu meant.

And then, Liao Yu finally set his sights on the great demon "Hercule".

Among the nine apostles, in terms of physical fitness and combat effectiveness, the Archdemon is undoubtedly ranked first.

It means that if you give up one hand, you can easily destroy the evil ancient Lordan.

When Elena saw this, she couldn't help but speak out immediately.

The succubus wanted to stop Liao Yu. She knew very well how powerful Hercule was. Liao Yu had only just been summoned, and it was too risky to fight Hercule, a martial artist as soon as he came up!
It's a pity that Hercule got ahead of her.

Seeing Liao Yu's gaze on himself, and adding the phrase "truly strong", this great demon suddenly felt the blood of the demon all over his body boil.

It is his honor as an apostle and as a great devil to be valued and selected by the devil in this way.

Hercule stood up immediately.

The big devil's strong body bowed deeply to Liao Yu who was very weak in comparison on the altar, as if he was apologizing for the next battle with the devil Liao Yu.

But soon, when Hercule raised his head again, the big devil's eyes were filled with burning fighting spirit.

"It's my honor to be the king's stepping stone. I will live up to the king's will and do my best!" Hercule slammed his fist on his brown chest, and it was obvious that there was no falsehood, it was all from the heart.

The succubus Elena at the back saw the appearance of the great demon, and her last illusion of "Hercule can be smarter, and put some water on the Lord Demon King" was also shattered.

Especially the stupid "go all out" made Elena stomp her feet in anger.

However, Liao Yu on the altar did not have many surprises.

After all, the big devil has such a personality.

Straight to the point.

A very pure martial artist.

Hercule is also the only one. In the game's BOSS battle, there is no BOSS that frequently calls mobs for help like other apostles. No matter what stage, Hercule is the only one to challenge himself.

Of course, he is also the one with the most dents in a single brush stroke.

no way.

As a big devil, Hercule's own supermodel attribute is one of them, and what makes Liao Yu's headache in the game even more is Hercule's domain skills.

When the power reaches a certain level and a more complete destiny is illuminated, the strong can have their own domains.

Domains are the force of the rules.

After pulling the opponent into the field, you can fight the opponent under the rules that are beneficial to you.

And Hercule's domain power is very perverted.

Its name is——【Blooming Malice】

The effect is judged based on the sin value of both parties, and their respective attribute values ​​are increased in equal proportions. Of course, the degree of improvement cannot exceed three times of Hercule's own attribute value at most.

Liao Yu clearly remembered that he used detection skills to detect Hercule.

The crime value of this big devil is as high as tens of thousands!
What is the concept of tens of thousands of evil points?
In the game, after robbing passers-by's vehicles ten times, a little crime value will be added.

After trespassing into other people's homes and public areas ten times, five crime points will be added.

Even if Liao Yu has done the things that increase the most crime points, such as overthrowing the statue of fate, stealing cough cough and borrowing other people's god religions and family heirlooms, it only adds [-] points of crime points.

And when the crime value exceeds [-] points, it will trigger a warning from the Church of Radiance. If it exceeds [-] points, the Church of Radiance will send people to arrest you.

Liao Yu's highest sin value in the game was only 845 points.

When the game later reaches the main event of "Demon Invasion", every ten low-level demons killed can offset a little of the sin value. Therefore, when Liao Yu and Hercule fought, the sin value had already been reduced to 0. up.

This is equivalent to the fact that Hercule's malicious bloom can eat tens of thousands of evil points to bring about domain effects, so that the attribute value of the supermodel three-dimensional big devil at that time has nearly doubled, and his own Zero evil value means nothing.

This is domain skills.

This is the power of rules.

It seems that both sides are under the same rules, but in fact they are not.

Pull your mind back from this difficult BOSS battle in the past.

Now Liao Yu looked at him again, full of fighting spirit, and he felt very cordial to the great demon Hercule, who was about to challenge him one-on-one.

You are worth [-] sins?

Feng Shui turns.

After torturing himself in the game for so long, it’s time for him to enjoy it and enjoy the full field effect of Sinful Bloom!

With his sin value of hundreds of millions, he can undoubtedly directly raise the attribute to the upper limit of the field, allowing him to experience what it feels like to be three times Hercule!

Such a good opportunity cannot be missed.

What I urgently need now is to establish prestige.

A strong proof was desperately needed to convince the apostles that he was not a man.

Liao Yu felt that it was almost meaningless to crush a big demon. After all, his real attributes were actually the same as Gul'dan's unique "weak perception" as a demon.

So Liao Yu had to do it in one step.

Only by opening with one punch can a hundred punches be avoided.

And three times the attributes of Hercule, not to mention single-handedly fighting the big devil, Liao Yu felt that there would be no problem with another apostle.

This has nothing to do with combat skills or anything else, it's purely numerical crushing.

But just in case, don't overdo it. You can't choose those auxiliary apostles with weakness and control ability.

It would be best to have another BOSS like Hercule, with no fancy spells and abilities, and a pure hand-to-hand combat type BOSS!

The candidate here is very clear.

Liao Yu ignored Hercule who was eager to fight and was waiting to fight him.

Instead, he set his sights on another apostle.

Sword Demon.


The Demonic Edge.

Liao Yu's action made the apostles present unable to understand and confused.

What do you mean?
Could it be that the Demon King repented and was frightened by Hercule's all-out effort?Want to change your battle target?

Even Hercule himself thought so.

The great demon's fighting spirit suddenly seemed to be reduced a lot because of disappointment.

However, although the sword demon Arpad is inferior to him in strength, he still ranks second in combat effectiveness among the nine apostles.

It would be great to watch such a battle.

Hercule could only comfort himself in this way.

The succubus Elena on the other side was relieved when she saw this.

She secretly thought in her heart, sure enough, the devil still understands, and she is not so reckless.

Although it is indeed a little bit to change partners midway
But it's better than being messed up by that big guy Hercule!

Elena knew about the sword demon Arpad.

Compared with Hercule, although Arpad is also very powerful, he is much more careful than the big devil. After all, he is the vanguard of the demons and an assassin. Yes, it will never make Wang ugly or make a fool of himself.

it is good!
very good!

Eileen's beautiful succubus face showed a relieved and happy smile, but the next second, her smile froze.

Liao Yu said again:

"Apad, you too. Come up together."

(End of this chapter)

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