Chapter 30 Miss Alice

The sound seems a bit cute.

Like a little girl who just learned to speak.

But as the little girl, twisting her bloated body of several hundred kilograms and with a big belly, walked out of the quagmire full of corpses and decay, Aznor
Aznor froze.

"Humans. Living humans hehe Leon brother is so nice"

Facing the rotten demon who was crying and wiping the bugs leaking from his grin with his hand, Leon said lightly: "Alice, you also want to thank the king for his promise to give you humanity."

"Alice knows. Thank you Wang. Alice. I also like Wang. I like it the most."

"There are several human corpses here. These are not toys. The king needs your ability to analyze these corpses and this one."

Next, the wise demon took out the bodies of the business group thugs and Master Blue from the space ring, threw them to the excited rot demon, and told Alice about the "egg".

"Leave it to Alice, hehe. Alice is the best at dealing with dead bodies. Hehe."

While talking, Alice spit out a large amount of mud from her mouth at the same time.

If you look closely, it's not mud, but a group of fast wriggling bugs.

They rushed to the corpses thrown by the wise demons, and after quickly burrowing in, within a few breaths, the wounds of these dead and rotten corpses healed miraculously. It was also stitched together by the bugs.

The corpses that followed stood up one after another, as if they had become Alice's puppets.

Seeing Alice dancing and dancing, as if she had a few more dolls, she looked very happy, Zhimo couldn't help reminding:
"The corpse doesn't matter, but be careful not to let this living human being die. This is a rare specimen. If it dies, you don't know when it will be available again."

"Hehe. Alice will cherish his pinch. Hehe."

Seeing this, Leon nodded, turned and left.

The frightened Aznor who was left behind yelled wildly, calling for Leon, begging the smart demon to take him away.

He spread his legs and ran wildly, desperately trying to escape from this butcher-like, terrifying, ugly and disgusting female monster.

Unfortunately, at some point, many bugs emerged from his trousers and cuffs, and these bugs crawled into Azno's body along his nose, ears, and shouting mouth.

Aznor began to feel blurred vision, and there were insects crawling in front of his eyes.

He waved his arms, trying to drive away the bugs in his field of vision, but no matter how he waved his arms, the bugs seemed to linger. Only later did Aznault realize that the bugs were not outside, but in the corneas of his eyes. , is crawling inside his eyes.

The screaming Azno grabbed his eyes with his hands, trying to grab the bug out, but soon he couldn't even scream, because as soon as he opened his mouth, new bugs gushed out of his throat.


In the end, Arznault fell to the ground. Alice stretched out her blood-red tongue, which was several meters long and covered with barbs. She gently rolled it up and dragged it back to the putrid-smelling quagmire little by little. inside.

As the most "precious" toy, it naturally needs to be placed in the best box.

Alice's asymmetrical arms, one big and one small, were placed on both sides of her belly, and when she tore it hard, the belly split from the middle, revealing a terrifying abyss like a wriggling hole inside.


As Arznault's eyes widened in horror, Alice stuffed him into her stomach.

The business group owner who was struggling in vain could only watch as Alice's stomach closed little by little, the last light disappeared, and she fell into an abyss of flesh and blood.

"Come and play with Alice, hehe."

With a big belly, Alice jumped up and down, like a little girl returning home with a full load, happily returning to the depths of the corpse pit.

The early morning sun poured into the room.

The cheerful chirping of the sparrows on the branches of the trees woke Liao Yu from his sleep.

Liao Yu, who had recovered a little bit of consciousness, his first reaction was that he seemed to be holding something.

Liao Yu, who was in a daze, touched and pinched subconsciously.

The temperature is cool.

It is very soft to the touch.

All in all, it makes people feel very comfortable, and I don't want to let go.

what is this?

When Liao Yu opened his eyes, his vision was clear, and he saw the "cool pillow" being hugged and rubbed by him. This "cool pillow" happened to be looking at him as well.

Just like that, Liao Yu and Hill, who had taken off his cloak, looked at each other.

Time in the room seemed to have frozen at this moment.

After a few seconds.


Liao Yu coughed violently to relieve and cover up his nervousness.
From the moment he saw the Shadow Demon in his arms, Liao Yu lost all sleep and suddenly woke up.

Although he pretended to be calm on the surface.

He calmly let go of Hill, got up and got out of bed, as if nothing had happened.

But in fact, Liao Yu was very panicked inside.

what's the situation?
When it comes to Elena, Liao Yu thinks it's normal, which is why he doesn't dare to bring the succubus. But when it comes to Hill, that's a shadow demon, a big ice lump. How could it be possible?
"Wang, do you feel better?" Just when Liao Yu was in confusion, Hill spoke first.

Feel better?
Seeing that Liao Yu didn't understand, Hill quickly added: "Did Hill make the king less lonely?"

As soon as this sentence came out, Liao Yu suddenly realized.

This is it.

It was my own thinking that I blamed Hill.

Instead, there were many emotions welling up in my heart.

I just mentioned it so casually, but Hill paid so much attention to it, and even changed his habits to stay with him on the bed.

She really is.

Liao Yu touched Hill's head.

"Of course, with Hill here, I'm not lonely at all."

Shadow Demon seemed to enjoy Liao Yu's touch.

He lowered his head slightly.

The already petite body is more like a kitten.

"Hill understands."

Shadow Demon nodded seriously.

Look at that, it seems that I will climb into Liao Yu's bed every night in the future, and become the king's "Lonely Relief Ji".

Liao Yu: "."

"I have a question Hill, why did you take all your clothes off?"

"Don't the king like this?"

Hill tilted his head and asked back.

It seemed to be saying that when Liao Yu lifted her cloak before, she understood that Liao Yu didn't like her being wrapped up so tightly and liked this "stripping off" style.

Liao Yu: "."

"You can take off the cloak next time, but don't need the one underneath!"

"Understood the king."

"Also, don't tell Elena about this matter after you go back." Liao Yu added seriously.

"Understood the king."

"Don't tell the other apostles either!"

"Understood the king."

After the episode, I packed up my luggage and slept with Xie Meimei in my arms last night. Liao Yu, who is now full of energy, is full of energy and walks out with Shadow Demon.

"King, where should we go next?"

"Adventurers Association."

(End of this chapter)

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