Chapter 31
After leaving the hotel, Liao Yu first bought a guide map of the city from a nearby vendor.

The guide map is very clear. It not only has an overview map of the city, but also subdivides it into regional sections with different functions. There are even simple explanatory notes on several key areas and landmark buildings.

With such a complete and easy-to-use guide map, it is obvious that there must be many "outsiders" like them entering the city every day.

Expanding the guide map, Liao Yu took Hill on the street, watching while walking.

First of all, they guessed right at first, such a large and prosperous city is the royal city of a country - the Kingdom of Illinois.

On the map, Wangcheng is divided into several parts, which seems to be convenient for uneducated outsiders to read, so the representation is very simple, using administrative districts, queen districts, college districts, scenic districts, etc. This is an easy-to-understand way.

Among them, the Adventurer's Association that Liao Yu was looking for was a key building and should be very popular among outsiders, so there were additional marks on the map, which saved Liao Yu a lot of trouble.

The association is not far from them. You can reach it by following the main road of the royal city. It is located in the central square area on the map.

After arriving at this huge oval square, the excitement around it has increased by several points.

There were various crowds of people coming and going, an endless stream of carriages coming and going, and shop owners clamoring for sales.

The so-called central square area is actually the large commercial circle of Wangcheng, and places like this are always the most vibrant.

Liao Yu could feel that under this scene, Hill's body beside him became much tighter.


The demons have been sealed in the barren chaotic rift for thousands of years. In contrast, human beings live such a prosperous and affluent life, and in terms of the number of groups, it is still more than double that of a thousand years ago.

You must know that thousands of years ago, human beings could have a city with a population of several 10, which was considered one of the best, and it was very rare.

But now Liao Yu estimates that the population of this royal city must be at least a million.

Thinking of this, Liao Yu took the initiative to hold Hill's hand.

Shadow Demon's body immediately paused.

However, after seeing the comforting look from Liao Yu, Hill quickly adjusted his emotions. His body was no longer so tense due to the many humans around him, but he was always focused, maintained taboos, and focused on Wang Ping'an. The protective attitude is not lacking at all.

Even in the bustling Grand Central Plaza, the building of the Adventurer's Association is very eye-catching, a bit of a landmark.

After all, there is no Adventurer's Guild in the world of sword and sorcery, just like there is no Tifa in 3D.

Even though thousands of years have passed, the "Sword and Star" emblem of the Adventure Association has not changed, so Liao Yu finally regained a sense of familiarity.

The Adventurer's Association is the first force he joined in the first play, and it can also be said that it is the starting point of all "Children of Destiny" stories.

With such a nostalgic mood, Liao Yu walked into the hall of the association.

Compared to a thousand years ago, the association has obviously been updated many times. It may have been like a small wooden cabin before, but now the hall is extremely spacious, able to accommodate hundreds of people, with three floors inside and three outside, and various The guidance was also done very well.

As soon as he entered, there was a very prominent sign, a registration area specially opened for "newcomers". After Liao Yu turned in along the passage, two more signs appeared.

[Wangcheng household registration/other identity certificates], [non-wangcheng household registration]

Good guy.

Liao Yu didn't hold back a little.

It seems that no matter what type of human civilization they are, they all reach the same destination by different paths. After they develop to a certain level, they can all see the shadow of familiarity with each other.

In fact, if you really want to say, there are all kinds of "adventurers" on Blue Star, but they are called differently, takeaway, courier, maintenance worker, companion, etc.
Liao Yu walked into the "outsider" registration channel, but the next scene was a little different from what he imagined.

"What! The registration fee is actually 5 silver? It's only a dozen coppers in Jonesse City. Why are you so expensive!"

"Sorry sir, the association's registration fee will be adjusted according to the location. It is normal for there to be fluctuations."

"Okay, then tell me, why can they register for free!?"

The angry middle-aged man who was speaking pointed to the registration area of ​​"non-wangcheng household registration" where Liao Yu was.

That's right.

To Liao Yu's surprise, the treatment of these "outsiders" was actually better than that of city residents.

At least that's the case based on current registrations.

As soon as Liao Yu came over, staff members wearing Peugeot uniforms came to greet him.

After confirming that Liao Yu had never registered anywhere, he took out a magic stone and handed it to Liao Yu. This is the same as the tradition thousands of years ago. After putting it on, it can flash the corresponding light according to the user's power level.
It stands to reason that there is a fee for this testing process, but the staff has no intention of charging money at all.

This is not just Liao Yu. All the registration areas for "foreigners" seem to be completely free. None of them charge money. On the contrary, those with Wangcheng household registration or other main city-level household registrations will be charged a registration fee of 5 silver. .

This is exactly what the middle-aged man in front was dissatisfied with.

As for the reason
The staff member in front of Liao Yu smiled and said:

"Sir, all your subsequent registration fees will be provided by the Five Flowers Alliance."

"The Five Flowers Alliance has a long history of hundreds of years in the Kingdom of Illinois. The alliance was first initiated by the Grand Duke of the Kingdom, Mrs. Walker, and was jointly established with the other three countesses and Countess Perlo. The original intention of the alliance was , is to resist the Kingdom’s household registration system and is committed to helping those on the borders of the Kingdom and in remote mountainous areas.”

"The Five Flowers Alliance hopes that in the Kingdom of Illinois, there will no longer be discrimination based on geography, and there will be no more classifications based on household registration status, and everyone will be able to get equal and fair development opportunities."

The staff gave explanations not only to Liao Yu, but also to all newcomers who came to register in the association.

Suddenly, many adventurers who were in the same queue as Liao Yu, and whose clothes clearly looked a little rustic and poor, and came from other places, clapped their hands and applauded.

Some people even preached to others around them:
"Wuhua Alliance. I think I've heard of it! Someone from this alliance came to our village and gave us a lot of food! They also picked up my sister and many children from the village and sent them to the university for free. City Reading! I recognize them! That’s the sign!”

"Don't tell me, I seem to have some impression. In the newspaper a few years ago, there seemed to be an article published by the Five Flowers Alliance publicly criticizing the eldest princess, which received the voice and support of many cities in the kingdom at that time!"

As soon as this foreign adventurer mentioned the eldest princess, Liao Yu found that the emotions of the surrounding people seemed to become more intense.

From their faces, one can see a lot of resentment and dissatisfaction with this "Elder Empress".

"Good criticism! This is the aristocrat we want! It can help us low-level people to speak up! Since the empress entered politics, let's see what she has implemented? Mandatory household registration system, mandatory addition of multiple checkpoints for entering the city, They deliberately prevented us from entering the city, and even forcibly restricted the positions in various places not to recruit too many foreigners!"

"That's right, don't mention this! My sister was originally favored by a big business group in the city, and they all negotiated. But because she violated the new constitution of the princess, the positions for foreigners in that business group were full. As a result, The city guards forcibly deported my sister, and now she can only stay in our little shabby village, it’s so abominable!”

"Let me tell you, if this continues, sooner or later our Illinois Kingdom will be destroyed by that eldest princess!"

"Shh! Be careful, this is Wangcheng, if you speak ill of the eldest princess, you will be arrested!"

"Everyone, stop talking. At least we in the Kingdom of Illinois and the Five Flowers Alliance have kind-hearted nobles who can think about us, right?"

"Thanks to the Five Flowers Alliance! Thanks to the nobles!"

(End of this chapter)

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