Chapter 32 Four Star Commission
Liao Yu put his hand on the magic stone, and Hill next to him immediately tensed up. Shadow Demon was obviously prepared for the worst. If the king was exposed by human detection, she would do her best to protect the king and retreat.

And following the faint white light emitted from the Philosopher's Stone, which symbolizes the lowest level, Hill let go of his hanging heart after seeing this scene, and at the same time, he admired Liao Yu's eyes even more.

Human magic stones existed thousands of years ago, so Hill knew very well that even their shadow demons could not guarantee 100% concealment for such stones, but Wang
The king is not only powerful and insightful, but even far surpasses their shadow demons in terms of concealing aura!

It is easy to hide it from humans. He obviously has top power, but he can still disguise such a low-level illusion on the magic stone.

Hill asked herself, even though she could hide from the Philosopher's Stone, there would always be a little bit of it exposed.

And even if it is only a little bit, after being detected by the Sorcerer's Stone, it may immediately make the stone shine brightly. If it is a relatively low-level Sorcerer's Stone, it will directly explode because it cannot bear it.

In the war between humans and demons thousands of years ago, that cunning Son of Destiny took advantage of this.

Deliberately using the lowest and inferior Sorcerer's Stone to check the high-level human beings, they were easily ruled out. Many of the spies that the demons had finally planted and infiltrated caused them to suffer heavy losses.

Touching the scene again, the Shadow Demon pursed his lips. Even with Hill's character, he still harbored deep shadows and fears about the Man of Destiny thousands of years ago.

This is why she can clearly sense that the humans around her are extremely weak, and they are all ants that she can crush with half a finger, but she is still extremely vigilant and does not dare to relax at all.

But on the other hand.

Just as Zhimo said, the new king ushered in by the demons after a thousand years is like an infinite treasure. The more they get in touch, the more they will find that the king is full of surprises.

The haze that once shrouded the Son of Destiny seemed to melt away a little while she was on the way to follow the new king. The confidence that belonged to her and belonged to the demon clan, which had been crushed by the Son of Destiny, was being regained little by little.

the other side.

Liao Yu could feel the reverent eyes from Hill.

can be practical.
Liao Yu is also the most aware of the pain in his heart.

He has all attributes of "1", so there is no need for concealment.

It's completely true to her character, pure and natural.

This also made Liao Yu more determined to improve himself quickly.

There is no need to go far.

As long as the registration is completed, with the identity of an adventurer, after receiving four random commissions and completing daily tasks, the rewards given by the system, with the blessing of a hundred times the magic king's fate, he can directly reborn today, and he will be promoted without saying a word or three grade ten!
Seeing that Liao Yu's Philosopher's Stone finally came out, the staff didn't discriminate against Liao Yu because of it.

Rather, this is the current situation of the vast majority of new adventurers from other places.

Originally, when the staff saw Liao Yu, they brought a companion and wanted to test Hill as well, but Liao Yu stopped him and signaled that he didn't need it. After that, all the procedures went smoothly. After a while, Liao Yu's chest Before that, there was an additional adventurer badge symbolizing the "Black Iron Rank".

"Sir, this is a commission list provided by the association based on your rating. You have complete right to choose."

"However, please note that once you accept the entrustment, any breach, revocation, failure, etc. will be recorded and affect your credit rating. Once your credit score is too low, we will forcefully cancel your certification in the association. And you will not be able to apply for qualifications from the association again within a certain period of time."

As the staff member spoke, he handed a board to Liao Yu. A simple little spell was cast on the board, and the words appeared using magic. In front of Liao Yu, almost a dozen commissions were listed.

Because it is the lowest level of black iron, the content of the entrustment is very simple. Basically, it is about running errands such as sending letters and delivering goods.

These commissions are simple and simple, but the rewards are really low, basically only a dozen copper coins for a trip, and you may not earn a silver if you run for a day.

But this doesn't matter to Liao Yu. What he expects is not the reward from his employer. The bulk of the system reward is the key.

"What do these red marks mean?"

Liao Yu pointed to the five or six commissions at the forefront of the commission board. They not only had different colors, but also paid more than the latter ones.

"Sir, this is a commission issued by the Five Flowers Alliance. As an adventurer who has received funding from the Five Flowers Alliance, the association will give you priority in sending you commissions related to the Five Flowers Alliance in accordance with regulations."

That's it.
Liao Yu looked around at the same group of adventurers who joined him. Almost the vast majority of these newcomers from other places chose to take over the red label commission, that is, to work for the Five Flowers Alliance.

This is normal. After all, I have just received the favor of the Five Flowers Alliance. Out of reason, it must be on the side of the Five Flowers Alliance. What's more, the entrustment given by the Five Flowers Alliance is a little higher than the others. If so, then there is no reason not to choose.

Liao Yu didn't comment much on this kind of famous brand's ability to win people's hearts. After all, they did give real benefits.

However, because Liao Yu didn't want to be paid, he didn't plan to take on the Five Flowers Alliance. He just wanted to find four tasks that could be completed in the simplest and fastest way.

But at this time, Liao Yu noticed that Hill around him seemed to have changed a little, his eyes had been fixed on a certain entrusted position, and he hadn't moved for a long time.

And that was one of the five-flower alliance commissions marked in eye-catching red at the very beginning.

[Search and rescue the lost Bululu! 】

The picture below the commission is of a very cute ragdoll cat with snow-white hair. Obviously Bu Lulu is referring to this kitten.

When Liao Yu moved his finger to other commissions, Hill's eyes darkened a little, and when his finger returned to this one, Hill's eyes lit up again.


Unexpectedly, Liao Yu accidentally discovered Hill's cat control attribute.

In that case, this is it.

Liao Yu directly entrusted the search and rescue of the kitten to be entered by the staff. During Liao Yu's mission, this entrustment would disappear from other adventurers.

In addition to satisfying Xia Hill, the special nature of this commission itself is also one of the reasons. From Liao Yu's system perspective, it shows a "four-star" task.

There are a total of four stars in the daily task, you can pick up four one-star ones, or use one four-star one, and you can get full rewards.

The only difference is that although the latter is easier, it is actually more difficult.

A search and rescue kitten can reach four stars, which only shows that the employer who issued the commission and the owner behind the kitten may have a complicated background.

After receiving the entrustment, Liao Yu got the follow-up details.

According to the client's description, Bu Lulu was lost in the Queens District. This kind of place is not a place that common people would go to. It is equivalent to the back garden of the nobles in the royal city, which further confirms Liao Yu's previous speculation.

Although the consignor gave the specific scope of the lost cat, but it is really hard to find it. It is estimated that it will take half a day, but for Hill, let alone the apostle, for a shadow demon, it is like finding lost items. This kind of thing should not be too simple.

When she came to the place where the kitten was lost, Hill directly activated her ability. Any shadow could become her eyes. In just a few seconds, Hill nodded to Liao Yu and walked quickly towards a big tree. go.

As soon as he arrived under the shade of the tree, he could hear the sound of "meow meow". Hill tapped his toes and jumped up the treetop with ease, where a white puppet cat was meowing non-stop. It's the kitten on commission.

Hill reached out to the kitten, and very rarely used a very gentle way to gently hug the kitten into his arms, and even stroked the kitten's head back and forth. He didn't look like a terrifying apostle of the demon race at all.

After jumping down from the tree with the kitten in his arms, Hill seemed to have noticed his gaffe. Hill bowed his head shyly towards Liao Yu, as if revealing some shameful habit in front of Wang.

Liao Yu didn't care, but was quite happy.

The demons are not just a race that is full of destruction and killing, but also have their own side.

Thinking of this, Liao Yu was going to take Kitten and Hill back to the association to deliver the commission.


Then Hill suddenly frowned, and the loving and gentle look of holding the kitten just now disappeared completely.

"Wang, this kitten is wrong."

Hill seemed to have sensed something, changed his approach, and directly grabbed the back of the kitten's neck with his hands. The kitten who was "meowing" just now seemed to be frightened, shaking its limbs in panic .

Something is wrong?
what is this about?
wait, don't you say
Liao Yu quickly guessed that the only one who could change Hill's face was the one at the moment. He directly threw a [check] at the kitten, and what made Liao Yu's expression condense next was...
Really returns results.

And you need to know that [Check] in the game can only be used successfully on corpses.

After seeing the panel returned from [Check], Liao Yu fully understood the reason why Hill was frowning, as if he was facing an enemy.

[Bu Lulu (death) (parasitized by demon eggs)]

(End of this chapter)

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