Chapter 34 The Last Supper
The space in the noble carriage is very spacious, more than enough to accommodate three people.

Liao Yu and Hill sat side by side, took off their sun hats, and the lively and curious Miss Ariel sat opposite.

"So. Where is Mr. Liao Yu from?"

"A small village to the east of Wangcheng."

"That's it"

Seeing that Liao Yu didn't mean to say more, Ariel stopped asking, and turned her exploring eyes to Hill.

"What about the one next to Mr. Liao Yu? Are you Qingmei? Master and servant? Or are you a couple!!"

This noble young lady looked very gossip, especially at the end, her eyes sparkled, as if she was looking forward to hearing some love story.

Unfortunately, Liao Yu shook his head.

"It's just a partner in the same village."

"oh oh.."

Ariel nodded, obviously a little disappointed, but she quickly pulled herself together, showing that look of anticipation and coquettishness again, and this time she asked Hill:

"Sister, why do you always wear a cloak? Can you let Ariel see what your sister looks like?"

Hill was silent.

To be precise, he ignored it at all, and didn't even look at the young lady at all.

This is what the Shadow Demon Apostle looks like most of the time.

Let alone humans, even among the apostles, Hill was basically the most taciturn.

The way he was with Liao Yu was completely "restricted by the devil king".

Seeing that this mysterious "cloaked female adventurer" completely ignored her, Ariel looked a little embarrassed, and the smile on her cute face stiffened a bit, apparently this was the first time she had encountered such a situation.

Fortunately, Liao Yu at the back spoke up quickly, relieving the atmosphere in the carriage.

"I'm sorry, Miss Ariel, my companion, she has such a personality, she is a little shy, that's why she keeps wearing a cloak."

"Oh, that's it, it's all right, it's all Ariel's fault, Lawrence often said that I have a poor sense of boundaries with others, always self-righteous, and end up causing trouble for others, woo."

Lawrence was the old butler driving in front.

Ariel waved her hands repeatedly on the surface, expressing that she didn't mind, but actually, she keenly observed an interesting little detail.

Just now, when Liao Yu came forward to resolve the embarrassing atmosphere, Ariel found that this seemingly cold and mysterious female adventurer obviously had some emotions. Although it was very small, she was still captured by her.

And how do you describe this emotion?
just like.
Are you mad at her?
Ariel didn't feel wrong, Hill was indeed angry with her, and the reason was very simple, he dared to make Wang say "sorry".

If it wasn't for the fear of disrupting the king's plan, Hill would have done it directly.

But Ariel doesn't know this.

Instead, she seemed to have discovered something fun and interesting. When she talked about the topic of "love" before, the excitement resurfaced.

I saw the next eldest lady, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, she unexpectedly left her original seat, came to the other side of Liao Yu, and sat down.

Now, from just now, Liao Yu and Hill were side by side, and Ariel was on the opposite side, it suddenly changed to Liao Yu with Hill on the left and Ariel on the right.

Hill immediately clenched his hands tightly.

The body tensed even more.

Ariel, who had been secretly watching for a long time, saw all these small movements, which made her seem to have confirmed something completely, and saw the corner of the noble young lady's mouth rise a little more.

"Brother Liao Yu. Ah! I'm sorry! Wow, Ariel is making the same old habit again, but..."

"Brother Liao Yu, I, can I call you that?"

While talking, Ariel moved her body closer to Liao Yu's direction.

Juanjuanxiu's hands wrapped in white lace gloves even placed directly on Liao Yu's lap.

From this noble lady, a faint smell of jasmine perfume could already float to the tip of Liao Yu's nose.

The girl showed a pitiful expression, blinked her watery eyes, and looked at Liao Yu expectantly.

Any adventurer from other places, no, let alone adventurers from other places, even those adventurers with gold and platinum ranks, will all fall under her deliberate approach and coquettish courtship.

Ariel's trick was tried and tested.

I don't know how much fun I have brought her.

She was looking forward to it in her deep eyes. After Liao Yu agreed, what kind of "jealous" expression would that female adventurer who pretended to be cold and pretended to be a demon show?

This sense of robbing.
Ariel couldn't help tightening her legs.

It was as if just thinking about that scene in her hot and hot lower abdomen, there was a warm current stimulating her nerves, making her face even more rosy, which was really cute.

"Thank you Miss Ariel for your liking."


Liao Yu smiled and rejected the noble lady gracefully.

But everything that Ariel had just done, her flushed face, her hot and excited body, and her tightened legs, seemed to have all come to an abrupt end.

It turned into a sound that was a bit revealing, full of disbelief, how could you refuse?

I found myself a bit out of tune.

The "Ah" sound was harsh and sharp, and Ariel reacted quickly.

She quickly adjusted, and resumed the cute voice before and stumbled to Liao Yu: "Yes, I'm sorry Mr. Liao Yu, it was Ariel who was rude."

After speaking, the noble young lady lowered her head a little bit, her hair covered a little of her face, and her expression could not be seen clearly under the shadow of her hair.

But in terms of action, Ariel silently left Liao Yu's side and sat back to the original opposite position.

Afterwards, the atmosphere in the carriage completely froze.

It was silent.

Ariel is no longer so proactive, and no longer speaks lively and full of curiosity.

On Liao Yu's side, naturally he would not take the initiative to speak. After all, he followed Ariel not for chatting. Now the noble lady is silent, so that Liao Yu can also try to be quiet.

It was like this in silence all the way. After about a quarter of an hour, the carriage gradually slowed down and finally stopped in front of a manor house.

The old butler got off the horse and went around to open the carriage for them. Seeing the silent atmosphere in the carriage, the old butler seemed a little surprised.

This is the first time since he picked up the young lady and adventurers from other places so many times.

Ariel didn't say much, and got out of the car first, followed by Liao Yu and Hill.

As a result, they were stopped again before they entered the gate of the manor.


"Take off your cloak and be examined."

An upright young guard drew his sword and pointed it directly at Hill.

Ariel didn't make a sound, the old housekeeper stopped the guard first and said, "Don't be rude, this is Miss Ariel's guest."

In the end, the young guard seemed stunned and did not give in.

"I work for Lord Earl Vidler, and my duty is to protect the safety of the manor, especially when the master is out, no matter who the guest is, they need to go through a security check before they can enter."

Seeing this, the old housekeeper cast a helpless and sorry look at Liao Yu.

As for Ariel, who had been "protecting" Liao Yu before, the eldest lady was still silent at this time, without speaking.

"It's okay, you should be a guest, Hill, take it off."

Liao Yu nodded to express his understanding.

With Liao Yu's order, Hill didn't hesitate too much, and quickly reached out to the hood of the cloak, and flicked it back.

As the hood came off, Hill revealed her appearance.

An absolutely eye-catching, very rare short purple hair, a icy and glamorous loli face, and finally, that skin that can be broken by blowing bullets, as white as the first snow
For a moment, everyone around was stunned, including the young guard.

It seems that everyone is amazed by Hill, a beautiful little girl with a strong "exotic style".

Including Ariel.

The noble young lady stared at Hill's purple hair, her skin that was fairer and more delicate than her, and her eyes were like a man-eating beast.

But in the next moment, Ai Ruier seemed to change back to the innocent, lively and lovely noble lady who had no airs when she first met Liao Yu.

"Okay, okay! This is the head office, how can such a beautiful sister be a bad person, I will explain it to my father! Mr. Liao Yu, and... and this beautiful sister, let's go home, Ai Rui'er is starving!"

Just like that, it was as if all the embarrassment and unpleasantness in the car had never happened.

Ariel chatted with Liao Yu again, especially this time with Hill.

Whether Hill paid attention to her or not, Ariel didn't care at all, as if she had been amazed and convinced by Hill's beauty.

Together with the old butler, the figures of a group of five people gradually drifted away towards the depths of the manor.

The young guard who stayed in place finally came back to his senses.

Facing the back view of Liao Yu and the two of them, especially Hill, that young and stunning foreign girl, the guard finally sighed and showed a regretful expression.

"Mr. Liao Yu, try this, it's Ariel's favorite salad salad!"

The maid pushed the dining trolley and arranged the plates of exquisite silver tableware for Liao Yu and Hill. When the silver cover was opened, there were various kinds of delicious food inside, filling the table.

What Ariel strongly recommends to Liao Yu now is a plate of cold dishes similar to vegetable salads.

"Mr. Liao Yu, do you know that these saye grasses are all produced in the eastern part of the kingdom, in an area called Ombre, which was originally very barren, and the villagers often couldn't get enough to eat. They are the big brothers and big sisters of the Five Flowers Alliance After they arrived, they taught the local villagers all kinds of knowledge and helped them develop new crops. Saya grass is one of them. The latter area is becoming more and more developed. The local villagers can also live warmly Have a full life!"

Ariel introduced the Wuhua League to Liao Yu with longing and joy, talking about her parents, the rows of maids present in the restaurant and Lawrence the butler, all silent, without much expression, as if they had already heard about it many times.

And Liao Yu.
Liao Yu looked willing to try it, and took some Shaye Herb Salad to his plate.

Although it is made into a dish, it is spread on a salad.

At first glance, they look just like ordinary vegetables.

But Liao Yu knew it very well. He pretended to be fiddling with it, and after looking at the leaves for a while, he could find that there was a very iconic small layer of fat wrapped under this kind of sage grass. The next layer of fat was hidden on the edge of the leaves. Fine spore powder.

Saya grass was one of the prop materials Liao Yu was familiar with thousands of years ago.

It is the main material for making [Hallucinogen].

As a "Full Achievements" clearance player, Liao Yu, who has "Material Master Specialization", can call up the memory data related to "Saya Grass" in his mind without the need for a system.

In short it is.
Use the viscera as soil and water it with blood.

It mostly grows in places like war battlefields, bone burial grounds, and random graves. Only three flowers can be collected at a time, and the output is scarce.

Of course, thousands of years have passed, and maybe these plants have also undergone improvements and mutations.

As the safest and proven means.

Liao Yu stroked the dish lightly with his finger, and at this time he was wearing it all the time, and the "crown ring" that Elena prepared for him flickered indiscernibly.

The crown ring can resist all negative effects. Similarly, there will be reaction prompts for everything that will produce negative effects.


"Mr. Liao Yu, don't you like to eat salad? Uh... ah! Yes! This, Mr. Liao Yu, you must like this!"

Under Ariel's instruction, the maid immediately stepped forward and brought another plate of dishes to Liao Yu.

After opening the lid, there is a pomegranate-like dish.

However, it is different from ordinary pomegranates. From the cut surface, it can be seen that the flesh inside is crystal clear, like a beautiful red crystal, as if full of juice, which makes people move their index fingers and cannot help but want to take a bite.

"Brother Liao Yu, and beautiful big sister, this is crystal red pomegranate, sweet and refreshing! It also has strong skin care and beauty effects. It is my mother's favorite food. I have one each in the morning and evening. Sister, please try it, it’s delicious! Especially for those who are as beautiful as my sister, you must take good care of them!"

Similar to the previous scene.

Ariel enthusiastically introduced the dishes to Liao Yu and Hill.

Whether it is crystal red pomegranate or saya grass, they are extremely rare, so Ariel is very confident, let alone those from other places, no matter how seasoned an adventurer is, they may not be able to recognize them.

Introducing these foods to ignorant foreign adventurers is a very important part of her "dinner" and her "fun".

But Ariel wouldn't think of it.

The person sitting opposite her is indeed an adventurer from a "outland", but this "outland" does not come from the distance, but from the old antiques of the time span of "thousands of years ago".

Crystal red pomegranate.

Liao Yu didn't remember that there was a material called this thousands of years ago.

But there is a similar representation.

It's called blood pomegranate.

Let the pregnant woman eat the seeds, and the blood pomegranate will follow the fetus and grow together in the mother's body. After a few months of pregnancy, when the mother gives birth, the mature blood pomegranate will be delivered together with the child who has been robbed of nutrients and vitality.

"Miss Ariel, are the ingredients for this dish also produced in some rural area where the Five Flowers Alliance supports poverty alleviation?"

Liao Yu asked the beautiful young lady who was sitting at the head of the table.

And Ariel blinked her cute eyes, as if she was very happy that Liao Yu could take the initiative to talk to her.

The hospitable young lady immediately replied: "Well, this is not it. This is a pregnant woman who was helped by a certain mother back then. She brought it here from the countryside and gave it to my mother as a souvenir!"

"Oh? Will Miss Ariel's family still help pregnant women?"

"Of course, Brother Liao Yu, you should know that people in the countryside and remote areas have very poor conditions, and there are very few doctors. Things like dystocia and miscarriage often happen, especially with the eldest princess The introduction of the constitution made it more difficult for villagers to go to the city for medical treatment, so that they could not get a good medical doctor, and could only watch their babies miscarry.”

Ariel lowered her head as she spoke.

His face was full of frustration, full of sympathy and pity for the suffering people.

Even just thinking about that scene, the eldest lady's eyes are about to drop pearls.

But soon, Ariel changed his expression and said happily:
"Fortunately, the Five Flowers Alliance helped them!"

"We will regularly conduct medical examinations and provide medical treatment for pregnant women in every village, so that even in remote villages far away from the city, everyone can be healthy and give birth to their babies safely!"

"This is the original intention of my mother and several other aunts to establish the Wuhua Alliance. As nobles, we have more abilities and must shoulder more responsibilities!"

"But, that eldest princess." Ariel lowered her gaze a little at this point, hiding the flash of disgust in her eyes.

But soon, the beautiful noble lady raised her head again, used her cute and lively voice, clenched her little fists, waved them in the air, and said very encouragingly:
"Ariel will also learn from her mother and everyone in the Five Flowers League in the future! Ariel wants to make everyone in the country of Illinois live a happier life!"

"Mr. Liao Yu will help me too, right?"

 Two in one today

(End of this chapter)

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