Chapter 35 Drink!Why don't you drink it!
"of course."

"Ariel and all the nobles of the Five Flowers Alliance are kind-hearted people." Liao Yu nodded.

It is also "of course" that he did not take a bite of this dish.

The blood pomegranate grows up with the child of the pregnant woman, absorbing the vitality of the fetus, and most of the children born in the end are mentally retarded, disabled, accompanied by various diseases, and it is difficult to survive adulthood.

Humans who take this kind of blood pomegranate, which is full of vitality, can indeed beautify their skin and resist aging.

But just after taking it, it will not only produce a strong hypnotic effect, but also slow down the blood flow in the whole body.

This is nothing in normal times, but if it enters a battle, it will be a serious lack of blood supply, resulting in top-heavy, unstable body shape, and is very fatal.

the other side.

Seeing that he had said a lot, but Liao Yu just listened, and still didn't intend to move his fork to eat. At this time, the smile on Ariel's face was already a bit forced and stiff.

Especially seeing that Hill also didn't even touch these "delicious delicacies".

"Aren't you hungry? That's fine, let's drink some appetizer soup first, and promise Ariel, I must drink it this time, okay, this is a dinner carefully prepared by Ariel to thank you two, if you If you don’t move for a moment, Ariel will be very distressed! Mom and Dad will definitely scold Ariel if they know about it!”

The eldest lady's tone is already a bit wrong.

This time, under the signal of Ariel's eyes, the maid gave Liao Yu a bowl of a pot of thick soup with a strong fragrance, which seemed to be carefully made from some big bone broth.

But this time.
Liao Yu didn't even bother to ask again.

Shaking his head directly at Ariel.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you not like Ariel, or do you not like these sumptuous dishes? What else do you want? What else do you need Ariel to eat!!"

Seeing Liao Yu shaking his head, the noble lady on the main seat finally broke out.

She is no longer as cute and lively as before, and her pretty face is now occupied by twisted and furious Yan Yi.

Ariel's gloomy and biting eyes stared directly at Liao Yu and Hill. She seemed to have a plan to go bankrupt. She was a hunter who couldn't bear it after watching his prey avoid the trap several times.

"Why. You don't need such a thing. You just leave it to Ariel. Just listen to Ariel. It's the dinner that Ariel has been looking forward to for a long time. Why. Why. Why!!!"


"Hurry up and give me a drink! Why don't you drink it!!" The eldest lady, who had a grim expression together, screamed and roared heart-piercingly.

Opposite the dining table.

Seeing this scene, Liao Yu sighed.

"Miss Ariel, you still have one chance to cooperate with the question and answer and die easily."

Liao Yu followed to Ariel's side, but his original intention was to investigate the clues of the "magic egg" that appeared on the kitten.

He very much hoped that this noble lady was innocent and uninformed.

But the reality is cruel.

The animal-faced Ariel at the dining table, such a "bad taste" young lady, has already sentenced her to death in Liao Yu's heart.

Liao Yu finally gave her a chance.

A chance to die simply.

Another option that Liao Yu didn't mention is that she can only be used as a small gift for Alice, the rotting demon, just like the previous boss of the Gilt Merchant Group.

and look now
Ariel completely chose the latter.

"What are you still doing!"

"Do it!!"

"Do it to me!! Catch these two despicable stinky foreigners!!"

I don’t know whether it was because she was completely broken, or because she was really angry with Liao Yu and Hill, but Miss Ariel just spit out the fragrance.

Correspondingly, those maids who were still serving Liao Yu and serving water to Liao Yu changed their identities in an instant, and quickly took out daggers from under their skirts.

The gleaming dagger was illuminated by the candlelight in the restaurant. You could still see a bit of green from the blade, which must have been strengthened by the poison.

The six maids holding poisonous daggers were divided into two groups, four of them went towards Liao Yu and two went towards Hill's position.

With such a clear division of labor and skillful actions, it is obviously not the first time such an action has been taken.

It's a pity that this time they got into trouble with the wrong existence.

The two maids who attacked Hill only felt their eyes blur, and the little girl adventurer with short purple hair disappeared from her seat.

Before they could react, the screams of their companions on the other side had already been heard.

Hill, of course, uses Liao Yu as his primary core.

The other four maids who were attacking Liao Yu hadn't even reached five meters yet. Hill's petite body had already intercepted them all.

Because Liao Yu banned the use of magic, Hill here only used physical skills and physical fitness.

Even so, the combat is completely crushing.

In Hill's eyes, the four assassin maids seemed to be in slow motion.

Flashing to the first maid in the front, Hill mercilessly punched her in the lower abdomen.

The struck maid immediately arched her body violently, as if she had been hit by a speeding carriage, and due to Hill's precise calculation, she hit another companion behind her.

Both spurted blood wildly, flew upside down and smashed against the wall, their bodies decayed like mud, obviously all internal organs had been damaged by the powerful impact, and all that was left was waiting to die.

With another roundabout, Hill raised his leg high and slammed his head towards the heads of the other two maid assassins.

This one is more tragic, and it can be seen that Hill has no intention of sympathizing with her. The maid's pretty face immediately turned into a blood mist that exploded in the air.

Two headless maids with blood gushing out and their heads brutally shot fell to Hill's feet.

And the whole process, from the perspective of others, seemed to be just a stunning Kung Fu, and the four maid assassins had been wiped out. It was truly an "instant kill" on the spot.

no way.

Hill is just too fast.

When the two remaining maid assassins who were originally in charge of the "weaker" Hill turned around, they were terrified by the tragic death of their companions and the huge gap between the two sides.

They looked at Hill with the eyes of a monster, and they began to back away in fear.
A huge mouth directly bit the two maids who wanted to escape from the sky, splitting them into two who hadn't reacted, and their entire upper body was bitten and devoured.

This is not an attack from Hill.

After all, Liao Yu requested that Hill was not allowed to use spells, and even his physical strength had to be controlled at around [-] to [-]%.

The current owner of this giant mouth is the one that appeared next to Ariel. It is a full six or seven meters high, and it is about to reach the ceiling of the restaurant.
Cat monster.

Although it is said to be cat-shaped, in fact, the monster's body surface is rotting.

It has four pairs of eyes, the cat tail on the back has mutated into sharp barbs, and the open mouth reveals rows of jagged fangs. It is still chewing the bloody flesh of the two maids who were killed in the previous scene. upper body.

After devouring the flesh and blood of the two maids, the monster secreted more mucus from its salivary glands, and its blood-red hunger eyes stared fiercely at Liao Yu and Hill.

"Trash. A bunch of useless trash!!"

"Bululu, I still have to let my most beloved and favorite, Bululu, go out!"

Next to the monster, the noble lady was resting her chin with both hands, showing a morbid love, as if she didn't care at all, the maid assassin group under her family had been wiped out.

Ariel was stroking back and forth intimately, the huge zombie cat beside her.

The girl's cute and beautiful appearance formed a strange contrast with the current madness and the bloody monster beside her.

And then Ariel screamed.

She changed her expression and stared fiercely at Liao Yu and Hill.

"Ariel hates you! I don't want you to be toys anymore!"

"I want you to die!"

"Come on! Bululu! Eat them for me! Eat them! I will ask Mom and Dad to help you get more cat food, and help you evolve! Let you truly become a part of our family and become just like us. A real demon!"

(End of this chapter)

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