Chapter 36 "Surprise"

The monster may not understand the rest of Ariel's words, but it reacts strongly to the word "cat food."

It was immediately stimulated and walked around Hill in a hunting state.

The originally magnificent restaurant was completely messed up by it, as if it had found an opportunity, its huge body turned into a shadow, and rushed towards Liao Yu and Hill.

Hill hit the claws covered by the monster with a head-on punch. Unexpectedly, the monster was not sent flying, but was blocked with its claws. Hill made up a second punch to knock the monster out Hit the fly and bombard the walls of the restaurant.

Hill frowned slightly at this scene, her eyes especially on the monster's claws.

It turned out that at the moment of contact with Hill, its forelimbs turned into sharp blades. The ability to turn its hands into weapons like this is a very iconic feature of the demon race.

Sword Demon.

Hill didn't say that she was slacking off because of the difference in strength. She took advantage of the victory and took the initiative to attack the monster that was blown away. Hill didn't use any spells. She just raised her fist and rode on the monster's head with a sudden blow, blasting the monster wildly. fry.

From Liao Yu's point of view, Hill punched to the flesh, using his disproportionately petite body, beat the monster of six or seven meters until it was dripping with blood, screaming again and again.

But Liao Yu also noticed that although the monster was completely suppressed by Hill and could not do anything with his backhand, its vitality was ridiculously tenacious.

Although Hill didn't use any spells now and only used less than [-]% of his strength, maybe the subsequent punches and the strength to struggle have already shown how terrifying this monster is.

I saw that the bloody place on the monster's body that was beaten by Hill was healing rapidly as time went by. The flesh and blood of the wound was squirming, and some flesh and blood products like flesh and insects were frantically repairing the monster. Self-loss, which is why it can persist under Hill's attack
This scene was somewhat familiar to Liao Yu.

Powerful self-healing power, there are two races in the demon clan, cultivating demons and rotting demons, the former is through infinite proliferation like fungal spores, and the latter is relying on some kind of insects that live with flesh and blood.

But now Liao Yu actually saw these signs that clearly belonged to the demon clan on this monster.

Liao Yu observed for a while, but unfortunately no new information was revealed behind the monster, so Liao Yu did not waste much time and directly ordered the Shadow Demon Apostle:
"Sill, you are allowed to use the spell to end this battle."

Shadow Demon's profession is that of a scout.

The single-player combat ability is actually ranked last among the nine major races of the demon clan.

Shadow Demon excels in functionality and flexibility.

Liao Yu's previous refusal to let Hill use spells was equivalent to weakening [-]% of Hill's strength. But now, after receiving Liao Yu's order to lift the ban, Hill immediately stopped holding back.

In an instant, a large shadow condensed from Hill's back, turning into a hand of shadow that was even bigger than the monster.

Next, the shadow palm slapped in the direction of the monster.

Just one shot.

The battle ended immediately.

When Hill's shadow palm was raised again, the zombie cat just now was now a lump of meat on the ground.

Let it have sharp claws.

Then there is the terrifying self-healing ability.

Under the pressure of absolute power, everything becomes a cloud.

the other side.

Seeing her beloved Bu Lulu being slapped into a meat paste, Ariel not only did not feel panic and grief, on the contrary, now the eldest lady seemed to be attracted to Hill with all her attention.

No, to be precise, he was attracted by the shadow palm summoned from behind Hill.

The noble lady stared at the shadow palm.

She then asked Hill in an unbelievable voice: "Are you a demon too!?"


Ariel knew Hill's shadowy hand.

But it seems that they don't know much.

The eldest lady shook her head quickly, as if her brain was in a mess, she muttered to herself: "No, no! Impossible! Dad also practices the magic of the Shadow Clan, and the shadow hand summoned by Dad is only half a dozen at most. Mi, but you, what you just said

Hill's shadow hand just now can slap a gigantic zombie cat into a meatloaf, and the palm alone is ten meters wide.

That's why Ariel's face is full of disbelief now, holding her head frantically and shaking, unacceptable, she doesn't even run away, instead, she rushes towards Hill's position as if in a fit of madness.

"Tell me! Tell me quickly! You, how did you do it! Who are you! The Empire, you must be from the Empire, right?"

"How far have you devoured your demon seed? Refined the demon energy? Forged the demon body? No. Dad has already forged the demon body, so you..."

Ariel seemed to have finally figured out the situation. The eldest lady's eyes widened, and she said excitedly to Hill with a fanatical look of admiration: "I know! Ariel knows, you, you have condensed the magic elixir. !Isn’t it! No wonder. No wonder!!”

"Damn! Ariel should have thought of this! Only fellow demons can have such skin and temperament. Yes, this is what Ariel wants, the immortal she wants to be! The immortal! Quick, let Ariel see your magic pill!"

Hill ignored Ariel who rushed in front of him.

She didn't have any "magic pill" to show this human being.

in contrast.

From behind Hill, several shadow hands were summoned, and they directly caught Ariel, who had cast herself into the net, and in the next moment.

"Asshole! It hurts so much!!! Ouch!! Ariel it hurts so much!"

Ear-piercing screams sounded, and Ariel's thin and tender belly was mercilessly cut open by Hill with the Shadow Blade.

The noble lady, who had always been pampered and pampered, had obviously never experienced this before. The severe pain of tearing her flesh and blood made her scream and yell crazily.

But Hill showed no mercy.

Even, in order to prevent Ariel's screams from disturbing the king, Hill separated a shadow hand, directly inserted it into the young lady's mouth, poured it down her throat, and completely blocked her voice.

After that, Hill's remaining shadow hand began to examine Ariel's open abdomen. After a while, Hill seemed to have found the target and suddenly pulled it out.
Exactly the same as the glorious teacher back then, it was another purple-black wriggling egg, which was separated from Ariel's body by Hill.

However, this "magic egg" is obviously much darker and larger than the one in Master Blue's body in terms of color depth and volume.

Now even though he was separated from the host for a short time, he didn't say how much has changed, and he seems to be able to persist.

And then, what surprised Liao Yu even more was.
"what is this!?"

"what is this!!"

"What are you doing! Take it away! Take it away!!"

Obviously it was taken out of Ariel's body, and the previous Ariel has always mentioned things about the "demon race".

But when Ariel saw the "magic egg" in Hill's hand, it seemed like it was the first time Ariel saw it. Even the sharp pain of tearing her stomach was overshadowed, and she showed an expression of extreme fear and disgust. Struggling like crazy.

Seeing this scene, Liao Yu was thoughtful.

"Put it back first." After a brief pause, Liao Yu asked Hill to take it back first in order to cherish the sample because there were previous examples of magic eggs dying quickly after leaving the host.

"Don't die a good death! You can't die a good death! Devil! Devil!!"

"Take it out! Take this damn thing away!!"

Amid Ariel's screams of resistance, Hill put the magic egg back into the eldest lady's stomach.

As soon as it came into contact with Ariel's flesh and blood, the magic egg automatically started to burrow into Ariel's body without any action from Hill.

And when Ariel saw that the eggs that made her feel sick and physically uncomfortable actually entered her body, the young lady's eyes turned black, as if she had been greatly stimulated, and she passed out.

This trip was really fruitful.

Liao Yu originally planned to ask Hill to contact Zhimo, share the latest information, and come together to discuss the secret behind the "Magic Egg".

How did you expect the result.
There is a bigger "surprise" waiting for him in the back.

"My lord, I just sent the "Shadow Messenger" to inspect this human manor. "

"There is a place, King, that I think you must go and visit."

The Shadow Envoy is the ability of the Shadow Demon. It uses shadows to detect the surroundings. As long as there are shadows, it cannot escape the eyes of the Shadow Demon.

Subsequently, under the leadership of Hill, Liao Yu quickly arrived at a secret basement of the Earl's mansion.

And then, when Liao Yu pushed open the door of the dark basement, the scene presented in the next scene made him immediately understand why Hill valued this place so much.

Imprisoned in the basement, many human beings were humiliated and abused in a cruel manner, and the methods were so cruel that Liao Yu could not even look directly at them.

However, Hill is obviously not interested in these, and the "important discovery" she is referring to is certainly not these tortured humans.

I saw that among this group of imprisoned and tortured humans, there were some with pointed ears, wheat-gold hair, and dark green pupils.

So iconic it will only exist in one race.

Liao Yu can recognize it at a glance.

That is



Foreshadowing Assistant: If you have forgotten about the "Elf", please eat it together with the passage at the end of Chapter [-] of the first volume, the effect will be better!
(End of this chapter)

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