Chapter 37 Elf
To be honest, Liao Yu was not surprised by the scene in the basement.

As early as when they were on the carriage, Ariel's "green tea" behavior had already given Liao Yu an idea.

But now, it is nothing more than certainty. Behind this noble lady who pretends to be kind, in fact, behind this is a malicious pervert with extremely twisted special quirks.

Judging from the attire of the humans imprisoned in the basement, it was obvious that most of them were outside adventurers like him who had accepted free registration from the Five Flowers Alliance.

Most of them had the same experience as him, and were "kindly" invited by Ariel to visit her home.

But unlike him, they were really unprepared and ate the dinners "carefully prepared" by Ariel. After being drugged, they lost their ability to resist and fell into the poisonous hands of this noble lady.

Liao Yu just glanced at
Some adventurers from other places were skinned with cramps, some limbs were cut off to make human sticks, some were covered with welts and were dying, and some even...
Liao Yu forced himself not to look at it.

He still wants to keep Ariel alive for the time being.

Thinking back to the key point.

"King, there is no mistake, they are elves."

Hill was the first to walk to those "human beings" who were chained in the cell and had "pointy ears" and "green pupils".

After a brief inspection, Hill fully confirmed this conclusion.

This made Liao Yu deep in thought.

In the human world thousands of years ago, Liao Yu was certain that this race did not exist.

The only record about the "elf" in the game is that his master, the Great Guardian Melvin, tried to get his spiritual power out of the world to spy on the demons when they first invaded, in order to find a way to fight against them. Mysteries of the universe.

And the result of that year, naturally returned without success, even more desperate.

Melvin originally wanted to ask for help from other worlds, but after looking outside the universe, he discovered that there were already countless worlds outside that had been invaded by demons and were all destroyed one after another.

The original native creatures, after the demons set foot here, were all genocide-exterminated, and it was extremely miserable.

Among them, one of the worlds that Melvin spied on was the world of "elves".

As Melvin's apprentice, Liao Yu learned about this period of history by reading the handbook of the Great Guardian, and it is also the reason why he can recognize elves now.

And this is also why the great guardian behind him will be so determined, even at the expense of himself, to defeat the demons.

Because from the bloody examples in so many worlds, it has been proved that once they fail, there is nothing to wait for, only destruction.

Thoughts went a little further.

Liao Yu returned to the "Elf".

As a high-level intelligent species, elves are stronger than humans and even demons in terms of research attainments in magic.

So in Melvin's handbook at that time, Liao Yu remembered that the Great Guardian had observed that although the world of elves was destroyed by the "Black Beast Legion" of the Demon Race at that time, there were still a small number of elves left behind. escaped.

Later, it seems that the Great Guardian also contacted these elven remnants and learned a lot of magical knowledge from the elves.

In the later stage, Melvin's strength improved by leaps and bounds, and he fought back and forth with the magician. Liao Yu guessed that he couldn't get rid of the help of the elf survivors outside the world.

Could it be that the remaining elves from thousands of years ago chose to join humans after discovering that humans had defeated the demons?Have you settled in this world?In fact, there will be many elves in the world a thousand years from now?
Do not.

Liao Yu quickly denied this speculation.

First of all, most of the elves are extremely proud. Even if humans defeated the demons, they probably wouldn't say anything, so they came to lick humans and begged humans to take them in.

Secondly, if the elves really became popular in this world, the average strength of human beings would never be what it is now. Even a third-order spell would be rare.

Based on the above inferences, there are only two possible conclusions drawn by Liao Yu.

Or, after the end of the war thousands of years ago, the elves did "flee and immigrate" here, but they have always been in a state of seclusion, not in contact with humans, and preventing humans from discovering them.

Or, these elves have just come to the world "recently".

No matter which conclusion it is, there is one doubt.

which is.
Why is it at this time?

There must have been some major change that made the elves decide that they would no longer live in seclusion or watch on the sidelines, and must come forward to contact humans in person.

If we think further along this line of thinking,
The answer is already on the horizon.

Demon King Summons
seal broken
The demon clan reappears in the world after a thousand years!

Liao Yu didn't expect that there would be a bigger change than the "Reappearance of the Demon Race".

Liao Yu already had a rough guess in his mind, but he couldn't jump to a conclusion. He needed evidence.

Thinking of this, Liao Yu turned his attention back to the elves captured and imprisoned by Ariel.

Like the other foreign adventurers in the basement, they also suffered extremely cruel torture.

Some, especially the female elves, clearly showed signs of being drugged.

Fixed on the "Trojan Horse" in an unsightly posture.

She was stripped naked and locked up in the "Iron Maiden".

Liao Yu in the back is really indescribable.

The entire basement was completely filled with Ariel's evil and perverted proclivities.

Now these elves are in a comatose state of unconsciousness. If Liao Yu wants to confirm the previous conclusion, he must find an antidote to wake them up first.

Liao Yu gave Hill a look.

Hill understood immediately, she transformed into a shadow blade, and then pierced the thigh of Ariel, who had been unconscious before.


The pain of being pierced instantly woke up the comatose noble lady.

When Ariel found that she was in the basement of the manor, and realized that all her secrets had been discovered by Liao Yu and Hill, this perverted lady had nothing to pretend.

"Where is the antidote?" Liao Yu asked expressionlessly.

"Hahahahaha! What are you kidding, antidote? You don't still want to save these mudbloods, do you? Hahahaha, I laughed to death. These lowly and low-class people deserve to be asked to prepare antidotes for them? "

"The whole meaning of their existence is to serve Ariel and us nobles! It's just for fun! The whole kingdom needs as much garbage as they throw away after use, antidote? Hahahaha! You will put Do you pick up the trash you throw in the trash can?"

Ariel laughed loudly, her pretty face was full of contempt and nobility, she seemed to find it incomprehensible and absurd that Liao Yu wanted to find an antidote for the "Mudblood".

But soon the smile on the noble lady's face turned twisted and ferocious. Her fierce eyes were directed at the female elves who were tortured by him. Ariel's eyes were filled with the flames of jealousy.

"But...damn it! They are Mudbloods from other places, how can they still have green pupils! How can they still have golden hair! Why... why are their skins worse than Ariel who ate so many red pomegranates? Good! Why, why, why!"

"So hehe. Hahahaha! So I fed them a lot of medicine, watched their skin fester, watched their blond hair fall off, and let them be robbed of their most precious things in front of their partners, haha! You don’t know the expressions of those male villagers with green eyes at that time, hahaha! That was simply the most delicious dinner Ariel has ever tasted!”

(End of this chapter)

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