Chapter 39 Punishment
Hill temporarily diverted his attention and used the secret method of the demons to contact the magic demon and the wisdom demon.

As a result, as soon as Ariel was left alone, it seemed that this perverted young lady immediately got excited again.

Especially now, she also heard all the information about the last words of the "elf" to Liao Yu before his death.

Ariel obviously didn't know the race of "elven".

But through the conversation just now, she could probably guess that these blond people with green eyes were not "mudblood" outsiders, but probably another kind of noble.

But none of this matters.

Ariel's expression was extremely excited now, and she looked at Liao Yu as if she was "done".

The reason is also very simple.

"What did Ariel hear? Demons! He just mentioned the demons! The demons are coming to the earth again, and Ariel's real compatriots are coming back!! Hahahaha!!"

"It's useless, no matter how much you call people, it's useless! It's useless! Hahahaha!"

Ariel naturally thought that Liao Yu was scared and panicked, and she wanted to call more humans over quickly to report the information that the demons might reappear in the world to the higher-ups to discuss countermeasures.

This perverted young lady who is pregnant with "devil eggs" and knows "demons" obviously knows more "historical" truths from thousands of years ago than other ordinary humans.

That's why Ariel was so excited when she heard "the reappearance of the demon race".

"Thousands of years ago, you, the hypocritical Radiance Sect, slandered the demon cultivators who believed in "immortality" as aliens, dehumanized them, turned our compatriots into horrible monsters, and used evil things!Use Mozu!Come to call us, trying to prevent human beings from pursuing immortality."

"What's the result? Those ignorant and wise people a thousand years ago succeeded, but what about a thousand years later? Hahahaha! The people who stopped the demons back then have all turned into skeletons and dung. What will be left after a thousand years are only large numbers of inferior people. Mudbloods who are waiting! Only believers in "immortality", only we demons are immortal! "

"It's a disgrace to Ariel to be called a human race with such a mudblood! Since you all call us demons, then we are demons!"

"No one can stop what you can't stop! You who have lost even a fourth-order spell, what can you do to stop it. Hahaha! Hahahahaha!"

Liao Yu actually doesn't mind Ariel being crazy for a while longer.

Because the more emotional a person is, the more truthful words he can utter.

Suddenly, from the ground under their feet, a spell seal glowing with azure light flashed, and it was constructed at an extremely fast speed in the blink of an eye.

As the blue light seal emerged, a powerful force of magic swept through the entire basement.

这 是
Seventh-level magic——[Field of Silence]

Liao Yu recognized this skill immediately.

One of the magic skills.

The effect of the spell is that all non-friendly units in the area will be forced to be in a "sealed" state that cannot be dispelled, and they cannot use any spells, special abilities, and any passive talents will also be forcibly invalidated.

And it corresponds to reality.
I saw Ariel, who was screaming and going mad just now, suddenly thought that she was hit by some strong electric current, and her whole body twitched, with piercing pain flooding in, as if all the meridians in her body were being blown. Austerity, being oppressed.

Very normal.

[Field of Silence] will have a stronger effect on magicians who focus on "magic". The field curbs the flow of magic throughout the body. Those meridians that store magic will be blocked or even shrink, which will lead to Ariel's current situation. Like this.

Looks like Dada has arrived.

Let the magician come.

Why are you still engaging in such a big fight?

Liao Yu originally thought that this seventh-level spell was the end, but unexpectedly, it was just the beginning.

Just after the blu-ray seal that symbolizes the [Field of Silence] was over, the enchantment pattern of the next technique lit up under Liao Yu's feet again.

The entire basement this time, no, the scope of the seventh-order magic technique will not be so small. Although Liao Yu can't see it, the entire ground of the Earl's Manor has been covered by scarlet ritual light.

This time it is.
Seventh-order technique——[Blood Spurt]

It is also one of the skills of the magician.

The effect of the spell is similar to the previous [Field of Silence], but as you can see from the name, this time it targets the physical body.

All non-friendly units will be subjected to abnormal conditions such as "stiffness" and "blood loss". They will be unable to use any fighting skills and their mobility will be greatly reduced. Any action will deduct their health points. The more actions they take, the more severe the deduction will be.

It corresponds to the present.

Ariel, who was in severe pain just now due to the atrophy of the magic power all over her body, the next moment, all the skin blood vessels outside the body surface were raised, and when Ariel moved a little, these raised blood vessels, like fragile pieces of paper, shattered directly , blood surged wildly.

After [Silence Field] and [Blood Spurt], it is still not over.

What flashed next was the third one, a deep and dark spell barrier.

This time Ariel was finally able to catch her breath.

Because the spell this time is of the summoning type.

From the surrounding ground of the basement, void cracks were torn apart one after another, and immediately after that, a pair of pale bone fingers first protruded from the cracks.

The bone fingers grasped the ground, and with a strong force, the monster hiding under the crack in the void crawled out completely.

It was a skeletal undead with a height of four or five meters, and the whole body was covered with bones.

Its empty eye sockets were burning with strong fire, and the seemingly pale bones actually contained great power. Just standing there, it exuded a terrifying aura, which made Ariel tremble, and her whole body trembled endlessly.

The most terrifying thing is that Ariel has never seen such tall undead, not one, not two, but five, ten, or twenty. The gaps in the void are still tearing apart the space, And the number of high-level undead crawling out of the gaps seemed endless.

This is not a seventh-level spell.

This is already the eighth level ritual - [Army of the Undead]

The best proof is that these undead are divided into different positions. Some are holding giant bone shields, some are carrying a serrated bone sword, some are dual-wielding bone spurs, and some are holding bone scepters.
Of course, no matter how many professions these undead have, no matter how ferocious they are, and no matter how powerful they exude, they have one thing in common.

That is.
They all began to rush towards Liao Yu's position.

The undead shield guards stood in front of Liao Yu, and the undead bone swords followed closely on both sides, like the most loyal guards.

The undead assassins were always alert to the surroundings, and the undead mage began to wave the bone staff, giving Liao Yu layer after layer of protective barriers.

The basement, which was empty just now, was filled with undead in the blink of an eye.

And in the center, Liao Yu was surrounded by high-level undead.
Liao Yu: "."


After three enchantments flashed on the ground under his feet, there was finally no fourth one.

Actually there is.

However, this is a camouflage enchantment. If you look from the outside, you will find a huge dark hood that completely covers the sky above Earl Vidler's manor. The breath of the entire manor disappeared and hid in the middle of the night.

After doing all this.

In a space next to Liao Yu, a rift portal was constructed, and then, the figure of the demon Dadaya could be seen quickly solidifying in it.

Because the magician itself is too strong, it takes a lot of time to transmit magic.

As for the previous spells, the magic demon should be in a hurry. Before the main body comes, he will cast a few seventh-level spells in the air to help himself, eh, to resolve the difficulty?

Liao Yu's guess was correct.

As soon as Dadaya completed the transmission and the main body arrived, the demon immediately rushed towards Liao Yu, sensing the surroundings vigilantly.

Although he is wearing a crow mask, he can still clearly feel that Dadayan is extremely serious and goes all out.

There is another best evidence, that is, the sorcerer even took out his crow scepter. At the level of the sorcerer, the only ones who need the "crow scepter" to assist are ninth-level, tenth-level or even "ultra-level" bit" ritual technique.

"King, where is the enemy?"

Liao Yu: "."

Look at Ju Mo now, it seems that he is ready to perform a super position ritual at any time as long as he gives an order. Although Liao Yu's heart is a little twitching, but on the surface, he still has to stay calm and said to Ju Mo calmly:
"Dadaya, there are no enemies here, so there is no need to be nervous."

Then Liao Yu immediately turned his head and asked with an interrogating gaze to the Shadow Demon Apostle next to him who had the same plain expression on his face:

"Sill, I should just ask you to inform Dadaya that they are coming?"

Liao Yu thought it was Hill who had passed on the imperial decree.

In the end, Hill was also innocent.

"King, Hill is indeed complete and has passed on your words truthfully."

Liao Yu understood what Shadow Demon meant.

That is, there is absolutely no less than one word, but there is absolutely no additional explanation of one more word.


It's Hill.

Probably because Hill's news was so concise, and I deliberately added "immediately" to emphasize it at the end, which made the magician and the wise demon misunderstand.

Especially Smart Demon Leon!
Thinking of this, Liao Yu immediately asked, "Dadaya, where is Leon?"

Before Jumo could answer, there was a knock on the door from outside the basement.

Immediately afterwards, Leon the Wisdom Demon, who was wearing a dress and seemed to have just come from some banquet, appeared opposite Liao Yu with a bell in his hand.

Following closely behind Leon, Liao Yu looked over and saw that there were hundreds of people in the entire Earl Vidler's estate, including maids, servants, and guards.

These people seemed to have been seized and manipulated by the silver bell in Leon's hand, and they lined up in a neat line, following Leon with great respect.

"I'm sorry, Wang, I'm late." As soon as Zhi Mo came over, he immediately apologized to Liao Yu.


Liao Yu asked Leon to get up.

By the way, I took a few more glances at the hundreds of Earl's servants behind Leon, and then looked at the legendary item in Leon's hand, the soul bell, which can exert powerful "mind control" to deprive units below level 40 of control , the result is now used on these domestic servants whose estimated level does not exceed 10.

At once.
Forget it.

The large group of people around me, the skeleton army summoned by the [Undead Army] from the sorcerer, are all at an average level of 60.

Liao Yu doubted that, let alone Vidler's Earl's Manor, it was hard to say whether there could be a level 50 human in the entire city of Illinois.

Of course.

Liao Yu didn't want to accuse Leon or Dardaya.

On the contrary, from this, we can see that the Wisdom Demon and the Magic Demon are really loyal and supportive of the Demon King. Just a word of "immediately" can make them nervous, fearing that something will happen to them and causing such a big battle. .

In short.

Liao Yu first asked Dadaya to put away these seventh- and eighth-level enchantment spells.

The undead army climbed back into the crack, and the effects of the two abnormal conditions disappeared along with the barrier.

Before Liao Yu could speak again, another person in the basement had the biggest reaction.

That's right.

That's Ariel.

Because Dardaya withdrew the barrier, Ariel's body gradually recovered. This noble lady was finally able to speak. The scene that just happened obviously completely shattered her worldview and made her The whole person went completely crazy.

"What on earth are you...!?"

"Monster monster ahhhh!!"

"What is that? Level four? Or level five? This is the legendary summoning ritual of the undead. It is not so impossible. The skeleton of the undead is only one and a half meters tall. What kind of monsters are those undead? You don’t. Everything that’s fake is fake!!”

"Answer me, answer. Woohoo!?"

Unlike Hill.

When Ariel went crazy in front of Liao Yu again, Leon immediately frowned, and then he was completely unaccustomed. He directly faced the human girl and spit out a few obscure demonic spells.

Under the devil's spell, Ariel's mind was still conscious and belonged to her, but her body was completely out of control.

The translation of Zhimo's incantation probably means that.

I saw that this perverted young lady immediately opened her hands forward in the direction of Liao Yu, put them on the ground for support, put her head between her hands, and put her face close to the ground.

At the same time, the legs at the back are also tightened and the buttocks are raised high.

A very standard kneeling posture.

To describe it in human terms, it's like a dog trying to please its owner.

In front of the king, this is just right.

How unbecoming was that barking just now!

Thinking of the wise demon here, he immediately turned his dissatisfied gaze on Hill.

Leon said in a very harsh and accusatory tone:
"Ciel, is this how you want to be the king's bodyguard!?"


Leon had a big problem with Hill.

In the eyes of the wise demon, it was Hill's complete dereliction of duty to allow a human being to be so arrogant and crazy in front of the king.

The king may not care.

It's like the ant nest in front of the courtyard, the owner just ignores it and doesn't bother to take care of it.

But as an apostle, how could Hill be like this! ?

It is their apostolic responsibility to clean up the ants and maintain a clean and comfortable environment for the owner of the house!

Being reprimanded by the wise demon, Hill rarely bowed his head and admitted his mistake.

"What's the use of just being sorry! You let me down so much, Hill! Now I seriously doubt your competence as the king's guard!"


Hill didn't refute anything after all. Zhimo was indeed right, it was her fault.

She is used to acting alone, so in terms of taking care of people and taking care of the king, she really thinks too little and too badly.

"My lord, Leon asks you to punish Hill to prevent such a thing from happening again. This can also serve as a warning to other apostles."

After reprimanding Hill, Leon immediately turned around and suggested to Liao Yu.

If the Demon King is the head of the family and the nine apostles are the servants, then the Wisdom Demon is positioned as the steward among the servants.

Before Liao Yu said anything, Hill seemed to be extremely guilty, and started to punish himself on his own initiative.

I saw Hill imitating Ariel's current appearance, and began to kneel down in the direction of Liao Yu, with his butt raised, and assumed the same posture as Ariel, a human being.

It seems to be using this method to let her remember the lesson this time.

Since she watched the humans screaming in front of the king but showed no expression, then the punishment she received should be the same as that of the humans, even if she was a powerful apostle.

Liao Yu: "."

Seemingly realizing that Liao Yu wanted to get Hill up and "exempt" Hill, Leon immediately took the lead and said to Hill and Liao Yu:

"King, you must have a seat for your next meeting."


There wasn't a single stool in the basement, and what was there were all torture instruments that Ariel loved pervertedly.

But what does Leon mean by this?
Change place?

Liao Yu didn't understand it at first, but later, Hill understood it quickly, and she didn't have anything to be ashamed of. She crawled directly towards Liao Yu, and in front of Liao Yu, she tried her best to arch her petite body, as if she was a chair shape.

Liao Yu: "."

Liao Yu suddenly felt that it was really easy for a king to be spoiled by his subordinates.

You really can’t blame Dong Zhuo!
question, understand, become
Of course, Liao Yu couldn't punish Hill. He must protect Hill. After all, this matter has nothing to do with Hill.

"All right."

"The meaningless quarrel ends here. Hill, get up. As for the punishment you mentioned for Leon, Hill will punish me and retell all the events that happened before to Leon and Dadaya."

Of course Liao Yu is not that perverted.

He couldn't do anything like using a female subordinate as a chair to sit on!
But I don’t know if it’s Liao Yu’s delusion.

After Hill was "commuted" by Liao Yu, on Shadow Demon's always lonely and indifferent face, there seemed to be a glimmer of frustration that seemed to be a disappointment?

He must have been wrong.

Next, Hill told everything that happened to Ariel.

After Leon listened quietly, Zhimo adjusted his glasses, showing an expression that really did.

After that, he immediately said to Liao Yu:
"King, the information from you has confirmed one of my guesses."

"After Alice's analysis in the chaotic rift, she has already made a preliminary judgment on the "egg". Just like the elves you discovered, Alice also detected the "egg" from the "egg". gone."

"Shadow of the Zerg."

 The ultimate chapter, two in one, 5k!

(End of this chapter)

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