Chapter 40 Zerg
This is a bit related to Liao Yu's knowledge blind spot.

Before that, he knew some elves more or less, relying on the handwriting of the great guardian of Zhoumu, Melvin had contacted and communicated with the world of elves.

But there are still some worlds that the Great Guardian has also observed that were invaded and destroyed by demons, such as dragons, orcs, and the Zerg mentioned now.
These are mentioned in the manuscript records, but they are all mentioned by Melvin, and they are rarely mentioned.

Moreover, even though the great guardian left behind him as the "son of destiny" after his death, he left many inheritances, but the "method of observation" that can transcend the world is not among them.

Therefore, when Liao Yu inherits the seat and becomes the new great guardian of the human world, he cannot say that he will observe other worlds like Melvin.

Liao Yu remembered him in the game at that time, and complained about it. He felt that it was most likely that the official was lazy and the screenwriter did not finish writing the settings of other worlds, so he fooled it.

if not?It can't be that the official is playing a bigger game, deliberately buying a pass for their players, so that they can wait for a sequel or a new DLC (data expansion pack), right?

Liao Yu suddenly felt that there were more flags behind him.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand the Zerg.

After all, the wise demon in front of them has lived for tens of thousands of years. For humans, they need to rely on manuscripts and books to record history. For demons, an apostle is enough.

"My lord, the Zerg race should have been wiped out by us for more than a thousand years. The biggest characteristic of this race is that all the Zerg race believe in the same "flesh and blood" fate as Alice. Apart from this, there is no second fate." , so although the Zerg has a single ability, in terms of mastery of flesh and blood abilities, even Alice has to learn from the Zerg."

"The egg we found on humans is based on the Zerg's flesh-and-blood technique. Currently, the states of the egg analyzed by Alice are divided into three types."

"The first state is also the parasitic state where the egg in the human mage's body is. In this state, the magic power or fighting spirit acquired by human beings will be guided and transferred, and will no longer be stored in the blood meridians of the host. , but they are all transferred to the eggs, and the eggs will store them on their behalf."

"When the host needs to use magic power or combat energy, the egg will also provide the host with corresponding power, and it can even be more pure than usual, free of impurities, so that the host feels that the strength has improved, and the existence of the egg is completely unaware."

The magician profession corresponds to magic power, and the warrior profession corresponds to vindictiveness.

The more Liao Yu listened to Zhimo's analysis report on the egg, the more he felt, how could this really be the same as the "Dan Tian" he originally thought?

As Leon then reported the "second" form, Liao Yu discovered that the "egg" was even more powerful than the "Dantian".

"When the egg relies on the power of the host to absorb the warmth and nourish it for a period of time, the egg will actively let the host perceive its existence and enter the second state, symbiosis, where the host can inherit the blood and flesh imprinted in the egg, In this way, one's own life form can be brought closer to the flesh and blood in the egg, and when encountering a strong enemy or life crisis, the body can also be handed over to the egg to control."

Shared ecology.
Listen to this, the egg is not only the dantian, but also a library, and there are special cultivation methods in it?Can people transform their life forms?It even has the effect of "Grandpa in a Bottle", forcibly fighting for the host?

Liao Yu felt that if the appearance of the "egg" were changed, wouldn't it be the cheat that everyone dreams of, a golden finger?

Judging from Ariel's reaction before, she should be in the second state of the egg that Leon said.

She could sense the existence of the egg and thought it was some kind of "magic pill". However, after the egg was actually taken out by Hill, looking at Ariel's appearance, it was obvious that she had never seen the appearance of an egg.

But even so, when Liao Yu heard this, he seemed to be parasitized by the egg. It was nothing, and it was even a benefit.

But obviously.

Pies never fall from the sky.

"My lord, if there is no outside interference, then the egg will last forever in its second form, living in symbiosis with the host."

"But once the egg senses the aura of the "Queen", the egg will immediately abandon the original host, and at the same time deprive the original host of all magic power, fighting spirit, and all the power gained from practice, and use it as food and feed to feed the "Queen" .”

Next, Leon explained the key word to Liao Yu - the queen

The Zerg Queen is the core of the entire race, and all Zerg must obey unconditionally. This is a steel seal engraved in the flesh and blood, and if necessary, everything in oneself must be assimilated into a part of the Queen's flesh and blood.

The "Egg", which is based on the Zerg flesh and blood technique, also inherits this.

Then the question now becomes.
That's right, Zhimo nodded towards Liao Yu.

Leon said solemnly: "Humanity will decline in such a way after a thousand years, and there are very few strong people on the bright side. Wang, I suspect that it has something to do with the "Queen". In the human world, there is such a "Queen". Constantly, using humans as its pasture, eating away at the power of humans."

Leon said and gave a gesture to the demon, and then Dadaya immediately used projection to display a world map in front of Liao Yu.

"King, after we separated, I made a preliminary investigation into the history of mankind and the current world structure. Please take a look, King."

Liao Yu looked at the map along Zhimo's fingers.

I saw that the map was cut by a huge canyon from the middle?Great Wall?Divided into two, at the top of the map, in the north, is a huge force that occupies almost one-third of the world's territory.

"King, this is the empire. The Knox Empire has absolute hegemony and an overwhelming lead compared to other human forces. It is the strongest country among human beings, so much so that no second human country dares to use "Empire" "Come and call yourself."

"According to the currently known information, the empire is governed by the absolute dictatorship of the "Emperor". In all the previous emperor changes, except for the seventh one, the rest of the emperor changes have not shaken the empire at all, and have never shaken the empire. There have been turmoils, but on the contrary, successive emperors have had unparalleled power over the empire, making the empire more prosperous and prosperous, until it has become a behemoth among all human forces today."

"So what you mean?" Liao Yu stared at the Knox Empire on the map, and he understood the subtext of the wise demon.

"Yes, King, I suspect that the "Emperor" is the "Queen" behind all the eggs. Whether it is in terms of status or power, it is in line with my expectations for the "Queen"."

"However, due to the limited information, Wang, I have not yet learned how the "Queen" tempted humans to accept the egg, and it is not clear why the inheritance of flesh and blood stored in the egg is from our demon race."

Liao Yu already had an answer to the confusion of Zhimo in his heart.

It should be said that it is clear to the bystanders.

Liao Yu: "Immortal."

"Immortal?" Zhimo repeated, not quite understanding what Liao Yu meant.

"Because our race has the longest life, we take "immortality" for granted. In fact, this is exactly what humans desire most. Leon, among humans, some people are obsessed with "immortality." Much more than you think.”

After Liao Yu's explanation from a human perspective, Zhimo immediately became thoughtful, as if he had been awakened. Leon nodded quickly, and the look of respect towards Liao Yu in his snake eyes became stronger.

"My understanding of human beings is far inferior to that of the king. I will try my best to learn in the future."

"Well, if, as the king said, human beings are pursuing immortality, and eggs are also the same, then the successive emperors are likely to be the same person, no, the same creature, and the empire has existed for 500 years in human history. years, if the queens during this period are all the same biological individual.”

Leon didn't go any further.

All the apostles present understood what Zhimo meant, and their expressions became serious.

Zerg who believe in the fate of "flesh and blood", the strongest authority of this fate is the assimilation and evolution of life forms.

The previous demons would wipe out the Zerg directly and cleanly, so the Zerg had no time to say anything and analyzed the flesh and blood of the demons to evolve their own race.

But in the human world, they suffered a disastrous defeat. The unprecedented war between humans and demons a thousand years ago produced countless flesh and blood corpses of both groups.

Thinking about it now, indeed, isn't this simply the best breeding ground for Zerg?
The Queen who created "Human Ranch" is terrifying.

And if the queen who has been running this ranch for 500 years is still the same queen from the beginning to the end, then it cannot be described as "terrible" at all.

"Okay, these are just theoretical speculations. Don't forget that humans also have a "glorious" destiny. Have you forgotten the saint among humans back then, the son of destiny? I don't think that humans Will be dominated by the Zerg so easily."

"Don't get confused. No matter what the queen is or how humans are, they can't stop our race. I will take back everything that the demon race has lost in this silent millennium."

Liao Yu saw that the atmosphere was a bit stiff. As the king, he should come out to mobilize and comfort.

The effect of these words was extremely obvious, especially Zhimo, whose blood seemed to boil with excitement, and his snake pupils were full of excitement and trembling.

Leon's strategy and scheming are always only for foreigners.

In front of the devil, the wise devil may be more like a simple child with a blank sheet of paper.

After that, Liao Yu quickly changed the subject and asked again: "Leon, you said before that there was only the seventh emperor change, and something happened?"

"Yes, but we have no way of knowing the details of this period of history from the existing superficial information. The most detailed records I have found are only descriptions. It was a multi-party event distributed all over the world." The "anti-imperial" war provoked by the "underground forces."

"The war was not long. It only lasted three years. The rebellion was quickly put down by the empire and other countries."

"And the Kingdom of Illinois where we are now is one of the countries that assisted the empire in the rebellion war and wiped out the rebels."

(End of this chapter)

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