Chapter 41 Five Star Partner
According to the world history previously reported by Leon, the Empire was the world's hegemon as early as 500 years ago.

And this anti-imperial "underground force" was able to force the empire and needed to join forces with other countries to destroy it. Although it only lasted for three years, it was still enough to show its power.

in other words
It was the weakness of the "Emperor" that they had grasped.

Either way.

For Liao Yu, it is necessary to explore the truth of the world in the millennium.

"Good job, Leon."

Liao Yu first affirmed Zhimo's intelligence summary.

Afterwards he said in a deep voice:
"The Kingdom of Illinois, as one of the participating countries in the "Rebellion War", must have deeper and more detailed records of both the empire and the rebels."

"My family conquers the world, and in the future we will inevitably fight the empire. In order to collect information related to the empire, we will continue to investigate the clues of the "egg". Therefore, I need you next."

Liao Yu paused, glanced at the three apostles in front of him, and said slowly:

"Bring the Kingdom of Illinois completely under our control."

Thousands of years later, the human world has already changed greatly from Zhoumu.

All Liao Yu's previous feelings for the world were based on the world he once guarded and was familiar with.

But if the world after a thousand years has changed beyond recognition, or even been stolen by "others", then Liao Yu will not hesitate to let the sharpest spear of the demon clan be in his own hands, causing hundreds of millions of shocks to the world.

"As you order, king."

The three apostles present immediately knelt down to Liao Yu and took orders one after another.

One of the magicians directly asked Liao Yu: "King, I have prepared the void passage connecting the Chaos Rift. I can send my army to the kingdom at any time to start a war. King, do you want to start it now?"

But this time without Liao Yu, Leon was the first to dismiss Shumo.

"Dadaya, don't you understand? The king is talking about control, complete control, and war will only bring destruction."

"What's more, before the "Queen" and other possible threats are clear, I still insist on my original opinion. There is no need for our family to be exposed to the public. I secretly control the Kingdom of Illinois and make it my family. His endorsement, as a shield and disguise for our clan, is the core of Wang's real strategy!"

After educating the magician, Leon shook his head, as if he felt that other demons were a bit stupid, and only talking to Liao Yu, a talented and generous king, was the most worry-free and his favorite.

Wisdom Demon immediately asked Liao Yu:

"My lord, I implore you to continue entrusting this important task to me. I am confident that within three months, without any war, the Kingdom of Illinois and the royal family of the entire country will be completely surrendered to the demons. under the king's rule."

Leon really knows himself well.

This is also what Liao Yu wants.

"Well, I'm sure you won't let me down, Leon."

Zhimo put his hands on his chest and bowed deeply to Liao Yu to express his gratitude to the king for trusting him and his absolute confidence in controlling the Kingdom of Illinois.

Three months is actually Leon's careful consideration, leaving a lot of leeway.

In fact, Zhimo thinks that one and a half months is enough.

The discussion on "egg" has temporarily come to an end.

Then it was time for the next equally important topic.

"King, over there with the elves."

Leon has a headache.

When the king didn't summon him, he thought that only the Zerg needed to be investigated, but now, even the elves appeared.

It's almost like
It seems that they are not the only demons who have made a comeback after a thousand years.

Seeing that Leon was a little overwhelmed, Liao Yu could solve this problem easily.

"Leon, you can continue to concentrate on the task of controlling the kingdom. As for the elves, leave them to me."

If the other apostles said so, Zhimo would never agree.

After all, although the elves are also one of the many races they have conquered, but because of this, Leon is also very clear that the strength of the elves should not be underestimated.

The Zerg in the front are proficient in flesh and blood, but the elves have powerful magic abilities that even "magic demons" need to learn.

Therefore, Leon did not regard the sealing method mentioned by the elf as a joke, and took it very seriously.

And it's not the same as "Queen".

This is very urgent, and even directly raised to the point of "survival of the demons".

Leon actually wanted to take care of such a big event by himself.

No one can rest assured that Zhimo will be handed over to anyone.

Except for one person.

That is the king.

"I'm very sorry, King. I will do my best to deal with the Illinois royal family as soon as possible and assist you as soon as possible. If you have any needs, please be sure to send you. All apostles are the king's arms."

"Don't worry, I won't hesitate to dispatch you when needed."

Liao Yu really didn't mean what he said.

He immediately turned his head and said to the magician: "Dadaya, since your void passage has been built, don't waste it. Inform Elena and tell her. It's time."

"Wang, you mean."

Liao Yu glanced around.

Earl Vidler's mansion has been completely fallen because of the arrival of the sorcerer and the wise demon. In this case, why not use this place as the first stronghold of the demons?

After expressing this meaning, Wisdom Demon also nodded in agreement.

The plan is finalized.

Leon resigned to Liao Yu, Zhimo seized all the time and continued to perform his mission of infiltrating and controlling the kingdom.

The magician stayed here with Liao Yu, and began to confirm the coordinates of Earl Vidler's manor for a second time, and established a portal with the chaotic rift, preparing for the arrival of his compatriots.

Taking advantage of this free opportunity in the middle, Liao Yu was finally able to open his system panel.

That's right.

The reason why Liao Yu was so confident in telling Zhimo that he would handle the elf side was that Liao Yu was 100% sure that he could find the elf princess directly.

The principle is also very simple.

Liao Yu looked at his [Daily Commission] column that displayed [Completed].

Although Ariel, who is the employer, has now turned into a dog crawling on the ground.

But this has nothing to do with the mission.

When you complete the commission, you will get the corresponding reward.

And the content of this reward is exactly the same as what he had imagined at the beginning, and under the blessing of "Star Plastic I" of the Demon King's Fate, it has been doubled by a hundred times!
The daily tasks in the game, under normal circumstances, will give 420 experience points and 50 stars every day after completion.

and he is now
[Currently remaining distributable experience points: 42000]

【Starlight: 5000】

As a human template, Liao Yu is very clear about his experience value curve. At the 1-20 level stage, the required experience value for each level is in units of "hundreds", 20-30 is in units of "thousands", and 30-40 is in units of "thousands". Use "ten thousand" as the unit, and so on, until the cap is "tens of millions".

Therefore, it can be seen that the daily tasks have a significant effect on the growth of the player's level in the early stage, but the further they go, the basic level is very weak after level 30, and it is up to the player to spawn the monsters themselves.

However, because Liao Yu had a hundredfold blessing, he was able to extend his income curve and receive 40 experience points every day. At least until he reached level [-], he was a rocket.

However, Liao Yu is now focusing more on the experience value instead of the experience value.

The [Starlight] rewarded daily is what Liao Yu values ​​most.

I have introduced the [Partner] system of "Son of Destiny" in the game before.

In [Random Bonding], 60 starlight is required for one bond, and 500 starlight is required for ten times, which is exactly equal to saving the daily starlight rewards for ten days and exchanging them for ten draws.

But now, with a hundred times down, it means that he directly has a hundred draws a day!

Think about how many times he has scolded the planner in the game, why is a stand-alone machine still so deducted.

it's good now.

It’s like a cracked version!
What are Liao Yu waiting for.

Although the [Random Connection] of the partner system is called random, Liao Yu, as a hardcore player, has already researched the hidden rules.

As long as you use some related media, you can greatly increase the chance of extracting the partner you want.

After using the relics of the elves in Ariel's secret room as a medium, Liao Yu directly launched the starlight.

A hazy map of the royal city that only Liao Yu could see floated in front of him along with the [Entertainment] system.

Next, after Liao Yu consumed the starlight, dots of starlight shone on the hazy map of the royal city. The hazy map that was originally covered by the fog seemed to be illuminated, and light spots flickered one after another.

As Liao Yu's fingers slid across the map, these light spots immediately reflected the corresponding colors when they touched Liao Yu's hand. Most of them were white, green, and blue, and a few purple light spots could be seen.

Each light point corresponds to a potential partner who can be "connected" with Liao Yu. The map location where the light point is located is exactly where these "characters" are currently.

In this way, after almost seventy draws, Liao Yu was refreshed, and finally on the map, a resplendent and resplendent location that looked like a meeting place suddenly flashed an orange symbolizing "five-star partners" after his finger slid across it. shine.

The light spot was picked up by Liao Yu, and immediately turned into a golden card, and the information about the characters related to it was presented in front of Liao Yu.


[Race: Elf]

[Fate Path: Nature]

[Potential Rating: (7.5/10)]

[Current status: Illinois Royal College of Advanced Studies, first-year transfer student (borrowing)]

【Preferences: history, lilies, glasses, spices, pantyhose】

【Dislikes: dogs, demons, roses, knots, blindfolds, sticks】

[Characteristic Preference: Lawful Good (86%), Lawful Evil (14%)]

[Character intimacy: 0%]

【? ? ? 】

(More "attribute information" will be unlocked after successful marriage)

Liao Yu finally looked at the card face of the character.

It's not the blond and beautiful elf princess he imagined. On the contrary, she is an ordinary-looking girl with some freckles on her face and bulky spectacle frames on her nose. Commoner female students.


If you have forgotten the appearance of the freckled female student, you can also find it in Chapter 20 of Volume [-].

(End of this chapter)

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