Chapter 42 Vercy's Determination
A palace dinner with staggered toasts.

This is a grand fundraising event organized by the "Five Flowers Alliance".

The theme of the dinner was voluntary fundraising, to provide clothes and food for children in impoverished mountainous areas and backward areas of the Kingdom to solve their living difficulties.

For such a kind act, almost all the celebrities in the royal city were present.

One after another, brightly dressed people walked gracefully and dignifiedly to the stage of the dinner party, threw the golden flowers in their hands into the wishing pool, and smiled generously at the "photographers" pointed at them from the audience.

The wishing pool is the donation box.

The exquisite and beautiful showerhead sprays pure and untainted water. Under the dazzling lights of the palace above, it shines beautifully and complements the splendid and luxurious palace.

The golden flowers that people put into the wishing well represent the amount of donations, each flower is equivalent to one hundred gold coins.

Wilsey looked at the current wishing well.

The banquet was only halfway through, and the golden flowers in the wishing fountain were almost full. This was much faster than she expected.

Is this...human?
Those who can come to the banquet are mostly nobles and upper-class people among human beings, but they are so kind-hearted and in high positions, they still think about the other weak people below, and are willing to give up their own interests to let others live a better life. good.

Wilhelm sighed inwardly.

No wonder humans from thousands of years ago were able to defeat demons.

This kind of group consciousness of helping each other, supporting the weak, and working together is completely incomparable to their elves.

When I think of my own tribe.

Versie let out another long sigh from the bottom of her heart.

She stretched out her hand to her chest, and what was hidden in the collar of her clothes was a small dark green flute pendant, and Wei Erxi quietly clenched it a little bit with her hands.

This is a prop given to her by the elders for the connection between the elves.

According to the plan, last night, the "prophecy" of their clan should have come to fruition, and the Elders would send the rest of the clan to join him in the royal city.

It is already the night of the second day.

Not to mention that an elf came to find her, the green flute on Velxi's chest never showed any reaction.

what happened?

Where should she go to her kindred?
Lost in Wangcheng?
No, even if you get lost, you can still use the flute to sense them and take the initiative to find them.

Or was it delayed by something?
still is
In danger! ?

Thinking of Versie here, her heart immediately turned upside down, and she quickly shook her head, telling her not to be crowed.

She must be worrying too much.

After all, Wilsey has been here in the royal city for a while, and she knows to some extent that the level of human strength is far from what the elves imagined.

The simplest example, as a daily practice, she created a scroll of the third-order technique "Ascension Technique", which can be regarded as a treasure by human beings. It is said that it was sold at an auction in the item store and sold for a very high price. This was something Wilsey didn't expect at all.

It was also because of this that Wilsey was not worried about any accidents happening to the clansmen.

Although their elves have also declined, they are at least around the third level. Even as the team leader, he is brother Lamous who often protects her, and he is a fourth-level fighter.

In such a royal city where human beings are generally weak, how could any accident happen to the clansmen.

After self-soothing.

Wei Erxi felt relieved a little more worriedly.

Available soon.

The elf princess sighed in her heart for the third time.

The reason is exactly the reason for her "comfort" above.

Humans are too weak.

What Wilsey originally wanted was to find a human magic genius like the "Great Guardian" who made their elves worthy of learning thousands of years ago.

Because only in this way can she analyze and use the secret method that can seal the demons that has been handed down from her elf ancestors and painstakingly researched.

Can result.
Seeing how human beings stretch their hips today, Wilsey was confused.

She had absolutely no idea what to do.

Among the elves of this generation, she is the most outstanding magic genius, but even she can only master the fifth-level magic at most, while the sealing method of the ancestors must be at least seventh-level and above.

As a result, she clearly held a way to seal the demons and save the world, but she couldn't find anyone who could use it.

Should I go to the empire?
In the most powerful country of human beings, will there be human beings with their own hopes, who are geniuses in magic?

Just when the elf princess was still racking her brains.

Suddenly there were footsteps coming from the side, followed by the voice of Versie's tutor in the academy shouting.

"Wilsh! Hurry up, hurry up, what are you doing sitting in the corner, come quickly, let me introduce you, this is the eldest princess of the Kingdom of Illinois, Princess Yuffie!"

Welsh would come to this kind of banquet because she was forced to come here by her mentor.

I saw that the instructor of the Illinois Royal College now had an extremely excited face, flushed, and very excited. The reason was that there was another person walking towards Wilsey beside him.

It was a beautiful woman with red hair.

And you must know that in the Kingdom of Illinois, "red hair" is a symbol of the royal family.

"Miss Wilsey, it's our first time meeting you. Nice to meet you." As a royal daughter, Yuffie had no airs at all and even took the initiative to say hello to Wilsey, a civilian student.

This caused Wilsey to stand up quickly and hurried over to greet the human princess, performing social etiquette on her.

"I heard from the instructor of the college that although Miss Wilsey is a transfer student from out of town, her academic performance in the college is very excellent and she is not lagging behind the local students in the royal city."

Being praised like this by Princess Yuffie, Wilsey quickly shook her head and waved her hands: "No, no, no, I, I'm not that powerful, I'm just trying hard."

"Miss Welsh doesn't need to be self-effacing. The Royal Academy in Wangcheng represents the highest academic level in the Kingdom of Illinois. To be able to rank among the best among them must have extraordinary talent."

"Speaking of which, I happen to be revising a copy recently, regarding the Royal Academy's policy on non-local students. Miss Welsh is a foreign student, and she is also excellent in character and learning. I would like to spare time some other day and ask Ms. Welsh to come out. Listen to your opinion, it will definitely be of great help to the revision, but I don’t know Miss Welsh.”

With admiration on her face, Princess Yuffie extended an invitation to Wilhelm.

Seeing this, the elf princess, of course, would not refuse, and immediately agreed: "No problem, if the princess needs me, just contact the tutor to inform me at any time, I... I usually stay in the academy."

"Okay, then it's settled."

Afterwards, Princess Yuffie chatted briefly with Versie for a while, which made the elf princess feel even more that the princess of the same ethnic group and the princess of the human race seemed to have no pretensions at all, which gave her a very close and easy-going feeling. very comfortable.

This may be the reason why humans are so powerful.

High-ranking people are never proud and arrogant. As a princess, she must also learn from Yuffie!
Just when Wei Erxi was still working hard in her heart, there was another sound of footsteps, and it was another group of people coming towards their position.

"Princess Yuffie, as the head of the banquet, why is she always in this corner? But let us find it easier!"

The visitors were an aristocratic couple.

The man must be in his fifties or sixties, with a big belly and a belt that stretches his high-end suit out of shape. In comparison, the woman, who is his wife, is much more beautiful, with a plump figure and gorgeous makeup.

"Count Vidler is joking. You and the other members of the Five Flowers Alliance are the protagonists of the banquet. I believe that after tonight's charity fundraiser, the reputation of the Five Flowers Alliance among the domestic people will reach a new height, right?" "

"Haha, reputation comes second. Contributing more to the kingdom and supporting the common people is the original intention of our Five Flowers Alliance."

"Of course." Princess Yuffie smiled as usual.

After a brief encounter, Earl Vidler quickly moved his gaze and focused on Wilsey.

He narrowed his eyes and first glanced up and down at Wilsy.

He has a freckled face, thick glasses, and an ordinary appearance. His legs are quite long, but he actually doesn't expose his flesh and wears rustic pantyhose.

The clothes were very conservative, and the whole body was covered tightly. The only thing that caught his attention was the plump breasts under the protruding uniform of Wilhelm.

But like this kind of female students who are only in good shape, he has already played countless times. Vidler immediately lost some sexual interest in Versey, but just in case, he still pretended to say:

"The person who can bring Princess Yuffie here in person must be no ordinary person. Miss, would you be lucky enough to meet me?"

"No, I'm just an ordinary foreign student at the Royal Academy. My name is Wilsey. It's an honor to meet you, Earl Vidler. I have high respect for you and your five-flower alliance."

Wilsey really didn’t lie here.

Although the appearance of the fat human noble in front of her made her a little bit disliked, but she couldn't judge a person by appearance. What the other party did and the kindness of these nobles all made Versie feel good.

"Oh, that's right, let me tell you! He turns out to be a top student at the Royal Academy, haha, what a coincidence!"

Count Vidler slapped his thigh, but because he was too fat and his arms were short, he slapped his stomach.

But that doesn't matter.

The count smiled and said to Wilhelm:

"My unhappy daughter is about the same age as you, and she is also from the Royal Academy. Maybe you are still classmates. If Miss Wilsey has time, she must make time to visit our manor. I will introduce Ari Let me introduce you, you will definitely hit it off."

The Countess next to her, who was wearing heavy makeup, immediately echoed:

"Yes, Ariel likes to make friends with friends from other places like you! In this regard, you are well-known in the entire Five Flowers Alliance."

Like to make foreign friends?
Maybe I can take this opportunity to establish more relationships with humans, or even drive the elves to contact such excellent human forces as the Five Flowers Alliance?

Wilsey analyzed secretly, and just when she was about to nod in agreement, the princess next to her who had been silent just now suddenly intervened.

"Sorry, let's talk slowly first. I have an appointment with guests next, so I will leave first."

After finishing speaking, Princess Yuffie briefly gestured to everyone and walked out of the venue.

After the princess left, Vidler seemed to have lost interest in chatting with Wilsey. After a few perfunctory words, he also left.

In the end, Wilsey, who was alone again, let out a long breath in the corner of the banquet.

always feel.
Being in contact with humans is so stressful.

Welsh couldn't help but miss that when she was a child, everything was done for her by the elders and fellow clansmen, and the only thing she needed to do was to practice hard and study spells well.

She really likes the feeling of being looked after.

She has grown up.

She can no longer act like a spoiled child.

As a princess, she shoulders the responsibility of the elves, and it is the mission of the whole world to fight against the demons. She must be independent and self-improving, and she can't always think about relying on others!
This is why she took the initiative to apply to the elders to come to the human royal city first.

This was a training she gave herself.

Come on!

Wilhelm, you can definitely do it!

Destroy the demons!

Revitalize the elves!

The elf princess under the disguise spell clenched her fists and waved them quietly in front of her chest to cheer herself up.

The fundraising charity dinner ended successfully.

The various forces that came to participate, and the kingdom's elites, all returned home in their own carriages.

Except for the nobles under the Five Flowers Alliance.

As the host, after Earl Vidler saw off the last guest, the smile on his face quickly disappeared, and he turned to a subordinate who had been waiting for a long time and asked:

"Have you been followed? Who is the guest that Princess Yuffie is going to see?"

"Sir, I found out that he is from the Eagle Eagle Mercenary Group."

Upon hearing the name, Earl Vidler sneered, showing such an expression, threw the cigarette in his hand on the ground, and crushed it with his feet.

"It seems that our big princess is really a little bit rushed, and even the gangsters from the Adventurer's Association want to win her over."

"Lord Earl, we must not be careless. Although most adventurers are mixed, the Horned Eagle Mercenary Group. I have heard many stories about them and have successfully completed many "lord-level" monster crusade. They The captain "Haihu" is said to have reached the level of a fourth-level warrior, and he has many second-level magicians under his command. They are very famous and prestigious in the entire Adventurer Association."

Tier [-] fighters, in the Kingdom of Illinois, are already considered a small group of pyramids. They must not be underestimated, and they are enough to be the leader of the Royal Elite Knights.

As for second-tier magicians, because magicians are naturally higher than the fighter profession and are relatively noble, even if they are second-tier fighters, they are no worse than third-tier fighters, and they are even more useful in some situations.

Judging from the strength on paper, the Horned Eagle Mercenary Group is indeed very strong. If they are really persuaded by Princess Yuffie, it will indeed be a serious problem for them, and it is no wonder that their subordinates are worried.

"A few days ago, I would still have a headache, but now...hehe, you know why the Five Flowers Alliance dares to hold this fundraising meeting openly at this time?"

"Your Majesty, what do you mean?"

"The envoy of the empire is about to come to Illinois for a diplomatic visit. The envoy expressed his love for our eldest princess Yuffie when he visited last time. Unfortunately, the imperial concubine passed by, and this Once, the envoy contacted us first."

The imperial envoy contacted the Wuhua Alliance?

Could it be that!
The men immediately realized what was happening and expressed excitement.

In this world, only one huge country with absolute hegemony is allowed to use the word "empire".


"Hmph, that's right, so what if Yuffie is the eldest princess? In front of the imperial envoy, she is just a plaything. The envoy is in the way of face, so it is inconvenient for him to take action, so he entrusted this responsibility to us."

Earl Vidler's smiling eyes were full of contempt.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see. The summoning scroll given to us by the Five Flowers Alliance will also open your eyes to see the power of the empire and what it means to be undead!"

Dead. Undead! ?
Isn't this the undead that only exists in legends?
The undead are not a race, but more like a certain summoning branch of magic, similar to elemental creatures.

And although they are summoned by spells, they have extremely high magic resistance. Low-level spells are almost ineffective against undead, and they are the nemesis of all magicians.

At the same time, they also have a more perverted "immortal body" characteristic. As long as the core of the undead is not destroyed, they can be reborn and stand up repeatedly without limit. They are simply perfect dead soldiers.

In addition, it is said that high-level undead can even be divided into "occupations".

But I am afraid that this can only be summoned by a fifth-level or even a sixth-level technique, and my subordinates dare not even think about it, it is too far away.

But no matter what.

According to the earl, could it be that the Five Flowers Alliance has really mastered the technique of summoning the undead? ?

Even for the lowest-level undead soldiers, their immortality alone is enough to make them invincible in the battle of the "Coup"!
They have been preparing for the Five Flowers Alliance for so many years.
Have you finally waited for this day?
Finally, they can take control of the Illinois Kingdom that they have coveted for so long and take it away completely!
 [-] in [-] pinch

(End of this chapter)

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