Chapter 43 Blood Sacrifice at the Altar, Undead Warrior
This count's subordinates still understand the principle that a rising tide lifts all boats.

He had already begun to imagine that after the Five Flowers Alliance took complete control of the kingdom, he would live a prosperous and wealthy life as a member of the alliance.

The men, their hearts beating with excitement all the way, followed closely behind Count Vidler and his wife, and they quickly arrived at the Wuhua Alliance's headquarters in the Royal City.

After walking from the special passage to the secret underground base, the subordinate was stunned as soon as he entered.

I saw that in the center of this secret base, it seemed that it had been transformed into a huge altar, and the altar was completely made of bones.

A scroll exuding an evil purple light floated above the altar, and directly below the scroll were groups of human beings whose limbs had been broken and bound.

Among these humans, it can be seen from their clothes that most of them are villagers from other places, and a small number are newcomers from the Adventurer Association who will be favored by the "Five Flowers Alliance".

If Liao Yu were here, he would probably recognize a handful of them.

Because that was the group of adventurers he had met at Lankey's item store when he first came to the human world. They seemed to have received a big order and were collecting money to buy potions.

At that time, these new adventurers who had just entered the royal city were full of longing and yearning for the future. But now, after having their hand and hamstrings severed and trapped in the "blood pool" of the altar, their faces were covered with blood. Fear and regret.

"Vidler, how was the fundraiser?"

A noble lady slowly walked out from behind the scenes holding a red wine glass. She took a sip of the red liquid in the glass and soon showed an expression of intoxication and enjoyment on her face.

"Mrs. Walker, please rest assured that the fund raising has been smoother than expected, and has far exceeded our initial estimate of 500 million gold coins."

"Oh, that's right. I don't need to teach you how to use this money when the time comes, right?"

"Of course, the nobles and celebrities who supported our five-flower alliance will return the money in full. The money donated by the common people, the Adventurer's Association, the Royal Academy and other institutions and organizations will be divided into [-]% and [-]%. Ma'am, the one that belongs to you I have entrusted seven copies and sent them to your mansion."

The lady giggled when she heard that Vidler was so sensible.

As if she was in a good mood, she handed the wine glass to the side. From the shadows behind it, a servant suddenly walked out and took it with a pale bone hand.

Yes, pale bone hands.

At this scene, the men behind Earl Vidler suddenly widened their eyes and stared at the servant next to the noble lady.

No, it cannot be said to be a servant "person".

Because it was a skeleton made entirely of bones without any flesh and blood.

After taking the lady's wine glass, the skeleton came to a nearby table, where there was a pregnant woman who was tied to it and passed out.

The skeleton held a wine glass in one hand, and with the other hand, it slashed at the pregnant woman's belly with a knife.

The pregnant woman was awakened immediately by the severe pain, but unfortunately her hands and feet were bound and her mouth was blocked, so she could only let out a mournful scream of "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo". Take out the red pomegranate.

This was exactly the crystal red pomegranate that appeared in Ariel's dinner.

The skeleton puts the crystal red pomegranate in the palm of his hand and squeezes it tightly with the palm of the bone. The pomegranate is immediately crushed and split, and the juice inside flows down the palm of the skeleton. At this time, the skeleton uses the wine glass in the other hand to Go catch it.

These actions are not complicated, but the skeleton is obviously still a little stiff. When he finally brought the wine glass back to the lady, the juice spilled out of the glass and got everywhere.

But Madam didn't mind, on the contrary she was very happy: "Thank you, sweetheart."

Under this scene, Vidler couldn't help but praise with emotion:

"It seems that Mrs. Walker has become very comfortable with the [Scroll of the Dead] of the envoy."

"It's okay, I really like these little sweethearts, but it's a pity that the consumption is too high. If you want to summon such an undead soldier, you need at least 50 people."

The noble lady shook her head regretfully, and told the skeleton servant to step back. From the shadow behind, it could be seen that there were at least twenty other skeletons like this in the Five Flowers Alliance.

Each one is her little sweetheart.

"One more thing, madam, just as you guessed, the eldest princess couldn't sit still after receiving the diplomatic notice from the imperial emissary. I'm afraid she also guessed the emissary's intention. Recently, she has been trying to win over the king. Other forces in the city.”

"My subordinates have just received information that the Horned Eagle Mercenary Corps seems to have reached an agreement with the Great Empress, with the close protection of a platinum-level adventurer. Ma'am, I think the ceremony can be activated."

"That's it, well, then there really is nothing we can do about it. Since the eldest princess has an extra level [-] combat force, we can't fall behind here either. Otherwise, things will be messed up and we won't be able to explain to the commander. ."

The nobleman sighed pretentiously, then walked to the altar.

To those who were struggling and begging for mercy in the blood pool on the altar, the noble lady smacked her lips in pity and said in a seductive voice:
"Oh, you all heard it. It's not our Five Flowers Alliance's fault. It's the eldest princess who forced us. If you want to hate, you should hate Princess Yuffie."

As the lady's voice fell, her eyes shone with a strange purple light.

The purple light echoed with the scroll floating above the altar. A string of complex and obscure incantations in the scroll immediately emerged and acted on the entire altar.

Under the blessing of the scroll spell, the blood pool of the altar also shone with light, and the adventurers and villagers in the pool all twitched violently, as if their bodies were in severe pain, struggling crazily in the blood pool.

But it didn't work.

The breath of life was quickly deprived from these "sacrifices", their flesh and blood were swallowed by the altar and turned into energy, and their dead souls were drawn out and refined into undead bones.

In just a few breaths, at least 400 people inside the huge altar died suddenly.

And the bone fire condensed by them as sacrifices was unprecedentedly powerful, and their bones began to be spliced ​​and assembled under the spell of the scroll.

In the end, at the cost of hundreds of lives, in the middle of the altar, a skeleton servant several times taller than the previous skeleton servant, with a height of four or five meters, wearing a skeleton armor and holding an epee Huge skeleton.

这 是
Undead warrior.

Fourth level undead!
Immune to all magical attacks of Tier [-] and below, possessing magic resistance, poison resistance, flame resistance and many other effect resistances, and can even use the powerful Tier [-] fighting skill "Revenant Slash"!
It can be said that this undead warrior is enough to wipe out the elite knights of the entire kingdom. It is not too much!

As the summoner of the undead warrior, Mrs. Walker was extremely excited at this time. She looked at the huge skeleton in the center of the altar with a kind of eyes full of love, almost as if she was looking at her husband.

That tall and straight figure, that hard skeleton, that thick bone, not to mention, that strong sense of oppression emanating from the fourth rank.

It seemed that just looking at it made the lady's breathing quicken and her whole body felt hot.

Mrs. Walker was impatient and twisted her plump body to get closer to the undead warrior.

However, unexpectedly, the Undead Warrior didn't seem to think much of its summoner. It might be that he had just been summoned and was not yet stable.

The undead warrior slapped Mrs. Walker down as its owner, who was obsessed with getting closer.

When the other Five Flowers Alliance people saw this, they were startled and wanted to go to help, but they were afraid and frightened of this terrifying undead warrior.

But Mrs. Volker, who was the person involved, not only didn't get angry after she got up from the ground in embarrassment, but her fascination with the undead warrior became even stronger.

She was obviously slapped to the ground by her summoned creature, but this seemed to stimulate the lady. The already damp legs between her legs were now soaked through her skirt.

Because to such a powerful undead, she was originally humble and lowly.

But it doesn't matter, Mrs. Walker is confident that she can tame it and completely let this "big guy" obey her command.

"You guys, go down."


The subordinate brought by Earl Vidler was dumbfounded, the lady actually let him go up?To the dreaded undead warrior?

Before he could react, he was pushed directly to the altar by his own count.

Similarly, there are other ordinary members of the Five Flowers Alliance.

These members struggled and screamed, but this time the undead warriors would not show mercy, and started the massacre as if they had found prey.

In the midst of the killing, in the screams, blood and flesh splattered, and after paying more than a dozen lives, the undead warrior looked up to the sky and roared, seemingly satisfied.

This time, when Mrs. Walker approached again, although the undead warrior still ignored her, at least he was not aggressive towards her.

And that's enough.

"Hey baby, that's right."

"Do you remember? Listen to your mother in the future, whatever you want, mother will satisfy you."

"Yes, that's it. This is my mother's favorite and most beloved baby!"

Count Vidler on the side felt disgusted, but he still couldn't hide the jealousy and envy in his eyes.

If he can also have such an undead warrior, I am afraid that his performance will not be any better than the current Mrs. Walker.


He must seize this opportunity and strive to make the imperial emissary fall in love with his daughter, allowing Ariel to seduce and please the emissary.

If it makes Shi Yi happy, he can also bestow a powerful treasure from the empire like [Scroll of the Dead], so that he can also have a terrifying undead warrior
Thinking of this, Earl Vidler's heart was extremely hot.


*The rookie adventure group first appeared in Chapter 21*The undead first appeared in Chapter 38, the eighth-level ritual summoned by the sorcerer Dadaya [Undead Army]

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