Chapter 44 Maid Lich, Bone Dragon Sculpture

Earl Vidler's Manor. Oh no, it should be renamed now, the first stronghold of the demons in the human world. There was a muffled sound from the "Devil King's Manor".

Immediately afterwards, I saw a skeleton that was seven or eight meters high and had a "pitch black" body forming a parabola, as if it had been kicked out of the inner courtyard.

If in the Kingdom of Illinois, red hair is a symbol of royalty, then among the undead skeletons, black bones are extremely rare and usually only appear on the body of the "Skeleton King".

But the current Skeleton King doesn't have the aura of a "king" at all.

After being kicked out and falling onto the lawn of the outer courtyard, it didn't dare to delay at all, and hurriedly supported its arms to get up, fearing that it would crush the grass of the manor below.

But after being smashed by the Skeleton King, a monster weighing several tons, the land in the manor was actually ruined, and many of the flowers and plants on it were turned into mud.

This made the Skeleton King very anxious.

The bone fire in the two deep eye sockets seemed to be trembling with fear, it quickly squatted on the ground, trying to use its huge bony hands to lift up the flowers and plants that had been crushed by it, but after thinking about it, it knew why possible.

Therefore, this not only failed to please Elena.

Instead, the succubus, who is the "hostess" of the Demon King's Manor, became even more angry.

"Dadaya, you plan to use such a piece of garbage to be the guard of our demon stronghold!?"

Elena couldn't bear the fact that Skeleton King was so "not very smart" and asked sternly, while the magician next to her looked helpless.

After Liao Yu decided to build the Earl's Manor into the first stronghold of the demons, he must continue to call the demons from the "chaos rift".

So after Zhimo, Shumo and Shadow Demon.

Liao Yu let the succubus and the rotting demon also come through the portal of Dada.

Turning the human manor into a demon stronghold is not as simple as talking about it, and requires a large-scale reconstruction.

Among the apostles, the only ones who are talented in "leadership" and "commanding", apart from the wise demons, are the succubi who serve as their "secretaries".

As for why Alice, the rotting demon, came over, Liao Yu considered the research on "eggs", which can only be carried out by rotten demons who are proficient in "flesh and blood".

So in order to facilitate the investigation, Alice should not stay behind and come directly to her side.

Go back to the beginning.

Each female has a strong sense of territory and attaches great importance to her "home".

After finally being allowed by Liao Yu to come to the human world, Elena was extremely excited, as if she regarded the Earl's Manor as her and Liao Yu's love nest. It is for this reason that Elena's requirements are very strict.

No, now there is a serious dispute with the magician over the issue of "guards" and "servants".

What Dadaya thought was that he had misunderstood the king's news before, and in order to protect the king, he launched the eighth-level ceremony [Undead Army] to come out. Although the king later canceled it, Dadaya only let the undead climb back temporarily.

Now since the king wants to build a stronghold.

It might as well be just right, and pull back the [Undead Army] that I summoned to serve as a defensive force for the stronghold.


Dadaya also predicted that when Elena comes over, she will probably be dissatisfied with these undead guards.

So he specifically summoned some of the undead, and then summoned them together, and took out a seventh-level "Skeleton King", which should be enough.

Dadaya sighed, looking at Elena's disgusted look on the "Skeleton King", and raised her forehead a little.

"Then Elena, what do you want to do?"

"Of course, the high-ranking demon and the sword demon will also be sent here!" Succubus answered without saying anything.

The "advanced level" in Elena's mouth refers to level 80 and above.

And it seems that "Skeleton King", as a seventh-level high-level undead, is also around level 70, which seems to be 80 levels behind level 10, not much.

But in fact, the further down the level suppression becomes, the more obvious the level difference can be.

What's more, level is only part of the consideration of strength.

The Skeleton King is far from the top demons such as the big demon and the sword demon, whether it is from the fate track, the star sculpture, the skill, the talent, the passive, etc.

It is no exaggeration to say that a seventh-level Skeleton King might not even be able to defeat a sixth-level Great Demon.

It's no wonder that Eileen is so dissatisfied now.

A sorcerer can't hold back a succubus.

Dada had nothing to do with Elena, and Liao Yu had to come forward for this kind of thing.

"Ahem! Elena, that's not necessary. You have to understand Daya. Teleporting you and Alice here has already consumed a lot of his magic power. Moreover, this manor is just a temporary base for us, nothing more than this. Go to war."

"How can the real territory of our family be an earl's manor once used by humans? After we have fully grasped the Kingdom of Illinois, it will not be too late to send the main force over and build a real magic castle."

For succubi, you have to prescribe the right medicine.

Originally, Elena cherished and valued this place very much, but after being told by Liao Yu, Elena suddenly felt, yes, how could the demons use a human's "second-hand" mansion and manor?

Seeing that the succubus showed signs of loosening up, Liao Yu, who was diligent and frugal, immediately said again: "However, Elena, you are right. Even if it is a temporary stronghold, it is the face of our clan. Using low-level undead like the Skeleton King , is really inappropriate."

The front foot was scolded by Elena as rubbish.

The back foot was described by Liao Yu as "lower undead".

The Skeleton King is also very wronged, is it inferior?Not inferior, right?
The class division of the undead from bottom to top is undead soldier (level 1-20), undead warrior (level 20-30), undead warrior (level 30-40), undead professional (level 40-50), undead lord (Level 50-60), and finally it is the "King".

If even it is "low".

So what are the men behind it?
On the manor, Skeleton King was not the only one who was kicked out and made to stand up for punishment.

On the lawn behind Skeleton King, there are piles of other undead.

As an eighth-level ritual, the [Army of the Undead] is evenly distributed, and the undead at each level will be summoned.

The Skeleton King's grievances could only be vented on his subordinates. With his black bone hand, he slapped the undead lords behind him, as if to tell the undead lords to stand up straight and stop being embarrassed.

The undead lords were slapped and did not dare to disobey the Skeleton King. They immediately followed suit and slapped their subordinates behind them, including more than a dozen necromancers, undead assassins, etc.

The undead souls of these professionals also followed suit and slapped the dozens of undead warriors behind them.

And undead warriors.
It's a little pathetic.

There is no need to slap the undead warriors, they are the weakest among the undead army present.

In fact, there should still be many undead warriors and soldiers in the back, but the magician in front was not afraid of Elena's disgust, so they were all optimized, and they were all fused together to summon the current Skeleton King.

Seeing the stupidity of these undead, Liao Yu shook his head. After thinking for a while, he came up with a compromise plan.

"Okay Dadaya, the servants and guards in the manor can still use the original humans. They are familiar with this place and have experience and skills in this area. There is no need to worry about loyalty issues after being controlled by Leon's Soul-Calling Bell. As for these Undead."

"Reintegrate them and use them to summon the lich."

"As you order, king."

There are two tallest pyramids among the undead, one of which is the final form of the undead, the Lich.

The sorcerer raised the crow staff, and the huge magic power gathered rapidly. A complex and profound magic circle rose under the feet of the skeletons on the lawn of the manor. After the bursts of light flickered, half of the original army of undead disappeared, replaced by...
One toe lifted off the ground, slightly suspended in the air, a silver-gray female skeleton.

In its eye sockets dances the extremely deep fire of the underworld, and its slender bony fingers give people a sense of beauty.

Its slender leg bones cross gracefully one after the other, and its head is held high, as if it is the supreme being. The surging power of the dead is condensed into a ball in its palm, as if it can destroy the enemy with just one breath.

Of course, such a powerful lich did not last long. When it came to its senses and recognized the surrounding situation, it quickly fell down and knelt in front of Liao Yu, let alone floating in the air.

It can be seen that, as the pinnacle of the life form of the undead, Lich is indeed much more intelligent, and his body shape is also in line with Liao Yu's aesthetics.

But even so
"Eileen, let it, uh, temporarily assist you as a maid here." Liao Yu didn't dare to give Lich a high position, fearing that the succubus would still dislike her.

In order to completely shut up Elena's mouth, Liao Yu also had to show the face of the demon race, Liao Yu asked the magician to merge and summon the remaining half of the undead army after summoning the lich into another high-level undead.

The only one who can stand side by side with the Lich.
Bone Dragon.

Roar!With a ferocious bone wing of more than ten meters, a giant dragon composed entirely of pitch-black bones roared with its head held high.

There is a distinctive scarlet fire in its eye sockets, and the sharp bone spur dragon teeth are even more frighteningly gloomy. The breath of a breath of a dragon diffuses a strong necromantic power, and the whole body is full of strength and beauty.

Of course, all of this happened in the next moment, like Erha, shaking his bones and dragon tail, trying to please the apostles present and Liao Yu who is the devil.

Because of the "dark sky", there is no need to worry about the news in the manor spreading.

But such a big bone dragon is still too conspicuous.

He is so handsome, but he wants to find a place to put him.
Have it.

Liao Yu quickly came up with an idea.

Isn't it just empty at the gate of the manor? It would be suitable to put an imposing sculpture shelf.

(End of this chapter)

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