Chapter 46 The Punishment of Bad Students
Elena took a deep breath.

The succubus is wearing a black and white maid uniform, with tall and straight peaks undulating under the lace gauze on her chest.

But no matter how deeply she took a deep breath, she still couldn't suppress the anger in Elena's heart at this moment.

A few minutes ago, she carefully prepared dinner and was going to find the king. In order to express her excitement of finally being able to return to the king's side, Elena also used her careful thinking. Now she is wearing this human maid uniform dug out from the mansion. , which was specially worn for Liao Yu.


result! !
Who knows!
When Eileen happily sent herself to the king's room, she found that the room was empty. At that time, she immediately triggered the sixth sense of the succubus, and suspected that the king was looking for other apostles to make out.

She was the first to go to the Shadow Demon's room with a murderous look, but Hill was still hanging upside down from the ceiling of the room, and there was no sign of the king's presence inside.

While Elena breathed a sigh of relief, she was also puzzled, where else would the king go?
The rot demon's basement?

That's all.

Elena was moved for a while, and Wang was still so devoted to his work!

When she opened the basement door, the next thing she saw was that in the middle of the basement, Alice was lying in Wang's arms with a look of enjoyment on her face!
Even this Alice, who is older than Hill and is not an old woman, but a grandma, is still pretending to be tender and letting the king keep touching her head! ? ?

This! !

This is a treatment that even her Eileen has never enjoyed! ! !

Whether it’s falling in love with the king or being embraced by the king
Obviously she came first! !
the other side.

Alice emerged from the dented basement wall.

The fake nose made by the rotting devil was knocked off because of this. Alice reached out to pick up the nose and put it back on after a few times.

In this regard.

Alice couldn't help but said weakly to the succubus: "Elena is fierce, Alice. Scared."

It's okay not to talk.

Elena became even more angry when she spoke.

"To shut up!"

The succubus put her hands on her hips and raised her furry tail high.

Staring fiercely at the rot demon who had changed his appearance after imitating her, Alice immediately shrank her neck, looking weak, pitiful and helpless.

"My lord, dinner is ready." Elena ignored the rotting demon and said to Liao Yu.

Fighting among the apostles is fine.

But Liao Yu, as the devil king, had to lean towards the weak side to maintain the peace and stability among the apostles.

So Liao Yu looked at Alice, who was trembling under Elena's coercion.

It doesn't matter.

Looking over, Alice lowered her head and whispered:
"Wang, Alice just... don't go to Alice. Just eat what everyone left. Wang doesn't care about Alice. If Alice is hungry, she will... pick up garbage and eat by herself.
Elena almost couldn't swallow another breath.

Why does it smell like tea?

But the rotting devil didn't lie, it was true.

When the Demon Clan was sealed in the Chaos Rift by the Son of Destiny, the meager resources could not supply the needs of the huge Demon Clan. In order to survive, the Rotten Demon Clan did not share food with other Demon Clan, but Specializes in eating leftover garbage.

Being said by Alice undoubtedly touched Elena's pain point, making her both angry and distressed.

The ability of the demons to survive in the chaotic rift for thousands of years cannot be separated from the spontaneous sacrifices and contributions of many ethnic groups.

As an apostle, Eileen saw all these things and felt pain in her heart. This was why she hated humans so much, and wished she could cut that man of destiny thousands of years ago into pieces.

But now, under the leadership of the new king, their demon tribe has finally broken the seal of the Son of Destiny, escaped from the Chaos Rift, and returned to the rich world. Elena wants to make up for her debt to these tribes.

Therefore, Liao Yu was not actually needed. Elena had prepared Alice's portion for dinner.

And because Alice is special as a rotting demon, Irene cooks it herself and cooks it for Alice. It is mixed with special ingredients such as dead fish eyes, rotten tomatoes, stinky oyster sauce, dead seaweed, and squid liquid. Delicious Seafood Soup.

Of course.

The succubus thought so in her heart, but of course she couldn't say that.

"Alice, don't you understand the meaning of the king! The king told you to come here and be obedient! If you don't come, I will pour out the seafood soup prepared for you!"

What!As soon as she heard that there was "seafood soup" to drink, Alice's head that had just been lowered immediately raised its head, her eyes shining brightly.

The rot demon wiped the saliva flowing out of his mouth.

"I like the seafood soup! Elena also likes it! Alice likes Elena the most!"

"Hug. Hug!"

After being hugged by Liao Yu once, Alice seemed to like this way of expressing "like". She took small steps, opened her arms, and wanted to throw herself into the arms of her succubus "big" sister.


Eileen raised her leg high, and kicked the flying rotting demon far away.

After the kick, the succubus looked expressionless, as if nothing had happened. She straightened her maid uniform, then walked to Liao Yu's side and naturally took Liao Yu's arm.

"Wang, let's go first, Alice will follow behind."

Elena's speech and behavior all showed the elegance and calmness of being the king's "prime palace".

But then
The succubus whispered in Liao Yu's ear:
"Wang, next time, don't have too much physical contact with the rotting demons. They have a lot of bugs on their bodies, not to mention staining Wang's clothes. It's not good if they crawl on Wang's body! They have never had the habit of washing. Dirty!"

"If the king really wants to hug me"

"Just give Elena a hug. Elena has all the time for the king at any time. The king can do whatever he wants!"

There were four "family" members for dinner.

Liao Yu was sitting on the main seat, next to Elena, and next to him was the magic demon Dadaya, followed by the shadow demon Hill, and finally the rot demon Alice who was far away from Liao Yu. Yu is the farthest.

This is not because Elena is putting on the rotten demon's shoes, but mainly because the large pot of "seafood soup" is too "unique" in appearance and taste, and only Alice can eat it with gusto.

The wise demon Leon is not here. As a true workaholic, he has gone to fight for the demon clan and Liao Yu to "conquer the country".

Dinner is not just a meal, it is also a simple little demon meeting.

Leon had handed over the basic information to Elena before leaving. Now the succubus is very concerned about the elf princess.

"I plan to go to the Human Academy in the Royal City to take a look tomorrow."

Liao Yu didn't hide it, and directly stated the plan.

Regarding the doubts of his apostles, Liao Yu explained: "If the elves really have the secret method that can seal our clan, I believe they will use it as soon as possible. And the reason why there is no movement among the elves now , I suspect that there is a high probability that they will not be able to activate the seal on their own."

"I agree with the king. The elves were exterminated thousands of years ago. These elves now should be the small group of survivors who escaped at the beginning. The decline of their tribe is much more serious than ours."

Dadaya affirmed from the side.

Elena, who came here, also understood and looked at Liao Yu with such a look of surprise.

"So, does the king think that the elves came to the royal city to ask for help from humans? In the hope that humans can assist them in completing the sealing method? And the only place in the royal city that is most likely to obtain knowledge of these spells is the academy. "

After such a logical analysis, the originally clueless elf princess suddenly became very clear. Except for Alice who was busy working on her meal, the other three apostles all looked at Liao Yu with admiration.

The king's wisdom is indeed as Leon said, he is probably the most far-sighted one among the previous demon kings, and even the wise demons need to learn.

Liao Yu, who was sitting in the main seat, had the same look on his face, as if these were just basic exercises and there was no need to be surprised.

But actually.

He had the cheek to accept the compliment. To Liao Yu, these logics and reasoning were just "open-book exams".

"My lord, what do you plan to do with that elf princess after we find her?" Elena asked this key question.

"The lowest outcome is to kill her. The compromise option is for Elena to turn her into a succubus. And I think the most beneficial and optimal strategy for our clan is Let her join us as an elf.”

The option of killing the elf princess goes without saying.

When the time came, it was really a last resort and the most helpless move, because this would only be tantamount to removing the threat, but in fact it did not bring him the slightest benefit, and even wasted his more than 70 draws in vain.

What Liao Yu hopes most is that after everyone knows all the information about the elf princess named "Weierxi", he can "open a book test" and smoothly improve her favorability. Liao Yu is still a little confident about getting up and letting the other party willingly come under his command. After all, he still holds another trump card in his hand - Liao Yu asked Alice to preserve and seal the tortured corpses of the elves. It was not burned or destroyed.

Of course, if the elf princess is really determined and unwavering, then Liao Yu can barely accept it by handing her over to Elena and transforming into a succubus.

However, turning into a succubus is equivalent to formatting the elf princess. She will only inherit the original attributes and levels, and the template and talents of being an "elf princess" are gone.

"Wang, if this is your plan, then maybe I can help you. I happened to make acquaintance with a vice-president there yesterday at the Royal Academy in Wangcheng. No matter what status Wang wants to enter the academy, he should be able to help you. no problem."

The news about Dadaya was really an unexpected surprise for Liao Yu.

They had only been separated for a day, and the magician had already entered such a high position among human beings.

But it is.

With the current level of human magic, if Dardaya showed his holiness to anyone, it would probably be regarded as a miracle by the human deans and professors.

As for arranging your own identity.
"Let's just take him as a temporary professor."

Liao Yu may have been a little weak before, but now after lighting up "Star Sculpture II", a week of massive gaming experience, and the current demon inheritance, Liao Yu feels that he is second in theory and has no magic skills. Dare to be the first.

It is indeed much more convenient to approach the elf princess as a "teacher", whether it is to induce her to turn evil into the demons or to increase her favorability.

"Okay, then I'll go and make arrangements for the king here. If the king is in a hurry, it will actually be tonight."

As soon as Jumo said something, he was glared at by Elena.

Dadaya immediately apologized and quickly changed his words: "It's nothing, King. Please have a good rest tonight and leave the matters related to the academy status to me."

After dinner, Dadaya took the order and left.

Liao Yu returned to his room to rest. After all, he was a human being, and he couldn't do it without sleep.

And Elena
The succubus pulled the shadow demon and came to her room.

"Sill, you heard the plan that the king said at dinner, right?"

"Well, what happened?"

"There are many things going on in the demon stronghold. I can't stay with the king. You still have to continue to protect the king's safety. But this time, you must pay attention to another point."

Elena said to Shadow Demon very seriously: "You must take good care of the king, you must not let the king be deceived by the elf, especially, you must never let the king and that elf have the opportunity to be in the same room at night, do you understand? ?”

"Eileen, aren't you worrying too much? What's more, isn't this bad? When the Black Beast Legion was in the past, didn't our king treat the elf queen and princess as well?"

Before Hill could finish speaking, he was immediately stopped and interrupted by the explosive Elena.


"That's different!"

"I don't care what happens afterwards, but Wang's first time... must be mine!"

For the succubus, the Demon King is her territory, how could she have her own territory, and it was the first time that she was given over by someone else!

For this reason, Elena was even willing to endure pain and sacrifice, and said to Hill: "Remember Hill, no matter what the king says, you must be in the same room with the king in the name of protection at night, did you hear me?"

The succubus imagined the scene. There was a shadow demon hanging from the ceiling like a bat, destroying the atmosphere. There must be no possibility of a relationship between the king and the elf!
Hill nodded matter-of-factly.

"Okay, don't worry Elena, I will sleep with the king, and I will never give the elves any chance."


The succubus was relieved now.

After some brief instructions, Elena left Hill's room with satisfaction.

But she didn't go to her house.

Instead, she went to the storage room first and found a "student uniform" from the Royal Academy of Humanity. After replacing her maid uniform, the succubus walked towards Liao Yu's house.

Hill's insurance alone is not enough.

Elena still has to go into battle in person to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

In the inheritance of the succubus, there is one special item, which is a secret method that can prevent the demon king from changing his mind and being taken away by other opposite sexes.

In short it is.
As long as you squeeze out the devil before others do, it will be useless no matter what the coquettish bitch outside does.

Elena, who was wearing a student uniform, knocked on Liao Yu's door.


"Wang, Elena is worried that it will be unfamiliar to you when you become a professor for the first time, so she wants to help Wang simulate it tonight."

Elena, who had changed into a new dress and had a "schoolgirl" skin, stood pretty at the door of Liao Yu, deliberately leaning forward to reveal Yukiko Naiba under the deep V neckline of her uniform, twisting the miniskirt that already outlined the curves of her buttocks. , and the innocent pink-haired schoolgirl who appeared in human form after being transformed by the ring.

Liao Yu
"Alina, the academy will not allow you to wear such revealing clothes."

"Then, does the professor want to punish Elena?"

The one who answered the succubus was dragged into the room by Liao Yu, who used various teaching aids to severely educate bad students.

(Reply to "expand" to see more detailed descriptions in the future)



These two days are a bit of a break, so I want to do some good things for the sake of fun!

I will officially return to the main storyline tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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