Chapter 47 Versey is Curious
Royal Academy of Illinois.

In the early morning class, most of the students were sleepy and lazy, breathing heavily and walking towards their respective classrooms.

In the crowd, there was a freckled female student wearing bulky thick glasses, who looked very different.

Although she looks ordinary and wears rustic clothes, she has a very good spirit. She holds a large pile of knowledge books for class in her arms. Others are dozing off on the road, but she is still reviewing while walking early in the morning. With information.

After entering the classroom, Wilsey found an inconspicuous corner in the back row and sat down. As expected, the surrounding area was filled with students who were lying on the table and falling asleep, catching up on their sleep before the professor came.

Sometimes Versy envies these human beings, who live a very easy life, but she is different. She also shoulders the heavy burden of sealing the demons and revitalizing the elves.

Thinking of this, Wilhelm cheered up and neatly stacked all the textbooks that will be used next on the table. Afterwards, she opened her notes and reviewed the knowledge points taught by the professor in the previous class.

Before the elders sent other clansmen to contact her, what Versey had to do was to study human knowledge well and maintain excellent grades in the academy. With the blessing of "top students", the instructor told her that there would be more progress opportunity.

This is not to draw a big cake.

Last night's charity fundraiser was a perfect example of this.

She was brought there by her mentor, and not only saw the great world of human beings, but also made friends with such human aristocrats as Princess Yuffie and Earl Vidler.

It can be said that it has paved the way for the great revival of their elves!
Therefore, maintaining good grades and maintaining her false identity as a "human top student" is the current focus of Wilsey.

This is actually not difficult for her. As a princess of the royal family, Wilhelm is a self-disciplined elf.


The elf princess sighed inwardly.

Wei Erxi looked at these in the notes, about the knowledge of first-order and second-order spells, some basic theories of spells that she had learned since she was a few years old, but now they are taught by humans in the classrooms of the highest institutions.

These feelings towards Wilsey are like teaching addition and subtraction, and the most advanced level is just the level of "multiplication and division", which is indeed a bit boring.

Welsh likes other human classes, such as flower arrangement class, etiquette class, history class, sociology and so on.

And what she didn't want to attend the most, and what made her such a good student need to work hard to not get sleepy, was the next magic class.

Jingle Bell.
Jingle Bell.
The class bell pulled many students back from their sleep, and the students lying on the table around them got up one after another. Even if they were pretending, they had to take out all the textbooks and materials, and put on a serious preparation for the lesson. .

After all, this is the Imperial City of Illinois, the Royal Academy, the highest institution of learning. The professors who can teach here are of very high social status. As students, they dare not disrespect them.

Naturally, these students who got up also saw Wilsey, who had prepared stationery and textbooks a long time ago. Now she straightened her back and prepared for class. Among them, he is somewhat famous. After all, it is very rare for students to be so serious and attentive these days.

After the bell rang, the professor pushed the door open and entered.

The students in the audience were stunned for a moment and rubbed their eyes. They were all puzzled by the very young male professor who walked in with a pair of retro-style wooden frame glasses.


Changed professor?

"Professor Fei Luo has something to do today. I will give you a temporary lecture. Just call me Liao Yu."

After Liao Yu's brief explanation, the students in the classroom quickly returned to their original state without showing many other expressions. After all, in the college, it is quite common for professors to substitute for each other.

On the contrary, there were quite a few female students who were still drowsy because of the morning class, but now they suddenly seemed to cheer up, their waists straightened, and their eyes lit up.

For them, it was the first time they saw such a young and handsome professor.

Especially the pair of tan wooden frame glasses, after seeing more of the kind of metal frame glasses that old professors like, it looks very unique, without losing the calm and profound academic atmosphere, but also has a sense of classical aristocratic elegance ,

Welsh, who is also one of the female students, is also looking at Liao Yu now.

The handsomeness in the eyes of humans is actually average for elves, but her first impression of this young new professor is indeed good.

The elf helped himself on the bridge of his nose, which also had glasses with wooden frames.

[Current Versy Favorability: 7%]

Liao Yu on the stage, looking at the rising favorability bar of the elf princess on the panel, nodded secretly. Sure enough, the "open-book exam" is easy.

Then he started teaching normally.

The content is a magic lesson, which was specially selected by Liao Yu. Using the demon inheritance of "Star Plastic II", to teach these magic knowledge below the third level, it is just like pediatrics.

Liao Yu talked eloquently on the stage, making every detail and knowledge point transparent, and the students below responded very well. At first, everyone was unfamiliar with Liao Yu, a new professor. But after Liao Yu's explanation, more and more students became more and more engrossed in listening, and consciously started to write and write notes frantically.

However, Liao Yu didn't care about other students, mainly because of Wilhelm who was sitting in the last row.

It can be seen from the favorability column that the elf princess is still increasing her favorability towards him, which shows that the other party also recognizes his teaching.

But what made Liao Yu dissatisfied was that the rise was a bit too slow. I had almost finished two-thirds of this class, and as a result, Wilsey's favorability was only just 17%.


As the devil king, Liao Yu still has a lot of things waiting for him. It is impossible for him to come to the college to be a professor. The professor is just a way. He has to find a way to completely attract Versy's attention as quickly as possible. , Let this elf take the bait.

There is no way.

Liao Yu had anticipated this situation in advance, so he had already prepared a second plan.
"Teacher, can you please explain the key points of the Chain Lightning technique?"

Under the podium, a female student with a cap and purple hair protruding from her temples raised her hand to ask a question.

Asking questions in class is normal.

But now many students are quietly shaking their heads at this female classmate.

the reason is simple.

The professor on the stage clearly talked about the lightning technique just now, but she actually asked about the lightning chain. Obviously, it didn't sound good at all. There is no such thing as a "lightning chain".

On the other side, seeing the appearance of the students in class, Versey also shook her head.

She is shaking her head for humanity.

Of course the chain lightning spell exists, but compared to the lightning spell, just by replacing "spell" with "chain", the level of the spell is completely different. The former is an ordinary first-level , while the latter is the fourth order.

This female student most likely made a slip of the tongue, but this also reflects that ordinary human beings are completely unfamiliar with fourth-order spells.

Since she pretended to enter the Human Academy, this is the number of times the elf princess has sighed.

Wilsey couldn't help but have a little doubt about the predictions of her ancestors.

Why should they guide their elves here.

it's here.
Is there really an opportunity to seal the demons and "revive" their elves?

Such distressed sighs came to an abrupt end with the voice of the professor on the podium.

"Chain Lightning is a fourth-level spell. It has large-area group damage. It also gives the target an "Electric" state, so that every subsequent Lightning Chain will cause damage to be superimposed."

"Be sure to pay attention to the external environment when releasing it. Personally, I don't recommend releasing it in a humid scene. Although it can increase the power of the spell, it may also cause the spell to get out of control and accidentally injure yourself. It will test the spellcaster's control."

The students in the classroom were all stunned.

The same goes for Wilhelm.

And then, the young male professor on the stage, as if he started extracurricular expansion, continued:

"I know that student just now must have made a slip of the tongue, but just now we have this opportunity, we can chat again, with lightning as the basic core, and advanced high-level spells, such as lightning storm."

Lightning storm
Unknowingly, Versie sat up straight.

Even she has only heard of this spell. It is said that Melvin, the great human guardian, released it thousands of years ago, but there are few details about it in the records of the elves.

Should this professor also
"Lightning Storm is an advanced ritual of Chain Lightning. The caster must stand at a physical height. Most of the chants often take more than 15 minutes. After that, a large number of thunderclouds will be summoned."

"The effect of this ritual is one light and one dark. On the bright side, it can cause a lot of thunder attribute damage to enemies within a few kilometers, and the additional usage of the dark is to build a thunder prison at the same time, completely connecting the area with the outside world. isolated."

"If you are interested in the legends from thousands of years ago, Melvin, the former great guardian of mankind, used the second characteristic of the lightning storm to delay the army for a long time and protect the retreat of the human king who was deeply trapped by the enemy. "

Wilsey: "."


It's not just elf princesses who are asking questions in the classroom now.

More human students also looked confused.

But soon, if the eyes of the female students were shining brightly on Liao Yu, a handsome young professor, now the eyes of the male students are also brightening up.

"Lightning storm? Seven-stage ritual! Is this something we can hear?"

"I remember that the chief magister who is the strongest in the empire seems to be no more than a sixth-order spell?"

"What do you think, what the professor said must be figured out from myths and legends, and it doesn't really exist in reality."

"However. It sounds so powerful, so refreshing!"

Many male students nodded. Following the scene described by Liao Yu, they seemed to be able to imagine what it would be like to stand on the top of a mountain, holding a staff high, controlling thunder, and defeating millions of mage enemies with one fell swoop.

This feeling is like the feeling when reading Xiuxian novels.

Although I know it's all fake, I can't bear it because I like to put myself in it, I just like this sense of fantasy,

(End of this chapter)

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