Chapter 48 Wilhelm wants to go deeper

"Professor, tell us more about advanced techniques!"

"Yes, yes, professor, let's talk about it again!"

"Professor, I heard some myths and legends before, and there is a magic technique of the spirit behind the back. I don't know if it is true."

The atmosphere in the classroom immediately became active.

The previous, dull and boring atmosphere where the professor lectured and the students took notes was broken.

No matter which world it is, human nature is the same. Students prefer these "extracurricular" topics to boring knowledge.

Liao Yu on the stage shrugged and showed a smile that didn't mind.

He followed up on the "back spirit" technique that the student excitedly proposed just now, and continued to preach:

"of course."

"The spirit behind the body is a common name. More formally, we call it - avatar. This is a large branch in the magic world. The characteristics of this type of magic are usually the summoning of another powerful elemental creature or A pure magic colossus is used to attack on behalf of the caster, because this type of spell consumes a lot of money, and a substitute statue will appear, at least for spells of level six or above."

"As an example, in the branch of stand-in spells, I think the most violent and powerful spell is dusk. This spell is different from other high-level spells. It doesn't require cumbersome singing, and it can be done in just a short time. Within a few seconds, it was launched instantly, summoning the spirit of the Hell to the back of itself. The spirit of the Hell not only has an extremely wide range of attack capabilities, but also comes with a high amount of magic penetration. No matter how strong the armor is in the " Twilight is "vulnerable to a single blow."

"Of course, as a price for the short chant and huge power, the duration of dusk is greatly reduced compared to other spells of the same level, and after the spell ends, it will cause backlash to the caster, making it impossible to use it for a long time. Magic power can be said to be a double-edged sword. If you have the opportunity to master this technique, you must remember to seize the opportunity and do not use it casually."

Under Liao Yu's description, the image of "twilight" has emerged in the minds of the students. The scarlet flame giant floats behind him, wearing a pitch-black armor. Give the enemy a doomsday at dusk, that scene, just fantasy is very exciting.

As for what Liao Yu said later, there is an opportunity to grasp, grasp the time well, and not use it casually. Almost all the students in the classroom took it as a joke. It was the humor of the young professor Liao Yu.

Only one female student did not.

The small mouth of Welsh is unconsciously opened slightly, a cute "0" shape.

Other humans may just listen to fairy tales.

But Wilsey is different.

She has the race with the highest talent for magic, and the inheritance of elves is there, so of course Wilsey has also learned the classic magic "Twilight".

Because of this, she was more surprised than any human student in the classroom, no, it should be said that she was shocked.

what the human professor said
It's actually exactly the same as the "Twilight" recorded in their elven heritage! ?

Do not.
Even more detailed! ?
What is this
If the two high-level spells of "Lightning Storm" and "Twilight" were not enough, then Liao Yu didn't mean to stop at all, and started to talk about more profound things, even Wilhelm completely uncharted territory.

Among them, Liao Yu regarded it as his favorite. He used low-level spells to stack them, and then launched the final high-level ritual, the "God Lord" stand-in statue.

There is also a combination of "fighting skills" and "spells", including the "Think Slash" skill of pulling out an elemental blade from the body.

It has even been extended to the life track. Under the "void" life track, the evolution theory of the ritual can allow low-level spells to evolve into high-level spells and obtain additional effects by reaching certain conditions.

As for Welch's attitude towards Liao Yu, a young professor, his first impression was not bad, then he seemed to have some skills, then he listened attentively, and now...
I saw that this elf princess had also become, like the human students around her, with rosy cheeks and an excited expression, wishing to show her pointed ears and listen carefully to every word Liao Yu said.

The only difference may be that the human students are imagining that they can use these mythical spells mentioned by Liao Yu to become famous and achieve promotion and fortune.

And what Weierxi imagined was that after she learned these things, she became the most outstanding princess of the elves, crushing the demons all the way, veiled all the apostles, and climbed to the top of the demon king's castle.

Just use the "God Lord" ritual that the professor said, cut off the devil king with one knife, and announce to the whole world the revenge and return of their elves!Make the elves great again!

Don't look at Wilsey pretending to be a local girl and a top student on the human side.

On the other side of the elves, she is also an inspirational and obedient princess.

In fact, in Versy's true heart, because of the heavy burden on her body, she is still very depressed, so if she has the opportunity, she will secretly think about these things, looking for an outlet to vent her pressure.

Unknowingly, a big class has just passed.

The fiery atmosphere in the classroom was stopped only when the get out of class bell rang, bringing many fascinated students back to reality.

Every student's face showed an expression of "Huh? get out of class is over now?"

The same goes for Wilhelm.

This might be the first time she hated the bell so much.

He also likes human magic classes so much.

After class, many students immediately rushed to Liao Yu's seat, wanting to know more about Liao Yu, this extremely interesting new professor, and wanting to sign up for Liao Yu's courses.

The same goes for Wilsey.

However, when Liao Yu stated that he was only a temporary substitute, that he was in the college and did not offer courses, many students were very disappointed, but they had no choice but to return.

After rejecting all these ordinary human students, Liao Yu acted like a normal professor. He packed up his teaching aids and walked out without even looking at Welch who was mixed in the crowd.

And Wilsey
This time she was different from her human classmates.

Human students do it for credits and graduation, but she does it for the elves and the world!
Now that Wilsey had come to her senses after class, she realized that this young new professor was filled with a sense of mystery.

Why does this human being know so much knowledge of high-level spells?
Why does he seem to have a deep study of ancient history?

What is the identity of this human being?
What kind of power is behind him?
The more Versey thought about it, the more curious she became. The more she thought about it, the more she thought that there was a cat's paw scratching her heart.


She must catch up with this professor!

What she wants is not credits, not courses, but the magical knowledge taught, to explore the mystery of the professor, she wants to understand this human being more deeply!

Thinking of this, Wilhelm no longer hesitated.

Her intuition told her that this opportunity should not be let go.

She will regret it if she misses it.

And she has always trusted her instincts.

So, for the first time, as an "top student", Wilsey didn't even care about the next class. She even skipped class and took a step forward to chase after Liao Yu's back. I have to shout out at the same time.


"Professor Liao Yu! Please wait!"

And Liao Yu.
Just right at the corner of an empty staircase.

Behind Welsh who was chasing after him, out of sight, under the shadow of the sunlight outside the window, was Liao Yu, the "young professor", with a slightly raised mouth corner.

It seemed that the first step of the plan was successful.

Then it's time to step two.

named by Liao Yu
"The Top Student After Class"

(End of this chapter)

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