Chapter 49 Professor Liao Yu's Trilogy
After turning around, Liao Yu had already put on another expression.

He felt a little strange, adjusted his glasses frame and said, "Classmate, you are..."

"My name is Welsh, and I was your substitute student last class!"

After the elf introduced himself quickly, he suddenly didn't know what to say.

She just wanted to stop Professor Liao Yu.

As a result, when he finally arrived in front of Liao Yu, he hesitated.

You can't come up and just ask humans how do you know so many high-level spells?

Seeing Welsh embarrassed and unable to say anything for a long time, Liao Yu shook his head in his heart. It seems that this elf princess is quite different from what he imagined, why is she not very smart.

In order to continue, Liao Yu took the initiative to speak.

"So classmate, are you here to ask about my courses? Sorry, I am a temporary professor at the college and do not offer personal courses."

"No, no, no, no, Professor Liao Yu, I am. Yes, I have some knowledge points that you taught in class, but I still don't quite understand them. Could you please spare some time and give me some more guidance?"

Welch calmed down her nervousness, and found a suitable reason to go down.

As a result, Liao Yu's last sentence almost didn't make the elves panic.

"Of course, but."

Liao Yu pretended to look at his watch.

"If I remember correctly, it should be class time now, 伱"

"Ah! I don't have class next period, it's okay! Professor, please don't worry, I, I definitely didn't skip class!" Wilsey waved her hands repeatedly.

Liao Yu: "."


Looking at this Versy with swaying eyes and blushing face, who seemed to be lying for the first time, Liao Yu couldn't help but wonder, is this really an elf princess? Can she really be so pure? ?
"Okay, then it just so happens that I don't have much work to do next. Come with me and let's find a separate room."


Welsh nodded, hearing that Liao Yu was going to take her into the room alone, not only did she not feel any guard or nervousness, on the contrary she was secretly delighted.

Very good!
She happened to be available just in time for the professor!
Although Elf didn't say this inner activity, Liao Yu glanced at it from the corner of his eye and it was basically written on Elf's face.

This made Liao Yu even have the urge to kidnap this silly elf to the demon clan's base camp.

However, just in case, for the sake of safety, I still respect the noble status of the elf princess, just in case there is some back-up plan that I don't know about.

Liao Yu still followed the plan step by step.

Soon, led by Liao Yu, they arrived at a quiet hut in a remote location of the college.

Next door to the house is the large green circle of the college.

Looking out of the window, you can see the green shade of the trees. After entering the house, Liao Yu opened the window, and the breeze in the forest blew through the house, carrying the fragrance of flowers and plants.

Wilxi, who followed Liao Yu into the house, couldn't help but take a deep breath. This place was full of what she liked, the earthy fragrance of nature, refreshing and sweet.

"I'm sorry, because I'm not a regular professor in the college. I can't be assigned to a spacious office in the teaching building. I can only live in such a remote little corner. I hope you don't mind."

Upon hearing Liao Yu's explanation here, Wei Erxi immediately shook her head like a rattle.

"How come, professor, I like this place very much! It feels very comfortable, I think this place is better than human cough cough! It's much better than those rooms in the teaching building!"

Wilsie liked it here so much that she almost spilled the beans.

This is not to flatter Liao Yu or anything, it is all the truth.

For the steel and concrete of human beings, elves of course prefer Liao Yu's quiet hut, which is close to the forest and nature.

not to mention.
While Liao Yu was pouring tea, Versie looked around the room, and her gaze was immediately attracted to the desk in the room.

I saw a ceramic vase placed there, with more than three or four graceful lilies inserted in it. The plants were upright, with leaves like green bamboo. The blooming flowers were white and flawless, elegant and tranquil, as if just seeing them could make you feel... Give birth to all kinds of purity and beauty.

This is her favorite flower!

Now that the lily is in full bloom, she can even imagine that it must be its owner, who has taken good care of it, has been caring for it with all its heart, and watered it every day.

The tenderness and meticulousness of the owner can be seen from the flowers.

Wilsey didn't expect that before she got to know this human young professor deeply, she was already full of surprises. It was as if the relationship between them
There is a sense of fit in the dark!

What kind of shabby house in a corner is this?

This is simply, since she came to the Academy of Humanity, her favorite room in her mind!

If it is shown now, the elf princess's favorability for Liao Yu must be constantly upping on the top of her head.


Liao Yu is real.

[Current favorability of Werxi: 32% → 39%]

Liao Yu, who was making tea for Wei Erxi, saw his favorability level skyrocketed by 7% when he saw this. He couldn't help but raised the corners of his mouth again.


How could it not fit in?
This is the room that Liao Yu carefully prepared according to the various preferences of Vercy in the card. It seems that he did not let himself be busy, and the effect is indeed remarkable.

The first impression I made on Wilsey’s design.It was almost a complete success.

But can't relax.

40% favorability should be a hurdle. It is the limit for "strangers". If you want to break through and take the relationship further, you have to rely on the next teasing teaching!

"I kept Miss Welsh waiting for a long time. It's nothing to do. I can only make some simple tea."

Same as normal guest reception process.

As the host, Liao Yu politely handed the tea to Welsh.

The next Elf Princess thanked her, stood up and took it, and took a big sip in front of Liao Yu, as if to show that she didn't mind at all and was very satisfied with the tea.

Liao Yu: "."

You're really not afraid of something in your tea, are you?

Liao Yu felt that if he were a young professor in some TV series, this elf female college student in front of him, who was as pure as a blank piece of paper, would have been "whitened" countless times.

Forget it.

Liao Yu suddenly felt used to it.

After letting Wilhelm take a seat, Liao Yu at the desk smiled and said:
"So Miss Wilsey, I guess you want to ask about those high-level spells of the fifth, sixth and seventh levels, right?"

"Yes Professor, I'm, I'm interested!"

"Okay, before that, can I ask Miss Wilsey a question?"

"Professor, please tell me!"

Liao Yu leaned against the desk, took a sip of tea, and looked at the slowly rising white air in the tea cup, as if his eyes were somewhere far away, and his eyes were full of memories.

"Miss Welch thinks that these "legendary" spells are really legends?"

The elf was very serious about Liao Yu's question.

In class, although the human classmates were all very interested in the professor's advanced spells, Wilsey could clearly see that they all listened to them as fantasy stories, just like listening to books and novels, so they were so interested in them. .

As for saying it's not a legend, it's true
There should be no other students except her.

And Wei Erxi looked at Professor Liao Yu's appearance now.
At this moment, the bright sunshine at noon was shining on the face of this young human being. Although the professor was still gentle and kind, deep in the brows, the eyes were inadvertently lowered, and the loneliness flashed from time to time in the depths of his eyes, which made Velxi One kind was read.
feeling of loneliness.

It felt as if the professor seemed out of tune with the times and the crowd, and could not be understood by most of his fellows, so he could only hide everything deep in his heart.

Combined with the question Liao Yu asked her just now.

Could it be that.
Wei Erxi naturally made a bold guess in her heart.

The elf princess hesitated for a moment, and then she clenched her palms slightly. Maybe it was because Liao Yu had left such a good impression on her, or maybe it was because Liao Yu's "loneliness" resonated with her. Velxi decided , take a risk.

"No, Professor, I have always believed that these high-level spells are not legends, they are real."

After finishing speaking, Wilsey felt that it was not enough, so she added:
"Both these techniques and the ancestors who have used and invented these great techniques are definitely not legends. They are facts and have left traces in this world!"

Liao Yu looked at Wei Erxi's serious and sincere face.

He chuckled lightly, shaking his head as if feeling a little emotional.

"Thank you, Miss Welch, you are the first supporter I met who was willing to believe in legends and believe in myths, thank you." Liao Yu said two thank you in a row.

But Wilsey's focus is on.
what! ?

I. Am I the first?

After being thanked tenderly by Liao Yu, and looking at the clear eyes of the young human now, even Wilsey herself didn't know why, but suddenly there were some different feelings in her heart, and she felt her heart beat a little faster.

Of course Liao Yu knew why.

Scumbag. The first step in strategy partner - tell her that she is special.

She is "first" in her heart.

Everyone likes to be different.

Everyone likes to be "on top."

For those girls who have low self-esteem, low self-confidence, and pressure, the effect is more significant.

It even said that in order to maintain such a "special feeling" and want to continue to be the "first" in your heart, she will take the initiative to cater to you unconsciously and take the initiative to do more.

The second step in making friends - deepen this special feeling and establish a unique bond between two people.

And the best thing to do is to share a "secret" with her.

Not necessarily a real secret.

Just let her think of it as a "secret".

Just like.
"Speaking of it, I'm not afraid that you will laugh at Miss Welsh. Would you like to hear one more story from me?"

"Yes! Professor, I am willing!"

"Thank you."

Liao Yu nodded, looked at the ceiling, and muttered with reminiscence:
"Once upon a time, there was a very lucky little boy. He was born into a happy lord's family. He lived a life without worries about food and clothing. He had parents who loved him extremely. He even made a bet with the earl's daughter through his father's relationship. Having a baby kiss is an extremely enviable life."

"But fate seemed to be playing a joke on him. That day, a group of powerful bandits attacked the territory. The boy's parents tried their best and allowed the little boy to escape only after a group of loyal guards risked their lives. , the territory behind him burst into flames, and the little boy could only run desperately, trying to find the earl and ask for help for his parents and territory."

"However, after a few days, when the exhausted little boy finally arrived at the earl's mansion, what he got was the sad news that the territory had been destroyed and both parents had died. Although the earl sent troops to wipe out the bandits , but what's the use of it, the little boy has already lost everything, even the previous marriage contract was torn up by the earl's daughter in person, and he left proudly."

The story told by Liao Yu is simple and not complicated.

But Versie listened very carefully, following Liao Yu's story line on her face, she continued to follow the nervous expression, as if she was really involved in it, and substituted it into the little boy with a miserable life experience.


Because it looks like, really looks like.

As an elf princess, she had no worries about food and clothing, strong parents and a supportive tribe. However, all of this was turned into a bubble with the arrival of the demons and this group of "robbers".

Even the earl and lord in the story, Versy can automatically bring humans and elves into it. Didn't the great guardian of humans once promise all kinds of things to their elves?

But in the end?

Humans defeated the demons, just like the count sent an army to exterminate the bandits.

But afterwards, the earl's daughter turned her face and refused to admit it. It was nothing more than seeing that the little boy had lost everything and had nothing, and the human beings at that time were not the same?

The Great Guardian once said that even if he died in the war, in the future his apprentice, the Son of Destiny, would help the elves to revive and rebuild their homeland after victory.

But they waited and waited. After the victory, the son of destiny seemed to have no news and disappeared.

And the pride of their elven clan did not allow them to take the initiative to ask for alms from humans. They could only watch the clan decline day by day, until today.


"Professor Liao Yu, what happened to the little boy after that?" Wei Erxi couldn't hold back and asked proactively.

She wasn't curious about the story.

It's more like a kind of confusion, because of the similar experience, so I don't know where the future is. That's why Welsh is so eager to know what choice the little boy who is similar to her made in the story.

Eager to hear how the little boy turned over.

But Liao Yu disappointed her.

Well, temporarily.

Liao Yu: "The little boy who lost his soul finally came to a cliff and jumped down."


"How could it be possible? Why could it be possible?" Wilsey's heart was twitching.

In an instant, depression and depression were written on the elf's face.

Wilhelm lowered her head.

Is that right
Yes, losing everything and getting no help, she, the ending of their elves, may eventually go the same way as the little boy.
The end of the third step - creating ups and downs of emotions.

Seeing Wei Erxi clutching the hem of her skirt, her eyes dim and downcast, Liao Yu smiled slightly, suddenly changed the subject, and continued:

"However, fate once again played a joke on the little boy. Not only did the little boy who fell into the cliff not die, he accidentally entered a sealed ancient barrier, and there, deep in the barrier under the cliff, The little boy received a ball of light that changed his life."

"In the light ball, the little boy seemed to have traveled through time and space, returning to the past thousands of years. He saw the figures of human heroes, saw the powerful magic of moving mountains and filling seas, saw wars, and even saw many things. Other races than humans."

"In the end, after the little boy woke up, the light group disappeared and turned into a lot of magic knowledge and vague memories of myths that appeared out of thin air in his mind."

"From now on, the little boy has embarked on another path. He uses this knowledge to devote himself to study and research. He firmly believes that those legends and myths that are regarded as fiction by the world are real. Those heroic spirits who fought for mankind It should not be forgotten, in order to prove this to the world, the little boy arrived in Wangcheng and became a professor in the Royal Academy."

"Maybe the little boy has experienced too many trials. This time he was very lucky. In the first week of his employment, he met someone who understood him and agreed with him."

Liao Yu paused for a moment, pulled his gaze back, and put it on Versie, facing the elf's eyes, and said softly:
"Meeting a kind lady who was willing to listen to his story made him open up."

(End of this chapter)

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