Chapter 50 Demon Invitation Letter
Wilhelm was stunned for a full three seconds.

At this moment, her brain was a little overwhelmed.

Does Miss Kindness refer to yourself?

This princess, who had been wandering around, thinking about how to revitalize the elves besides studying, had never seen someone talk like this. When she came back to her senses, she felt her face was hot.

It's not like she hasn't received compliments from the elves, but most of them are like "Princess, you are as white as the moon!", "Your Highness the Princess's beauty is like the most blooming flower!".

"Sorry, it was a bit abrupt, I just wanted to express my gratitude to Miss Welsh, that's all."

"No no no, it's nothing, the professor's story is wonderful no! I'm sorry sorry, I mean, I am also very grateful to the professor for telling me so much, your experience has benefited me a lot, really. Thank you very much you!!"

Wei Erxi lowered her head, not daring to raise her eyes to look at Liao Yu. She was afraid that her panicked expression would be too shameful. She nervously grasped the hem of her clothes with both hands. Being able to say these things was already her limit.

"So, Miss Wilsey, I can understand that you believe in the light ball that the little boy got in the story? After all, this should be the premise for us to have more discussions in the future."

"Of course! Of course, Professor! I believe you!"

Wilsey nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

In her actual heart, when Liao Yu described the function of the light ball, she almost knew what Liao Yu got.

That's right.

This human professor probably didn't know, but she knew that the real name of the light group was the Ball of Wisdom, and it was an epic prop treasure.

The Ball of Wisdom has no combat function. Its only effect is to store the user's memory, knowledge, experience, etc., and seal their backups in the ball for inheritance to future generations.

And this human professor fell off a cliff and was lucky enough to pick it up. According to Liao Yu's description, Wei Erxi can span a thousand years of time and space, and also contains a lot of magical knowledge and pictures. It is very likely that he is the great man from thousands of years ago. The Guardian's Orb of Wisdom!


What an idiot she is!

Now, thinking back to the shock and loss that the little boy suffered when he jumped off the cliff to commit suicide just now, Wilsey felt so stupid and stupid.

From the very beginning, didn't I already guess that the little boy in the story is the professor himself?

And what if the little boy really fell off a cliff and died.
Then where did the professor in front of her come from? How could she still hear this story!

She didn't even realize such a simple logical reasoning.

what happened?

When did my mind become so dumb!It's almost like being hit by the "intelligence reduction technique"!
After tidying up her emotions a little bit and becoming clearer, Wilsey now feels that many doubts about the young professor have been solved.

No wonder.
No wonder the professor knows so many advanced techniques.

She also knows a lot about the ancient historical past, and even in class, it gave her a sense of narrative as if she had actually experienced it personally.

Now everything makes sense.

The Ball of Wisdom is a treasure of inheritance. It not only instills knowledge, but also provides understanding along with it, making it truly immersive and empathetic.

What's more, this is the ball of wisdom of the great guardian. Although it has been separated by thousands of years, the inheritance in it makes Wilshe excited just thinking about it!
You can’t go wrong!If Wilsey had a vague premonition and relied on intuition before, now, the elf princess is extremely sure that the young human in front of her, Professor Liao Yu, is the one mentioned in the prophecies of their elf ancestors. Opportunity comes!It was the human she had always wanted to find who could help the elves, the human who could assist her in completing the sealing ritual against the demons!
Now, Welsh felt that she had found the treasure just like the little boy who fell off the cliff in the story.

What the little boy found was the Ball of Wisdom.

And the treasure she found was none other than Professor Liao Yu!

After confirming this point, Wilsey quickly became nervous again.

After all, the meaning of Liao Yu to her is different now, from the mysterious professor who made her curious and wanted to know more, to now, the human partner who will bring the rise of the elves in the prophecy!

Because of this, Welsh cares a little bit now.

Professor Liao Yu mentioned in the previous story that he had seen multiple races from thousands of years ago in the light group. Is there any possibility among them?
"Professor Liao Yu, you said you saw multiple races? Are there other races in this world besides me and us humans?"

Wei Erxi pretended to be curious and asked Liao Yu.

She really hoped to hear the word "elves" about them from Liao Yu.

Naturally, Liao Yu would not disappoint Versy's expectations.

He gave a vague hint that the identity of the inheritor of the "Orb of Wisdom" arranged for him seemed to have been figured out by Wilshere.

"Race, well, the most impressive ones are probably two races. One of them has long hair as golden as ears of wheat, amber-green eyes, and a pair of pointed ears that are longer than humans. , in addition to her stunning beauty, she also has extremely high magical talent."

"In the illusionary scene of the light group, even many high-level human spells are taught by this race, and they... I remember that the name of their race seems to be..."

Liao Yu kept it a secret on purpose and didn't say it out for a long time, as if he had forgotten a bit and was trying to remember.

And this made Versie next to her anxious.

The elf princess heard Liao Yu describe the elves in this way, and she was so happy. It was like eating a honey pot. Sure enough, their elves were right. The great guardian did not disappoint them. He gave human offspring, elves The most beautiful picture.

But now Liao Yu deliberately didn't say anything, as if he had forgotten how happy Versie was before, but how anxious she is now.

In the end, I couldn't hold it in anymore. I got excited and spoke directly before Liao Yu.


"They're called elves!"

"Yes! That's the name. But, huh? How did Miss Welsh know?"

Liao Yu originally planned to tease this somewhat silly and sweet elf.

Unexpectedly, Wei Erxi's words made him frown.

"I heard it in the ancient history class! That Professor Yeno told us a lot about the past thousands of years ago. The class mentioned not only elves, but also demons."

Maybe it's because I'm afraid of exposing my identity.

Welsh, who was in a hurry to explain, was still worried that Liao Yu would not believe it. As proof, she took out a purple-black invitation letter from her pocket.

"Professor Yeno has the same deep research and interest as you in ancient history and myths and legends from thousands of years ago. Professor Yeno has even organized off-campus gatherings in this area. Look!"

When this invitation letter was taken out by Welsh, the shadow behind Liao Yu moved.

And after Liao Yu received the invitation letter, as if he had completely confirmed it, the shadow crept to Liao Yu's ear quietly along his back.

The voice from Hill sounded.

"King, there is something evil about this invitation."


(Reading Helper: Professor Yeno and the Invitation to the Gathering, etc., first appeared in Chapter 20)
(ps: Chapter 20 (the end of the first volume) actually buried a lot of foreshadowing, which will be a very important lead for the main line of the story later)
(End of this chapter)

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