Chapter 51 The Black Goat

A personal magic seal was placed on the invitation.

Only certain people can open it.

But this is useless to Liao Yu.

With the blessing of "Star Sculpture II", he ignored the conditions for the use of any props. Liao Yu concentrated a little and the contents of the invitation hidden under the seal immediately emerged.

[Assembly Address: Violet District, Corolla Avenue, No. 59]

[Date: 23:[-] pm on the [-]rd]

[Please wear a mask when entering (except newcomers)]

[You need to present this invitation letter when entering]

[It is strictly prohibited to leak any information]

The content on the invitation letter is very simple. Apart from the address, there is no extra information. It can be seen that it is very cautious.

Liao Yu quickly returned the invitation letter to Welsh.

"Sorry Professor, because this is a private meeting that Professor Yeno invited me to, so I can't tell you the specifics."

"It's ok."

The elves are lawful and kind, so even if they have a good impression of Liao Yu, they will not leak it to others privately, and Liao Yu shook his head not minding Versey's apology.

He asked more with an interested expression: "Can you tell me about this Professor Yeno? I just joined here not long ago, and I'm not very familiar with the academy. I didn't expect there to be such a scholar of ancient history in the academy." ?”

When Professor Yeno was mentioned, Wilsey's eyes lit up a little, and it could be seen that the elves were also very interested in this human professor.

"Actually, I'm also a transfer student, and I just arrived at the college not long ago, but Professor Yeno is a very powerful scholar who specializes in ancient history. He knows many myths and legends from thousands of years ago in great detail. He can even sort out the timeline of the year and calendar for us. come out!"

"It's just that Professor Yeno is usually taciturn and low-key, and his lectures are all about history, so he is not well-known in the college, and there are very few students attending the lectures. Most of them are still sleeping. I'm the only one who is more serious."

"It may be because of this that Professor Yeno gave me this invitation letter. He told me that those who participated in this rally were those who did not cover their ears."

"Did you cover your ears?" Liao Yu was curious about this description.

"Yes, I don't really understand. At that time, I asked Professor Yeno about historical myths, and asked the professor whether they really existed, and Professor Yeno told me that for a person who deceives others, the bell is not existing."

Wilsey recalled Professor Yeno's words and relayed them to Liao Yu. It seemed that she still didn't quite understand them and was still confused.

The elf felt that if the "bell" refers to history, who is the person who deceived the bell?What do you want to express again?
Wilhelm didn't understand, but Liao Yu was thoughtful.

He quickly said: "Wilsi, if you have the chance, can you introduce me to Professor Yeno? I really want to know such a scholar."

"Okay, okay! No problem, I just happen to have a history class tomorrow! I'll take you with me then! If Professor Yeno knows, he will be very happy to have a colleague like you!"

After this little episode, the next Liao Yu returned to the original plan and started talking with the elves.

With the knowledge blessing of "Star Sculpture II", in addition, Liao Yu, as a hardcore player with tens of thousands of hours a week, can talk to elves about the past thousands of years ago, those spells, strange objects, props, etc. wait.

From the beginning, Wei Erxi interrupted a few words, but later on, she just held her cheek and listened to Liao Yu attentively.

This scene has also appeared in Wilsey's memory. It was like this when she was still young. She had no worries and no need to think about anything. She could just relax and listen to her parents. The wonderful stories she told.

The knowledgeable human professor seemed to overlap with her former father. She respected and admired him so much.

Time flew by, unconsciously, from noon to sunset, when Vercy came back to her senses, she was shocked, how time passed so fast.

No matter how reluctant she was to leave, she had to go back, otherwise the door of the student dormitory would be locked, and she couldn't really stay with Liao Yu forever. "Professor Liao Yu, then, it's agreed, I'll come see you tomorrow!"

"Well, see you soon."

"Goodbye, professor!"

Welsh knew that she couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

She wanted to capture Liao Yu and draw the professor who inherited the ball of wisdom into their elf camp. She needed to do it step by step and gain Liao Yu's favor step by step.

Welsh still has confidence in whether he can win this professor.

Don't underestimate the energy of the elf princess!
And the other side.

After seeing off Versi, the shadow behind Liao Yu shook for a while, and Shadow Demon Hill emerged from it. She cared more about another thing than the elf princess.

"King, do I need to summon Gu Luodan for you?"

The invitation letter on the elf princess actually had the aura of demons, which was different from the eggs that looked like demons before. There was no aura of demons on the eggs, but this time, Hill was very sure.

This can only prove that evil spirits seem to have some actions in human society.

That's why Hill asked Liao Yu if he had summoned Gu Luodan for questioning.

But Liao Yu.
"Need not."

"Let no other apostle say this except you."

"Understood, King."

Another major consideration for Liao Yu taking Hill as his personal apostle was the Shadow Demon's character. He didn't talk much and didn't ask much, but just obeyed the orders silently.

As for why Liao Yu kept it a secret
Indeed, it is the quickest and easiest way to call the demon over to ask, but to put it bluntly, Liao Yu doesn't believe in Gu Luodan at all, so he might as well investigate by himself.

Liao Yu can trust all the other demon apostles, but Xie Mo is the exception.

This does include prejudice and aversion to demons.

But this is all based on the game plot in the first week.

This time, not to mention that it was the evil spirits who treated the human beings. Back then, when the demon race was over, he, the son of destiny, was already unstoppable. Among the nine apostles, the first one to "surrender" was also the evil spirits.

Liao Yu even remembered the plot of the BOSS battle with the evil demon. The evil demon once expressed his willingness to serve him, abandon the darkness and turn to the light, and assist him in destroying the demon king. In exchange, Gu Luodan became the new demon king who obeyed him and humans.

At that time, he didn't think about such an option at all. It was a trick of the demon at a glance, so he didn't hesitate to kill the demon, although it was just a projection.

Later, when he traveled through time and was summoned as the Demon King, the evil demon Gu Luodan was also one of those who did not participate in the "Demon King Summoning Ceremony".

That's why Liao Yu relegated Gu Luo Dan to the cold palace and never used it.

And now, this invitation letter with a demonic aura will appear, which further proves his guess.

As expected, the demon had secretly made some moves in the human world behind his back without reporting it. Liao Yu even suspected that the demon had started this practice many years ago, but never told any other demon apostles. .

Then let’s continue to speculate based on this.
Those eggs with the flesh and blood genes of the "demon race" will be the same.
Chaos Rift.

The base camp of the demons.

The original nine apostles were now transferred to five by the devil.

Among the remaining four apostles, Yumo Ulala was in charge of the reproduction of the demon race, so she had to stay in the rear all the time.

The Great Demon Hercule and the Sword Demon are in charge of the Demon King's Army, and now the Demon Army is also on standby in the chaotic rift. As commanders, it is normal for them to stay with the army.

Look at it this way.
Only one apostle seemed embarrassed.

Fiend, Grodan.

Although the demon family really wanted to leave the chaotic rift and enjoy the human world, but the apostles of their family were obviously alienated by the demon king because they questioned the demon king before, and they were not reused by their family, so the demons complained again , can only accept fate.

And now, Grodan's mood is also not very good.

But it wasn't because Liao Yu didn't allow him to come to the world.

I saw that the current Gu Luodan was in the deepest part of his demon village, and all the confidant demons around him had been emptied by Gu Luodan, leaving him alone.

Gruodan didn't dare before, but now, the Wisdom Demon and the Succubus are not there, and the Shadow Demon has also been sent out. After arranging several spells around to conceal the breath, Gruodan uses the "Mirror of Turbidity" to activate A ritual to communicate with the human world.

It’s different from the one that used to confuse human professors.

In the mirror this time, the blood-red light was reflected, which quickly condensed into a "black goat" logo.

If there were humans here, they would definitely recognize it at a glance. This flag only represents an absolutely supreme existence in the world.

Empire, Knox.

The black goat against the scarlet background finally turned into a blurry tall figure.

The evil demon Gu Luodan stared at the person in the mirror with his pale green eyes.

His bandaged face first showed anger as if he had been deceived, and then quickly turned into strong dissatisfaction and doubts about the tall figure in the mirror.

"Egg, what's going on?"

"I need an explanation."

"Is this different from what we agreed on thousands of years ago?"

(End of this chapter)

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