Chapter 55 Congratulations for the birth of the king!

Professor Yeno directly asked for a half-day leave and canceled all the afternoon classes, saying that he was preparing for the rally.

When he hurriedly left the academy, he didn't notice that the shadow under his feet shook slightly.

The time soon came to six or seven in the evening.

Professor Yenuo appeared at the gate of the college on time, and even hired a carriage to pick up Liao Yu and Welch and go to the next "meeting" together.

"Does Mr. Yenuo have a family?" Liao Yu asked in the carriage pretending to be chatting.

As for the skinny professor, his body trembled at first, but he quickly returned to normal.He showed a happy smile and said to Liao Yu:
"Of course, I have a very virtuous and gentle wife, and two very lovely daughters, whom I love."

"Professor Liao Yu, what about you?"

"Me? I don't have this plan yet. Family always feels too far away for me. I have been alone since I was very young. So Mr. Yeno, I envy you very much. This time your wife and Will the children show up to the rally?”

Yenuo shook his head and said calmly, "No, they...they went on a trip."

"Well, that's a pity."

The elf on the other side, listening to the chatter of the two humans in the carriage, didn't know how to intervene, so he could only sit silently.

And she always felt that Professor Liao Yu seemed to have something to say, and Professor Yeno also acted a little strangely.

She must have thought too much.

The gathering was not too far from the academy, the carriage slowed down after a quarter of an hour, and finally stopped at a slightly indifferent street.

"Mr. Liao Yu, Miss Wilsey, the meeting place is underground on the opposite street. Please pay attention to the steps and follow me."

"The Corolla block is an old part of Wangcheng. The last renovation was decades ago. The lighting facilities here are very poor. I am very sorry. Because of limited funds, I can only choose this kind of place. The location is going to rent a venue."

Professor Yeno lit the oil lamp he had prepared long ago.

At six or seven o'clock, the sky has already darkened, and as Professor Yeno said, most of the street lights here have been scrapped, with only a few emitting a faint light, which will flicker from time to time.

Professor Yenuo, who was holding an oil lamp, walked in the front, followed closely by Liao Yu and Wei Erxi.

The three people along the way didn't say much and fell into silence for a while.

After walking for a few minutes, Yenuo came to a place that looked like an abandoned shop. He opened the iron door with rolling shutters, and Professor Yenuo stopped at the door and made a gesture of invitation to Liao Yu and Wei Erxi.

Wilsey looked into the shop and saw a staircase leading to the basement. There were torches lit on both sides of the stairs, but the light of the flames did not bring a sense of security to Wilsey. On the contrary, she felt...

"I'm sorry, Ms. Welsh, but the light stone with the "Illumination" branded on it is too expensive for us, so we can only use oil lamps and torches instead."

"Nothing, I don't mind, Professor."

Wilshey shook her head quickly, then no longer hesitated and walked step by step down the stairs towards the depths of the basement.

Although the elf said he didn't mind, Liao Yu could clearly feel that Wilsy moved closer to him intentionally or unintentionally, shortening the distance between them.

In fact, the same is true in Wei Erxi's heart. Fortunately, she got to know Liao Yu, and now Professor Liao Yu is accompanying her, otherwise she would have to come to a gathering like this alone.
In short, Welsh is very uncomfortable with this place.

And soon.

This discomfort became much more serious as she descended to the end of the stairs and came to the corridor in the basement.

Because there are many sculptures in the corridor.

Under the light of the torches on the wall, the outlines of these dark sculptures are very clear.

Take the one closest to Wilsey as an example.

This sculpture is shaped like a giant octopus, with seemingly infinite tentacles, and the tentacles are densely packed with suction cups. Just a glance at it makes Wilsy feel chills in her heart.

This isn't cryptophobia, although Velsey has it too.

But what really made her frown.
"What's the matter, Ms. Welsh, are you interested in this statue? Let me introduce it. This is what I told you in class, the first apostle of the demon clan, the demon cultivator in charge of breeding authority , Ulala."

Professor Yeno was the last to come down the stairs.

Accompanied by the sound of the heavy closing of the door at the entrance, it can also be heard.

For Liao Yu and Wei Erxi who were already in the basement corridor, Professor Yeno's appearance seemed to have changed, becoming talkative, less silent, and...
got excited.

He returned to the leading position, just like the curator of the museum. Regardless of Versey's bad face, he began to introduce the nine sculptures on both sides of the corridor for Elf and Liao Yu. .

"Look, the snake pupils and scales are the symbols of the wise demons among the demons. Leon, the head of the wise demons, is the brain of the demons, gathering wisdom and strategy, and is in the position of the second apostle."

"Miss Wilsey, look at this, what beautiful wings and tail, and those antelope-like head horns, which reflect the beauty and charm. Yes, this is the succubus in the demon clan, the third apostle, Ai Lina.”

"Huh? Miss Wilsey's face doesn't look good. Is it uncomfortable? Then I must recommend this sculpture to you. Oh, you two, please don't care about her appearance. Although the rot demon is ugly among the demons, Living with bugs and flesh and blood, the rot demon is also an amazing pharmacist. Any disease and pain in the flesh and blood will be reduced to nothing under the hands of the fourth apostle Alice. "

Professor Yeno became more fanatical as he talked.

It seems that these sculptures, like beliefs and gods, are the greatest existence in history, and he is a devout believer, singing the glory of "the Lord".

When Wilsey arrived here, no matter how stupid she was, she still noticed something was wrong.

But she still retains the last vestige of naive hope.

"Professor Jeno, didn't you teach us in the ancient history class that the demons are...invaders? Why do you want to put so many sculptures of invaders here? Why do I hear from your tone It feels like you are still admiring it?"

"Admiration? Oh my child, don't say that, it's the greatest humiliation to me."

Professor Yeno's words just made the elf relax, but in the next moment, Wilsey's whole body became tense.

I saw Professor Yeno came, under the statue of the sixth demon apostle, he opened his arms, and the excitement and excitement that had been hiding on his face were finally no longer concealed at this moment.

He twisted and laughed wildly, and his ferocious expression turned into a pious gesture. He worshiped the sculpture of an apostle in front of him, holding a skull and his whole body wrapped in bandages.

"How can you praise these great masters? We should respect the nine supreme beings. Their existence is even supreme. But you, me, and all human beings are just ants, and they all use the dreams of fools as excuses. , taking the mediocrity of the ants as a monument!"

"Only by offering everything to the Lord, listening to the Lord's whispers, and following the Lord's guidance, can one be redeemed and get rid of lowliness."

"It's an honor! You today will be the sacrifices I offer to the Lord and to the Nine Supremes."


"Don't show that look, Miss Welsh."

"Let us together, present a congratulatory gift for the return of the demons and the birth of a new king after a thousand years!"

(End of this chapter)

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