Chapter 56 Crack!
Following Professor Yeno's loud shout, more than a dozen figures suddenly appeared from all directions of Liao Yu and Welsh.

They were all wearing gray robes and masks with strange patterns on their faces, completely blocking their escape route.

Among this group of believers, there are magicians holding staffs, and there are axemen with sharp blades shining frighteningly under the torch.

There is no doubt that this is an ambush planned long ago.

At this moment, compared to being shocked by Professor Yeno's status as a running dog of the demon clan, compared to being shocked by the fact that Wilhelm is full of doubts.
In Professor Yeno's enthusiastic words about them just now, he described them as the best sacrifice, even a gift to the "king".

Liao Yu only met Professor Yenuo today through her introduction.

So the "congratulatory gift" here can only refer to her.

Can a foreign transfer student with an ordinary appearance, an ordinary background, and an interest in ancient history be described as a "gift from the king" by a demon lackey like Yenuo who is a fanatical believer?
Obviously not.

Then there is only one possibility left.

This is what made Vercy's heart sink the most.

Identity exposed.

Yeno discovers her identity as a "spirit".

That's why she was given the so-called party invitation!

Everything now is a trap specially designed for her "elf"! !

At this moment, besides the anger at being deceived and calculated, Wei Erxi also has more remorse and guilt towards Liao Yu beside her.

is her.

It was she who caused Liao Yu to suffer.

Put this young human being in danger together.

Take a deep breath.

Welsh forced herself to calm down, now is not the time to think about these things.

She quickly looked around, among the demon running dogs of the humans, those knife and axemen had already held their gleaming blades, and under the order of Ye Nuo as the leader, they surrounded the two of them and were approaching quickly.

The warlocks also started chanting, and the fluctuations of magic power were rapidly gathering. In a few seconds, they would be baptized by a storm of magic.

What to do. What to do.
Think about how the elders taught you to fight!
What should I use at this time!
Forest barrier?Emerald longbow?Tree guard?

Just when Versy, who was in a tense state, was a little confused, the elf princess suddenly felt that from her side, there was also a wave of magic power rapidly condensing.

Followed by

"Wind terminology."

Liao Yu didn't need a staff, and swiped his fingers in the void, and the seal spell, two first-level low-level spells, was released instantly in less than half a second, and shot towards the gathering warlocks in the distance.

As a first-level spell, "Silence" can only interrupt one magician. However, when combined with "Wind Whisper", which is also a first-level spell, they complement each other and form a diffusion effect.

A gust of wind with the power of silence roared towards it, and the gathering warlocks not far away were forced to raise their hands to resist. Naturally, all the spells they chanted were interrupted.

Immediately afterwards, before Wei Erxi could react, two spells were chanted from Liao Yu's mouth.

"Flying sand and rolling stones."

"Water bomb."

The second-level rock-type technique, Flying Sand and Rocks, summons a large swath of sand and dust. Its main function is to interfere with the enemy's line of sight.

But if cooperated with the first-level water spell, the sand and dust were soaked by the water bomb, and immediately formed a large quagmire on the ground.

Those knife and ax hands who approached were trapped in the quagmire within a few steps, greatly delaying their actions.

Wei Erxi turned to look at Liao Yu beside her.

In the past, Liao Yu's image in the heart of this elf princess was that of a gentle and elegant man who inherited the ball of wisdom, was erudite and a theoretical knowledge-based talent with great win-win value.

And now.
The fluctuation of magic power brought up Liao Yu's skirt, and the wind language technique blew Liao Yu's hair.

In a very short period of time, through the exquisite cooperation between spells, even with low-level spells, he created the image of a sorcerer with strong field control power, which deeply shocked Wilsey.

Not to mention
Liao Yu quickly followed up with that sentence.

"Miss Wilsey, please stand behind me."

Without hesitation, Liao Yu stood in front of Welsh alone,
It seemed that no matter how dangerous the situation was, as a professor and Welch's mentor, he had to step forward and protect his students.

Looking at Liao Yu's back in front.

There was a kind of touch in Wei Erxi's heart, which had never been touched before.

The elf princess didn't know what this touch was.

But what Welsh knows is
Today, no one can hurt their professor in front of her, not even a little bit!
Strong magical power quickly gathered on the elf.

Many emerald green light spots appeared in the air in the basement.

The majestic aura of life bloomed at the feet of Versie, and thick emerald green vines overturned the floor tiles, breaking through the ground and growing crazily.

The obscure Elvish language was chanted from Velxi's mouth.

The translated meaning is probably .

The vines turned into ropes and bound towards this group of human demon lackeys.

And because of Liao Yu's previous perfect control of the field, the magicians were silenced and unable to use their magic skills, and the swordsmen were stuck in the quagmire. The vines barely encountered resistance, and succeeded like a python, entangled in these believers body.

"Uh uh uh."

The squeezing feeling, the suffocating feeling, the cold and thick vines, just like the attitude of the spell caster Velxi, directly dealt a cruel blow to this group of evildoers who were brainwashed by the demons and took refuge in the demons.

Their necks were tightened by the vines, and their limbs were twisted and deformed under the huge restraint force. In the end, they couldn't even cry out in pain, and they were completely strangled by the vines.

And the other side.

Compared to the fact that all his men were wiped out, Professor Yeno stared at Velcy with wide eyes and a horrified expression.


"This spell is impossible! Is this magic wave level three? No, no, no! Level four! This is a level four spell! You, how could you possibly do that!!"

Professor Yeno screamed.

His main target is the human being Gu Luodan asked him to assassinate, Liao Yu.

When Liao Yu used those first- and second-order spells that got in the way, Professor Yeno frowned, but it was expected.

After all, if Liao Yu had no skills, how could he be ordered to kill him by the "lord".

But now.

Yeno looked at that in the blink of an eye, his meeting basement seemed to become a wild jungle cave, covered with crazy vines, the professor was completely shocked.

what happened?

What kind of monster is that freckled schoolgirl!

Shouldn't Wei Erxi be just an ordinary foreign student? ?

how come.
How could it be like this! !

The emergence of the fourth-level spell has actually announced the huge disparity in strength between the two sides.

Professor Yeno was not reconciled, as if he was dying, he activated it again. The "devil man" power given to him by the demon Growdan at the beginning, the skin on his body began to dry and wrinkle rapidly, and the miserable green demon power began to Make his body swell huge.

Welsh was indeed a little flustered before.

But Liao Yu's calmness and composure brought Wilxi back, making the elf no longer nervous.

In real combat, no one will foolishly wait for the enemy to enter the "second stage" transformation.

An emerald-green longbow condensed by pure natural magic appeared in Wilsey's hand at some unknown moment.

Tier [-] Special Ritual - Weapon Summoning - Forest Spirit Bow

Wilshe's posture was straight, her feet were spread apart, her hands were splayed from left to right, and her green eyes were shining brightly.

The elf stood sideways and aimed at Professor Yeno, with a completely different stern expression on his face, without any kindness, and shot a terrifying magic arrow in the blink of an eye.

The emerald green magic arrow was like a shooting star, without giving Yeno any time to react, in an instant, it "demonized" Yeno into a normal body, piercing through it on the spot.

"no no."

Professor Yeno's eyes were full of unwillingness.

It's like being able to start the "second stage" immediately, but it was interrupted, no, to be precise, it was the BOSS that was seconds.


Ye Nuo fell down softly, but he didn't die directly. Versey did not shoot at the fatal place, but spared Ye Nuo's life.

Until here, seeing that the mastermind had no strength to resist, Versie let out a long breath and lowered the elf bow in her hand.


Thousands of years later, human strength has weakened a lot.

It seems that he misestimated her strength even more?
Apart from being a little flustered at first, these ambushes were a bit childish for her.

Versie was actually still confused.

However, the elf didn't think too deeply about it because she had another more important thing to do now.

"Professor Liao Yu!"

During the battle, the cold and ruthless expression that Versy had on the lackeys of the demon clan disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Instead, the elf looked concerned and hurried towards Liao Yu, wanting to inquire about Liao Yu's situation, whether he was injured or not.

And Liao Yu.
Liao Yu sighed and shook his head a little in his heart.

It seemed that he still overestimated Professor Yeno.

This is not giving Versie any pressure at all, but was shot by the elf for a second.

This will not work.

If you want to increase your favorability and trust points during battle, you have to put your partner into trouble.

Wilsey is worthy of being a "five-star" orange partner.

The release of the fourth-order technique is the same as eating and drinking.

Liao Yu even suspected that Werxi's upper limit might be hiding some fifth-level magic skills that were not used.

Let alone the lackeys of the demon race among humans.

Those ordinary [-]-[-] level demons probably couldn't put too much pressure on Wilhelm.

Since Liao Yu wants to speed through the favorability.

Then you have to get a big one.

Give this elf princess "despair".

If this is a game copy.
Now it's time to enter the "three phases".


Liao Yu moved his lips slightly and whispered softly to the shadow behind him in a small voice that only he could hear.

Shadows that receive orders no longer lurk and remain hidden.

Quietly submerged into the ground.

A moment later, a shadow appeared behind that Professor Yeno.

Then, like a black hole, it swallowed Yenuo.

The elf noticed something strange behind him.

She immediately stopped and instantly switched to a fighting stance. She raised the emerald green long bow in her hand again, turned around, and stared at the black hole of shadow that swallowed Yeno.

Wilsey thought that it was Yenuo, a lackey of the demon clan, who had some back-up plan.

But then

This time it was Wilsey's turn to exclaim.

Because I only saw that the next moment, walking out of this deep shadowy black hole was a petite person in a cloak who shrouded his whole body in darkness?
Do not!
Wilsey could feel the rich magic power of aggression and destructiveness emanating from the other party.

And this is what the elders taught her the most, whenever such a breath appears, it can only be an evil race.

That is
The real demons!
Wilhelm took a breath,
Although she knows about the demons, and has heard about them tens of thousands of times, she is really honest. When she sees the demons, she sees the demons not in the stories, but in the living reality. Wilsey's first time.

Must be calm!

Wilsey forced herself to concentrate so that her body would no longer tremble instinctively. Her brain was spinning rapidly, and she began to judge the race of the demon based on his appearance.

Cloaks, shadows, and thin stature.

Can't go wrong.

这 是
Shadow Demon!

The reconnaissance unit among the demons!

Versie breathed a sigh of relief.

According to the knowledge she learned from the elders, the shadow demons are among the nine major demon armies, and their combat effectiveness is at the lower middle level, and they are not considered strong. Their greatest ability is lurking and concealment, which is reconnaissance and intelligence.

So... yes!
You can, Wilsey!
You are the princess of the elves!You are the hope of your tribe and everyone!You also have to avenge the sins and blood debts committed by the Black Beast Legion against the elves!

This is just a scout, just a shadow demon, nothing to be afraid of!

kill it!

kill it!

Tell these evil demons that the elves from thousands of years ago are back!
At this moment, Wilsey overcame the subconscious fear in her heart and defeated the shadow of the demons in her heart for thousands of years.

She felt the protection and blessing from her mother, her father, the elders, and everyone from the elves.

I saw the light blooming brightly on the elf.

The disguise of "Velsey", that rustic schoolgirl with freckles, disappeared.

Welsh, who was fully fired, revealed her real body.

Brilliant golden hair like a waterfall, bright eyes as beautiful as emeralds, moist skin as if exposed after the rain, and beautiful pointed ears quietly protruding from the ends of the hair.

Woven from flowers and vines, it symbolizes the crown of the royal family and brings magical blessings to Wilhelm.

The pure and flawless Moonlight Robe, which draped over her body and outlines the curves of Versy's graceful body, was like the light of a white moon, giving Versy a more focused spell cohesion.

Versie's expression was firm, and the surging magic power in her body finally turned into a natural magic arrow several meters long.

Under her princess's high-heeled boots, a natural enchantment was shining at the same time, and countless emerald green elves flew around Versy's body, giving their power to Versy.

No matter in terms of momentum or appearance, the power of this arrow has obviously far surpassed the arrow shot at Professor Yeno before.

Even such powerful fluctuations in magic power and huge magic arrows are completely beyond the fourth level.

"In the name of the forest!"

Wilsey shot her strongest arrow, which contained her determination, her hatred for the demons, her anger at the destruction of her homeland, and all her courage and perseverance.

This arrow is bound to.
A crisp sound sounded.

Wilsie came up with a big move and used all her strength to launch this powerful magic arrow like a green light cannon.

in the next second.
The petite shadow demon opposite him stretched out a hand from his cloak.

It's like swatting a mosquito.
Shoot fly out.

(End of this chapter)

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