Chapter 57 The Light in the Darkness

Wilsey froze on the spot.

It seemed that he was too shocked to believe it.

She broke through herself, condensed everything and shot this powerful forest magic arrow comparable to a fifth-order spell, just, just like that, was slapped away?
The elf was in a state of bewilderment.


But Hill would not wait for Versey.

The order she received from the king was to give this elf despair.

The tide-like darkness began to rapidly spread from under Hill's cloak towards the surroundings, and the sticky ink-like shadow swallowed up every inch of light.

In the blink of an eye, the entire basement fell into absolute darkness.

The shadow that can't be stretched out seems to be woven into a tight spider web here.

And at the very center of this "web of shadows," a butterfly prey with nowhere to escape
It was Wilhelm.

Hill activated his domain skills.

If Liao Yu remembered correctly, it should be called Shadow World.

It greatly reduces the enemy's hit rate. All directional single-target skills are basically ineffective in the shadow world. It greatly reduces the enemy's speed and the number of action rounds.

Liao Yu remembers that in the BOSS battle between himself and the Shadow Demon Apostle, after the "Shadow World" was launched, Hill could basically trap his character several times in one round.

Dodging various skills caused Liao Yu a headache.

After careful analysis and research, Liao Yu in the back relied on various skills to improve his own attribute values ​​​​by "hard protection" fate to fight defensive counterattacks. He did not take the initiative to attack Hill in the shadow world, but waited for Hill to take the initiative to fight. He then triggered the counterattack skill, forcibly relying on his strong body to kill Hill alive.

Pull back from the memories of the week.

Liao Yu here, although in the dark, can still see everything clearly, as if he has night vision ability, it is Hill who shared his senses with him.

So now Liao Yu can clearly see that in the center of the "Shadow World", Wilsey has completely messed up.

The darkness obscured the Elf's vision, and the shadows blocked all of Velxi's perceptions.

This elf princess doesn't seem to have much actual combat experience.

Next, Welsh chose the most wrong way.

The nervous and flustered elves immediately activated their spells, and began to throw them indiscriminately into the surrounding darkness. In fact, Liao Yu could see very clearly that all these spells of Vercy hit the air, wasting them in vain magic.

In fact, the use of group attack skills is also an option.

But the premise is that the range of this group attack is large enough to cover the entire Shadow World.

But the current Welsh obviously doesn't have this ability.
"Uh ha. Phew." After throwing several natural magic spells in a row, Wilsey panted heavily and knelt down on one knee, warning that the magic power in her body had been exhausted.

And when the prey struggles, consumes strength, and is exhausted, it is time to "close the net."

A shadowy hand condensed from the darkness beside Vercy.

Wilsey's talent gave her an early warning, but her depleted magic power left her unable to resist anything. The shadow hand easily picked up the elf and held it in her palm like an iron pincer.

If it was a real battle, at this moment Wilshere could have declared the end.

She will be directly grasped to death by the hands of shadow.

But Liao Yu's order to Hill was to despair, not to kill the elf, so Hill here manipulated the shadow hand and threw the elf out again.

Welch fell to the floor, and the pain immediately spread all over his body, but compared to the pain, the elf still had more fear in his heart.

The elf who was hit so hard also came back to his senses.

She realized that the current dark shadow was most likely the legendary domain skill.

What is this concept.

Among all the elves in their clan, only the "Great Elder" could barely deploy the domain skills. Although it was at the sixth level, it was no more difficult than the seventh level, or even the eighth or ninth level magic rituals.

Because field skills are unique, they must have extremely high attainments and understanding in a certain field to be able to comprehend the exclusive secrets.

Even thousands of years ago, when the elves were still glorious, the elves who could comprehend domain skills were definitely rare, and they were all the pride of the elves.

The current scope of this field and the intensity of this field
Do not.
This is no ordinary Shadow Fiend at all.

At least the "lord-level" shadow demons among the demons.

even say yes
Demon King's Apostle!

The hand of shadow turned into a giant palm, and attacked Velxi again from the darkness. This time, the elf was a little smarter, and did not use attack magic randomly, and spread out a dark green defensive barrier with itself as the center.

However, under the giant palm of the shadow, the barrier was just like a piece of paper, fragile and broken at the touch of a touch. Once again, the elf was thrown away by the giant palm, turned into a parabola, hit the wall, and fell softly.

Wei Erxi, who was gritting her silver teeth, got up from the ground.

But her previous will to fight against the demons, the spirit of wanting revenge, all disappeared after she realized that she might be facing a legendary "Apostle of the Demon King".

Now all that is left of the elf is the uncontrollably trembling body.

Only the icy chill.

Those eyes that should have been as bright as amber are now filled with ashes-like despair.


The word "Apostle" alone symbolizes despair for countless worlds conquered by demons.

Even the Great Elder at his peak was unable to compete with the Demon King's apostle. What could she, a new generation elf who was only a hundred years old, do to fight?

After being sent flying by Hill's shadow hand again like a toy, Wilsey, who was lying on the ground, gave up completely, like a drowning person who gave up struggling and let the black tide swallow her.

Sorry. Sorry, Great Elder.
Sorry to all the elves
I'm sorry mother.
Sorry. Professor Liao Yu

everything is over?
Wilsey just closed her eyes and accepted her fate of being swallowed by the shadow world.

Unexpectedly, at the next moment, a ray of light shot out from the darkness. This was not a metaphor, it was a real dazzling light that shimmered and bloomed in the shadow world.

"Mana burns."

"Lightning Technique."

The confused elf opened her eyes and saw a figure walking through the darkness, walking towards her step by step.

Liao Yu's magic power burned wildly, in exchange for the radiant light in his hand that dispelled the shadows.

As Liao Yu approached, the darkness melted away inch by inch, the light shrouded again, the elf's lost perception returned, and the biting cold was quickly fading away.

Later, Wei Erxi saw that Liao Yu did not stop.

This young human professor passed through herself and faced the darkness of the shadow world, and the shadow demon that made her fear and despair.

The strength of human beings is not strong, much lower than hers.

But her professor, Liao Yu, never showed the slightest cowardice or retreat, as if this will also affected the technique, and the power of brilliance was infinitely magnified until it completely illuminated the entire basement.

The world of shadows is broken.

The basement returned to its original appearance, except for the black hole that remained next to Professor Yeno's body, telling that everything just now was not an illusion.

"It's now, quick! Wilsey!"

Liao Yu's hasty voice pulled back the lost spirit.

Welsh quickly realized what Liao Yu meant, because she could feel that the terrifying Shadow Demon had returned to the black hole in order to avoid the brilliance.

But now, Professor Liao Yu's brilliant spell is over, and the terrifying existence in the black hole is about to come out again.

The elf made a prompt decision, drained every ounce of magic power from her body, tried her best to shoot another arrow in the direction of the black hole.

Fortunately, this arrow did not disappoint her again.

The emerald green magic arrow successfully pierced through the black hole, and the Shadow Demon, which was so powerful that she shuddered, seemed to be unable to appear here again after losing the "portal gate" of the black hole, and completely disappeared.

She does not!It was they who succeeded! ?
There was a kind of walking in the gate of hell, and after escaping from the dead, Versie felt unspeakable excitement welling up in her heart, excitedly wanting to find Liao Yu, to run to her savior, this her The most powerful professor tutor.

And Liao Yu.
Liao Yu fell to the ground with a plop.

Oh no.

He fell down, his face changed drastically, he ran over one step ahead of time, and successfully caught his "coma" professor in the arms of Welch.

(End of this chapter)

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