Chapter 58 The Second Fate Track, Unlocked!


Vercy could feel that the human aura in her arms was very weak, accompanied by a severe exhaustion of magic power, like a candle in the wind, which would be extinguished at any time.

Thinking about what Liao Yu did before, the elf immediately understood the status quo.

mana burn
Professor Liao Yu overdrawn his body, not only burned his magic power, but also burned his vitality in order to resolve the predicament!


Although the Luminous Art is a glorious destiny spell, it has a strong restraining power against demons, especially shadow demons who are afraid of light, but no matter how restrained it is, it is only a second-level spell. Under normal circumstances, how can it be possible to dispel that terrifying The domain of shadow demons.

The reason why Professor Liao Yu can still do it is because he sacrificed his life force in exchange for more powerful spell effects.

How to do.
What should she do now!
For the past hundred years, Versie has been following the guidance and teachings of the elders, and this elf princess who is used to "listening to other people's words" may make a decision that is faster than her previous decision in this short night. Get up a lot.

In times of crisis like this, it is often not rational to make decisions.

It's instinct.

It is the truest voice in my heart.

And Versie's heart told her
Can't die!
Professor Liao Yu must not be allowed to die!
Whether it's Professor Yeno's lackeys of the demon clan ambushing, or the terrifying shadow demon who is suspected of being an apostle is really summoned later, all of these should be aimed at her, but in the end, there is nothing wrong with her as the source. Professor Liao Yu, who was implicated by her, lost his life?
She, Versie, is she going to watch someone else die for her! ?

Do not!
no way!Then what is the difference between her and those evil demons!
Professor Liao Yu's vitality is exhausted at this time. This does not mean that one or two healing spells can be rescued. Even if it is possible, the current self is not much better. He has been drained of magic power long ago, and he can't use any spells. Out.

Now she wants to save Liao Yu and her professor, but there is only one way left.

this way
A trace of hesitation flashed in Versie's eyes.

But soon disappeared.

Without Professor Liao Yu, she would have died under that terrifying Shadow Demon long ago.

Even if she is the most precious thing of the "elf princess", the only thing that is so precious in this life, and give it to Liao Yu, Versy is willing.

She believed that the elders afterwards would not blame her either.

Versie, who had made up her mind, showed a resolute expression.

After taking a deep breath, she quickly knelt down and rested Liao Yu's head on her white and soft thigh.

Although Liao Yu still closed his eyes tightly.

But his consciousness is very clear.

The current "depletion of vitality" is just a "weakening spell" that he secretly cast on himself while the elf was not paying attention. Wilsey, who was in a anxious situation, did not seem to notice it.

What's next for Wilhelm?

Liao Yu was very curious.

His original intention was actually to pass the favorability of the elves as quickly as possible, but in the next scene, Wilsey made a move that surprised even Liao Yu.

I saw that the elf lowered his head towards Liao Yu, and brushed up the hair hanging from his ears with his hands. After taking a deep breath, Versy pointed himself at Liao Yu and kissed him.

The soft touch of the elf's lips is like cotton candy, and Versh's green and immature movements are like the sweetness overflowing after the cotton candy is contained in the mouth.

The kiss of elves is different from that of humans.

In addition to expressing love, it also serves as a ritual.

The emerald forest barrier lit up under Versey again, but this time, it was wrapped in together with Liao Yu.

The buds symbolizing new life clustered around them, the colorful butterflies surrounded them, the vines weaved knots for them that would never be separated, and the moonlight linked their destinies together.

[Versi launched the "Princess Connection" ceremony on you, and you have received the highest protection of the elves]

[All your abnormal states are forcibly lifted]

【Your health and mana have been restored to the maximum limit】

[You have unlocked the sub-fate rail that can be assembled - nature]

[Your "Natural" fate track is under "Princess Link", and will share the "Star Sculpture" effect with Welsh, the number of currently unlocked Star Sculptures: 3]

[Star Plastic I - Daughter of the Forest: When you are in natural terrain, all attributes +150%, magic power recovery efficiency +200%, all natural spell consumption -50%]

[Star Sculpture II - Princess: You ignore the learning requirements of any natural spells. The damage caused by all natural spells to you is -95%, and all magical creatures under the natural system will have your basic favorability, which will be increased. for, friendly]

[Star Plastic III—Heart of Nature: All your natural spells gain +200% spell power, +50% spell penetration, +20% crit rate, and have a certain probability of getting double spell casting effects]

Liao Yu: "."

All kinds of cue sounds from the panel rang in his head crazily.

Like a cheerful movement.

Quite a feeling, as if he had a tie A, and then Versy directly handed in his ultimate move.

In the game of the first week, although there is no such skill as "Princess Link", but just because it can directly open the second fate track for itself, or even the "natural" fate track, and even synchronize the "star plastic" effect, it is undoubtedly in the game. Tell Liao Yu how outrageous it is.

You know, Zhoumu, as a player, is equivalent to a cheating existence. After getting through the game and crushing the devil, he only has the three fates of "brilliance", "judgment" and "protection" .

Except for Guanghui, which is the main destiny track, which is born with it, the remaining two are almost all Liao Yu's useless efforts, looking for inheritance props, apprenticeships, and completing a series of very It can only be unlocked after the complicated and cumbersome destiny mission.

Because fate is different from occupation in the game setting, it doesn't mean that you can become a master after you understand the knowledge, fate is a kind of idea and belief, not only to learn, but also to practice.

For example, in the task of judging fate, you have to let yourself play the role of a law enforcement officer, and you have to arrest enough criminals who have committed the most heinous crimes before you can be recognized by the "judgement".

For example, in the task of "protecting" fate, he has to protect enough civilians, and he has to act as a firefighter in various natural and man-made disasters, etc.
And if you follow this process, if you want to get a "natural" fate, at least you have to plant thousands of trees, and it is probably possible to play the "forest guard" for several years.

result now
Good guy.

Just, it's that simple?
Of course it's not that simple.

Liao Yu knew that he felt simple because he was not the giver, the elf princess, his female student Versie gave everything.

This feeling is as if, as an elf princess, Versie is the darling of nature, the daughter of natural fate, and then Versie directly led herself into the house, the raw rice was cooked, and natural fate could not imagine I can't admit it.

The daughter has brought the man into the house, so what else can I do.

Order it.

The above is what Liao Yu can feel, the deep feeling conveyed by the extra "natural" fate in his spiritual world.

After a long kiss, Wilxi breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Liao Yu's vitality finally returned to normal and even became more vigorous, and a happy smile appeared on the elf's pure white face.

But she was a little strange. It stands to reason that the professor should be able to wake up.

do not care.

Get out of here first.

Afterwards, Wilsey quickly retreated to her dormitory in the Royal Academy, hugging Liao Yu who was still "comatose".

And Liao Yu.

Liao Yu pretended not to open his eyes before, but now he doesn't dare to open them.

The dare not here refers to facing one's own conscience.

Questioning is heinous.

Understand heinous.

After untying the "heart knot", it will become. Return to the player's original heart.

So the current self, the primary demon king, is the sub-fate naturally?

The star plastic I and III of the natural destiny track are second, and the effect of the star plastic II, the power of natural magic in it -95% is the most fancy to Liao Yu.

What kind of concept is this? It is almost equivalent to being immune to all natural magic attacks.

And what the elves are best at is natural spells.

It is roughly equivalent to the blessing of this "Star Plastic II", as long as he faces the elves, or any natural system, such as Druids and other races, he is basically invincible?
This is the powerful privilege of Welch as an "elven princess".

In order to "save" him, Welch gave this precious power to herself, theoretically the greatest enemy of the elves - the Demon King.


So born!

Liao Yu was referring to this outrageous fate combination.

 Thanks to Kelijiang for not being 1536 for the [-] starting coin reward, thank you boss orz
(End of this chapter)

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