Chapter 59 The Fool

Royal Academy of Illinois.

Girls' dormitory.

The bed of an elf princess.

"cough cough"

After coughing for a while, Liao Yu on the bed "slowly" opened his eyes.

He looked around in a daze, in a slightly shabby room, Liao Yu rubbed his temples, pretending to be a person who just woke up from a coma, trying to sort out his memories and figure out the current situation.


"Great! Great! You're finally awake!" Welsh, who had never left Liao Yu's side, immediately let out a voice of surprise, her face full of concern.

"Professor, what's your body like, do you feel any discomfort?"


Liao Yu pretended to close his eyes for a while, then quickly shook his head and said to the elf with a confused expression: "Miss Wilsey, I'm fine, but I remember that I shouldn't be."

Hearing that Liao Yu's health was fine, the elf finally let go of his hanging heart.

As for Liao Yu's confusion about "how good he is" later on
"I, I gave you some healing medicine, and it'll be fine!" Wilshey replied hesitantly with some dodges in her eyes.

She didn't choose to tell Liao Yu directly about the connection between her kiss and the princess.

Instead, he found a false excuse to hide the past.

This is not to say that Wilsey regretted it. After calming down, Elf did not regret her decision to save Liao Yu.

As for the current Welsh, why didn't she tell Liao Yu, or...
"Professor Liao Yu, I'm very sorry! I'm sorry for dragging you into a crisis! I'm sorry! It's all my fault!"

After confirming that Liao Yu was in good health, Welsh immediately stood in front of Liao Yu seriously, bowed deeply and apologized to Liao Yu.

After apologizing, Wei Erxi clenched her hands tightly, and tentatively asked Liao Yu with nervousness and uneasiness:

"So Professor Liao Yu, you... You have seen everything, those lackeys of the Demon Race, that powerful Shadow Demon, and..."

"And I."

What does "I" refer to here?

it goes without saying.

She had already revealed her true body as an elf when she instantly killed Professor Yeno, and when she fought against the shadow demon later, to be precise, when she was played by that terrifying shadow demon, she was all in an elf posture.

As long as Professor Liao Yu is not blind, he must have seen it.

I can't hide it anymore.

Wilhelm wasn't going to hide any more.

In fact, she has always been guilty of deceiving Liao Yu, and she doesn't want to face Liao Yu with the false identity of the so-called "human female student".

Lies are wrong.

And Wei Erxi is nervous and uneasy now, because she wants to know that after Liao Yu discovers these truths and discovers her deception, he will hold such a "big liar" to her, to her as a non-human, as an elf. What kind of attitude.

If Liao Yu couldn't accept it, or if he was disappointed with her and didn't want to stand by their elves, then Wilhelm would not force Liao Yu.

She will leave silently and let Professor Liao Yu return to a peaceful life, even if it is only a temporary peaceful life. After all, the demons have come, and the turmoil in the world can be foreseen.

As an elf princess, the "princess connection" that she has only once in her life should be regarded as a parting gift between her and Professor Liao Yu, and a memory between them.

She will keep this secret in her heart all the time, and will not burden Professor Liao Yu.

As for the pressure from the elders of the elves.
She will carry it alone.

This is what Welsh prepared, the worst plan.

And the best result that the elf princess is looking forward to, looking forward to, and longing for.

"of course."

Liao Yu nodded.

Afterwards, Liao Yu's tone didn't change at all, it was the same as usual, and he even asked Versie with a little curiosity: "So it's really a demon? Judging from the other party's ability, it should be a shadow demon, right? ?”

Wilhelm did not answer Liao Yu's question directly.

The elves were more surprised.

"Professor Liao Yu, you... don't you feel anything about my identity?"

"Should I feel something? Excited? Shocked? Or do I need to salute you? I have the impression that elves are indeed more proud and respectful of etiquette. If Miss Welsh asks, I don't mind."

Liao Yu teased Versey on purpose.

The elf in front of him shook his head frantically like a rattle drum, blushed with anxiety, and said repeatedly: "No! No, no, no! I didn't mean that! Professor Liao Yu is my teacher, how can a teacher salute a student? !"

Versey did not refute Liao Yu's arrogant description of elves. Although this is a stereotype, it is indeed true. Many fellow elves do have this problem, and Versy does not deny it.

"Although the student's skill level is better than the teacher's, it is indeed a shameful thing, but..."

Liao Yu's voice changed.

"Miss Welsh, in the battle just now, you have wasted your powerful magic power in many places, and the release of some spells was too casual. It can be seen that you lack actual combat experience. Once you encounter a situation beyond your control, your brain is like a blank, you have forgotten everything, and you just throw away spells all over the place, this is not okay."

If it is said that Liao Yu became a professor before, it was just to use this identity to get close to Wilhelm.

Now that the elf had given him something precious, opened his heart to him, recognized him as a professor, and regarded himself as a teacher, Liao Yu would sincerely teach the elf.

Tens of thousands of hours of combat experience in Zhoumu have made Liao Yu proficient in various combat techniques and methods, and the effect of "Star Sculpture II" from the devil's destiny complements each other and strengthens this point.

Now Liao Yu, let alone giving guidance to Welch, even teaching the eight apostles under him is more than enough.

In fact, Liao Yu did have this plan. After all, he was once an "enemy", but he knew the weaknesses and flaws of these apostles best. After targeted intensive training, Liao Yu was confident that he could make the apostles' Power, to a higher level.

Of course, these are all for later.

Next, Liao Yu spent more than an hour carefully doing a review with Versy, detailing Versy's various decision-making and combat deficiencies since she encountered an ambush. When it comes to the corresponding situation, what spells should be used and what should not be used, all are explained.

Quite a variety.
It feels like a guide for novices.

This Liao Yu is very familiar. He used to be a well-known boss Gao Wan in the strategy area, otherwise he would not have been invited by "Falling Demon" to participate in the closed beta.

As for Wei Erxi, of course she listened very carefully. She had never underestimated Liao Yu. After all, Liao Yu’s exquisite combinations of low-level spells seemed simple, but the premise was that the caster needed to have extreme skills. A large magic reserve is required. For someone like Liao Yu to release four or even five different types of magic in just one battle, it can almost be said to be a miracle.

The elf admires Liao Yu, but is not surprised that Liao Yu can do this.

After all, the previous Liao Yu had created a setting for himself that inherited the "Ball of Wisdom".

Well, in Wilsey's opinion, it is quite remarkable that Professor Liao Yu can be so powerful and have such a superb understanding of magic, following the inheritance of the great guardian who was regarded as the originator of magic throughout human history thousands of years ago. Normal things.

"Professor Liao Yu, I have something very important to tell you, and I beg for your help."

"Is it about the demons?"

"Yes." Wilhelm nodded.

"In our elves, our ancestors predicted that the demons thousands of years ago would make a comeback and plunge the world into destruction and conflict. As you can see, what we have experienced tonight has undoubtedly proved the truth of the prophecy. Sex, the demons have reappeared."

"I don't know why the demons haven't launched an attack. Maybe it's because they're not fully ready to descend. The shadow demon we met was just a projection. The real demons are much stronger than that. The head shadow demon is several times stronger, we have our elves plus the human world, I don't think there is any chance of winning."

"So, for the sake of the world, for the elves, and for the sake of human beings, Professor Liao Yu, I urgently need your help. In my hands, I have prepared a weapon specially prepared for this day, which can completely banish the demons. The method of sealing."

Up to now, Versie has nothing to hide, and she has told all the secrets to Liao Yu, her trusted professor.

And Liao Yu.
Liao Yu still maintained the calm and calm expression that a professor should have. He nodded and said calmly, "Of course, I will do my best."

"So can Miss Welch please tell me all the details of the seal?"

"The more detailed the better."

Liao Yu added lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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