Chapter 6 is very easy to fill out next time!
Great Demon Hercule was knocked out.

Only the sword demon Arpad was left on the altar.

When Liao Yu looked over, Arpad was very neat and tidy. He directly raised the blades of both hands in a surrender gesture.

"I surrender."

Not simply admitting defeat.

Arpad soon fought for his renunciation, and explained to Liao Yu, and even to the other apostles around him.

"Even my blade can't break through the king's defense, so there's no point in continuing the fight."

The sword demon is the assassin of the demon clan.

What makes the assassin most desperate is the hard shell, a rock-solid defense.

This was the feeling Liao Yu gave Arpad just now.

The sword demon's gaze was placed on Liao Yu's waist.

That's where he made a successful sneak attack from behind.

But there, apart from the ripped skirt, which showed that there was indeed an attack, there was no bloodstain.

Can't say anything, there is actually a bloodstain, but compared to those, normally speaking, if the sword demon makes a move, not to mention opening the enemy's intestines, at least there will be a bloody wound, which is insignificant.

Not to mention, when Arpad looked at Liao Yu's hand that had just dusted off, it was directly holding his own blade.

Even the great demon Hercule, who was known for his physical strength, dared not hold his sharp blade with his bare hands, but the Demon King did it.

The hands were unscathed.

This is enough to prove that the Demon King not only has the powerful strength to fight head-on and defeat Hercule, but also has extremely terrifying physique and defense.

There is indeed no need to continue this battle.

Arpad hasn't finished speaking yet.

Because Wang specifically emphasized before the battle that they should go all out.

Arpad, as one of the apostles, naturally also has domain skills.

However, as an assassin, the sword demon's domain expansion is certainly not as public and conspicuous as that of the great demon Hercule. Arpad's domain is very secretive and only he knows it.

"After the king defeated Hercule, I immediately launched a field against the king."

"But what I saw behind the king"

Arpad paused at this point.

Immediately afterwards, it was the first time that the other apostles present saw a look of fear in the sword demon's eyes.

"The number of dead souls behind the king has never been seen before."

"That's a piece of sea of ​​darkness."

Arpad tried hard to recall the shadow that appeared in that moment when he tried to use the domain on Liao Yu.

The power of his rule is to increase the attack power according to the number of kills on both sides.

As a sword demon, he has countless souls killed by swords.

There are even some powerful souls among them.

These souls of the dead were condensed by the power of the domain's rules to form streams of souls one after another, and finally converged into a mighty and turbulent Styx behind Arpad.

These are also known to several other apostles.

They still know each other about important abilities like domain skills.


When they heard that Arpad used the word "Sea of ​​Darkness" to describe it after showing his domain to Liao Yu, they were extremely surprised.

How many lives of dead souls must there be on the body of their new demon king, so that even the "river" is far from being able to bear it, so it must be described with a higher level of "sea".

Do not.
They should have guessed it.

After being released from the domain of the great demon Hercule, you should be able to imagine the sea of ​​flowers of evil behind the new devil!

to be frank.

After listening to Arpad's words, Liao Yu on the opposite side was a little surprised.

It turns out that the sword demon has also expanded its territory.

However, it seems that Arpad just tried to test himself and then stopped abruptly and took it back. This is different from Hercule. As the great demon who is responsible for the force of the demons, he is a pure warrior from the setting. He won't retreat, but the sword demon is positioned as an assassin, so he knows how to be flexible.

It seems that although it is not displayed on the panel, the recorded data that I hung up and spawned monsters in order to level up in the game should have been inherited.

Liao Yu even had a bold guess in his mind.

Is there a possibility that the sea of ​​dead behind him seen by the sword demon, so many dead souls, are not just the monsters he spawned in the game "Falling Demon".

But what about my whole person as "Liao Yu" and my entire gaming career?
Then this can better explain why it has reached the exaggerated level of "sea".

You must know that "Falling Devil" is an rpg development game, so if it is really about spawning monsters, compared to those strategy games that Liao Yu has played, it is almost always a strategy game where you command millions or even a planet's army to fight. Not worth mentioning.

As for evildoing by others, it is even more unworthy of mentioning it, ahem!

Now Liao Yu suddenly understands a little bit, how did he come to have such a crime value of hundreds of millions, which is the same as having a modifier.


The beginning of my second game, according to the game, is considered the "prologue", right?The dust should have settled.

This punch came out.

very beautiful.

"The sixth apostle, the evil demon Gu Luodan, pledges his loyalty to the king and is willing to do his best for the king and the revival of the demon clan! You will be sent as you please!"

It was Gu Luodan who jumped out to question Liao Yu first.

And now, he was the first to take the lead, the first apostle to declare his "loyalty" to Liao Yu.

It can be said to be very evil.

Gu Luodan knelt on the ground, lowered his head in the direction of Liao Yu, and stretched out a hand. This was a very traditional expression of allegiance to the demon clan.

Next, as the Demon King, Liao Yu only needs to walk over, take Gu Luodan's hand, and drag him up to accept his allegiance.

Liao Yu stepped forward and came down from the altar.

He walked to Grodan.

The evil demon listened to Liao Yu's footsteps getting closer and closer. He stared at the ground nervously and secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. As long as Liao Yu was willing to accept it, it would be fine.

After all, he is also an apostle. The previous questioning of the Demon King was ultimately for the good of the Demon Clan. It was an insurance measure. No, without his questioning, the Demon King would not have done what he did just now and was able to win in front of the entire Demon Clan. majesty.

Under such comfort, Grodan even felt relieved.


His feeling of relief did not last long, and quickly turned into panic.

the reason is simple.

Liao Yu was indeed walking towards Guluodan.

When Liao Yu came in front of the demon, he didn't stop, but just passed it on without even a pause.

Liao Yu's final destination is the big demon he knocked out, Hercule.

At this time, the big devil had already come back from the rock fragments in the distance. When he discovered that Liao Yu's target was not Gu Luodan, but himself, Hercule quickly knelt down.

"Is your body okay?"

Facing Liao Yu's inquiry and concern, Hercule was immediately flattered.

The big devil's strong body is now complimenting and lowering his head a little more, as if he is trying to be shorter than Liao Yu, but he looks a bit cute.

"It is my honor that the king can bestow scars!"

"Please don't worry, the king, I can continue to fight at any time, and stay with the king! Serve my king!"

"it is good!"

"The seventh apostle, Hercule, I accept your allegiance." Liao Yu was in the palm of his hand, and placed it on the palm that the great demon extended towards him.

Although Liao Yu's palm felt a little too mini compared to the giant demon, Hercule was not disrespectful at all, and even his generous palm was trembling because of it.

After receiving Liao Yu's acceptance, he stood up and made another unwavering declaration to Liao Yu.

"I will do my best for my king!"

Good guy.

All it takes is one more minister in front of me.

Liao Yu complained from the bottom of his heart. Now Hercule is just like in the game. It is obviously a Western fantasy background, but some classic ancient sentences can always pop up from time to time. He was complaining when he first played it. The stitching elements in this game are too many. too much.

After Hercule's allegiance, Liao Yu came to the sword demon Arpad.

Still the same process.

However, none of the previous demon kings said that they also put their hands in the hands of the sword demon. After all, the sword demon has no hands and they are all specialized sharp blades, but Liao Yu is different.

He should be said to be the first one to actually use his hands to pick up the sword with his bare hands again and pull up the sword demon from the half-kneeling position on the ground.

This move undoubtedly made Arpad, who had already surrendered, feel infinite respect and attention again, and he immediately showed his loyalty to Liao Yu without reservation.

After the sword demon, the next one is the succubus.

As Liao Yu approached, Elena's heart was pounding.

She seemed to have to put on a show on the outside. After all, it was such an important occasion of allegiance. As an apostle, she had to be formal, but in fact, the tail wagging crazily behind the succubus had already been exposed. Elena was at this moment. Boiling heart.

And Liao Yu respected his only diehard fan from the beginning. Even if he didn't show his strength, he had been protecting his young succubus. Of course, Liao Yu also gave him more care.

Liao Yu not only put his hand on the succubus' hand more gently, but after pulling up the half-kneeling Elena, he even smiled at the succubus and said softly:

"Thank you, Elena."

The devil's smile is the best catalyst for the succubus.

Originally, Elena had a special filter for Liao Yu.

Now it's just this short thank you, which almost prevents the succubus from having an intracranial orgasm and directly ascending to heaven.

It could be seen that Elena was indeed very, very excited and excited.

My whole body was trembling.

Even tightened up some legs.

The affectionate eyes looking at Liao Yu were like water.

"No, no, king, me and me." Elena spoke incoherently in front of Liao Yu, she was not a succubus, she was more like a young girl in love.

Liao Yu raised his hand.

He motioned to the succubus that there was no need to say more.

Once again, she showed her incomparably gentle side,
At least that's how it looks in Elena's eyes.

After Liao Yu, the next one to walk over was Zhimo, Leon.

Compared to the previous three, Liao Yu said nothing. He took Leon's hand, pulled Zhimo up, and just nodded to Leon.

After all, Leon also participated in the ceremony and summoned one of his four apostles.

Liao Yu still gave some due attitude.

As for the next few.
Liao Yu turned around and looked at the remaining apostles who were still half-kneeling, waiting for him to accept their allegiance.

Based on Liao Yu's understanding of the demon clan, he first walked to Shadow Demon Hill and Yu Mo Ulala.

It was understandable that these two would not come to the ceremony.

One is the demon guard, and the other is equivalent to the demon brood.

It's understandable that the demons are in a desperate situation and can't get away.

However, Liao Yu still didn't reach out to pull them like the previous four apostles did, but just nodded at them.

Next is the magic demon Dadaya and the rot demon Alice.

For these two, Liao Yu didn't even nod his head, and just said "get up" in a flat manner and it ended.

Like the rotting demon, the whole body is covered with rotten flesh and maggots. Liao Yu is unwilling to touch it with his hands. On the one hand, on the other hand, it is also a silent punishment he made.

I am not satisfied with your previous attitude.

What happens in the future is up to you.

This is what Liao Yu almost conveyed.

As for the end.

The remaining eight apostles, whether they were treated seriously by Liao Yu or briefly dealt with by Liao Yu, at least stood up.

At the scene, the only one who was still kneeling and half kneeling, and the one who failed to get Liao Yu's acceptance was the demon Gu Luodan.

how to say.

Now Gu Luodan's heart can be described as "torture".

He had miscalculated.

They completely misjudged their new demon king.

Although Gu Luodan bowed his head and knelt, he was still secretly looking at the apostle who was in front of Liao Yu from the corner of his eye. Naturally, he could see that their new demon king didn't care about the past, he was simply
Remember the past too much!
Fortunately, Glordan's whole body was covered with bandages, otherwise the current demon would have been sweating profusely.

Especially now.

All the apostles stood up, and everyone's eyes followed Liao Yu, focusing on the demon and the millions of demon troops below who were watching the ceremony.

Grodan is now.
Tremendous stress.

If Gu Luodan was given a chance to travel to the past, he would definitely have ripped off the self that disdained the summoning ritual and provoked Liao Yu.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine.

It's too late now.

Grodan gritted his teeth and made a decisive decision. One good thing about demons is knowing the times. He immediately activated his own domain skills, and clusters of green evil energy rose around his body.

Not all fields are increased, and there are also fields whose rules are weakened, such as Gu Luodan's.

The strength of the evil demon is the spiritual aspect, and its domain can also have the powerful ability to extract the soul, but now the target of Gu Luodan's domain is actually himself.

I saw many miserable green lights shooting out from Gu Luodan's seven orifices. After the demon let out a painful cry, these green lights overflowing from his body and outside finally condensed into an emerald essence.

Like a serious illness, Gu Luodan, who had become extremely weak, stretched out his hand, tremblingly, and handed the ball of green spirit towards Liao Yu.

"Your Majesty, I am deeply frightened by my previous foolish behavior. Please accept this soul stone. I hope that I can contribute my little power to help your Majesty's power reach a higher level!"


Liao Yu couldn't help but smacked his lips inwardly when he saw the essence offered by this Ancient Lord Pill.

Of course he recognized this thing.

You have to kill hundreds of demons in the game, but you may not be able to drop ultra-rare items.

The Soul Stone is one of the few props that can greatly increase the "spiritual power" attribute.

However, for Liao Yu, the greater use of the soul stone is to use it as a key material to synthesize another legendary item-skill duplication scroll.

It seems that Gu Luodan really spent a lot of money in order to apologize to himself.

to be frank.

When Liao Yu was in the game, among the nine apostles, he was the one he hated the most. He really wanted to kill Gu Luodan directly here, but after all, as the new demon king, he also had the other eight apostles. This is obviously unrealistic.

Accepting a soul stone can be regarded as meeting Liao Yu's expectations.

Seeing that Liao Yu had taken away his offering, Gu Luodan was completely relieved. He quickly stood up with his weak body and returned to the apostles' formation, standing behind Liao Yu.

that's it.

The nine terrifying demon apostles are now all loyal and surrendered, and they are respectfully arranged around Liao Yu, supporting their new king.

When Liao Yu came to the top of the mountain where the altar was located and looked down at the millions of demon troops in the basin below, the demons then let out even more deafening roars and roars.

With one against two, Liao Yu is still the absolute powerhouse of the demons such as the great demon and the sword demon. He has conquered these lower demons with strength and won their absolute loyalty and respect.

Liao Yu just raised his hand, and the black and restless demon army seemed to make the ground tremble.

This is how it feels to be a king.

So. that's it?

It’s very easy to fill it out next time!
(End of this chapter)

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