Chapter 7 Succubus Ritual
Filling a fart is very simple!
In the devil king's bedroom, Liao Yu, who was now pressed to bed by the hot Elena wearing only a layer of tulle, just wanted to take back his previous arrogance and arrogance.

After successfully establishing the majesty of the demon king, Liao Yu returned to his bedroom under the leadership of the succubus.

Liao Yu originally wanted to take this opportunity to stay alone for a while, take a good breath, and then sort out his future plans.

As a result, Elena insisted on following in and pretended that she wanted to treat Liao Yu's wounds.

It was a few small bloodstains on the waist when he was backstabbed by the sword demon Arpad before.

Liao Yu thought, no matter how small the injury is, it must be dealt with, so he agreed to Elena's request.

Unexpectedly, when the succubus came up, she got down on the ground, lifted her hair with her hand, then buried her head deep in her waist, and then stretched out her pink and tender tongue, about to touch her wound Lick it everywhere.

This startled Liao Yu.

The vulgar behavior of the succubus was immediately stopped.

And Elena looked innocent.

Her bodily fluids do have powerful healing powers, she said.

But under Liao Yu's protest.

Elena was still forced to give up the licking therapy, obediently took out the medicine box hidden behind her back, and let Liao Yu deal with it seriously.

But this earnestness lasted almost 5 minutes? 1 minute?

After all, Liao Yu's minor injury is really insignificant.

At best it was just a scratch.

After that, Elena became restless again.

Succubus forcibly ignored Liao Yu.

He immediately pressed Liao Yu onto the bed.

This is the beginning of the scene.

Liao Yu looked at him so close now,

Liao Yu used great perseverance to regain his rationality.

"Eileen, that's enough!"

Liao Yu feigned anger and scolded the succubus riding on him.

In fact, Liao Yu wanted to push Elena away directly.

But there is no way.

Can't do it.

Now Hercule's domain effect has long since disappeared. He is still a weak human with attributes of 1. Facing a demon apostle with at least 800+ attributes in all attributes, even in the flirting stage, Liao Yu can't resist Irene. Na, at least in terms of strength.

Fortunately, Liao Yu's demon king has enough prestige.

In addition, Elena herself, as a succubus apostle, is also an absolute die-hard fan of the king-supporting faction.

So no matter how distracted and hungry and thirsty she was, after Liao Yu issued such a serious warning, Elena still woke up immediately.

The succubus hurriedly got off Liao Yu's body, even got out of bed directly, lowered her head deeply in anxiety and panic, and half-kneeled beside Liao Yu's bed.

Seeing Elena's humble appearance, Liao Yu instantly softened his heart. Succubus is the only apostle he absolutely trusts. Liao Yu adjusted his mood a little, and said in a soft voice again:

"Get up Elena, I was serious."

"No, no, Wang, it's Elena. Elena was too anxious and didn't consider Wang's feelings." Hearing that Liao Yu calmed down, the succubus seemed to be relieved.

After she stood up, looking at Liao Yu on the bed, Elena pursed her rosy lips, as if hesitating and struggling, but in the end she couldn't hold back, and asked Liao Yu:

"But... Wang, Elena doesn't understand, why, why did the king resist so much and not perform the ceremony with Elena? Is there something that Elena didn't do well? Is it because of Elena's appearance that Wang doesn't like it enough? "

"If this is the case, Elena. Elena is willing to go to the rot demon to reshape my body. She is willing to go to Dadaya and let the demon modify my appearance until... until the king is satisfied!"

Elena lowered her head.

A look of inferiority appeared on his face.

After all, being resisted by the Demon King and rejected by Liao Yu is the greatest shame for Succubus.

The succubus is different from the other eight apostles.

They advance and retreat with every king, and they are born to be the partner of the king. There is no such thing as an example of one generation of succubus serving multiple generations of devil kings.

Every newborn demon king must correspond to the same new generation of succubus apostles.

As a "companion", the succubus is not only responsible for taking care of the daily life of the demon king.

More importantly, he shouldered the important task of performing a "ceremony" with the devil.

Liao Yu is also very clear about this.

Although he didn't inherit any demon king's inheritance, his ashes-level understanding of "Falling Demon" is Liao Yu's best inheritance.

Liao Yu knew that the succubus had the setting of "double cultivation" with the devil king.

When the demon king was summoned in the early stage, when he was still not strong, he had to rely on the double cultivation with the succubus to grow rapidly and gain strength.

And after the demon king becomes stronger later, it is equivalent to doing the reverse and giving back to the succubus.

It is precisely under this setting.

All succubus apostles are born to be such unwavering supporters of the king, and are die-hard fans of the devil king.

The deep bond established between the two by relying on "double cultivation" is obviously not comparable to that of the other eight apostles.

As a result, Liao Yu actually resisted her now.

Rejected the double cultivation ceremony.

Can Elena not be in a hurry, no wonder the succubus even followed closely behind, wanting to speak for Liao Yu's "plastic surgery".


As a demon species similar to "human beings", succubus has many examples in the history of demons that were disliked by demon kings.

However, the subsequent succubi have successfully undergone the plastic surgery that Elena just said, and have become more in line with the aesthetic standards of the demons, such as female tyrannosaurs, slimes, thousand-legged spiders, and even green goblins. One-eyed ogre and more.

Elena thought Liao Yu meant the same thing.

So now she is eager to know. She can prescribe the right medicine and quickly establish the bond.

But actually, Elena was completely wrong.

Liao Yu is not satisfied with the current appearance of the succubus.

This fierce mountain stands out from the crowd.

This wild and impeccable long legs.

And that antelope horn that doubles as a steering wheel.

That can play with the flirtatious mince heart tail.

Not to mention Elena’s perfect feet that are always naked!

Succubus exudes a criminal aura towards Liao Yu from all over his body, and he is completely worthy of the title of apostle of "Succubus"
What really stopped Liao Yu was.
I am a human being!
Although he has gone through the previous battles, he is no longer a demon and still treats him as a "human".

But it is okay to deceive the apostles and demons.

Liao Yu couldn't fool himself.

Alone, playing with a lioness, no matter how gentle the lioness is, people can't handle it, right?
What's more, the person he is facing is not a lioness.

It is a female succubus ten thousand times more terrifying than a lioness!
Liao Yu was really worried that with his small body, he would die before he could absorb Elena's dual cultivation power.

More critical point.

Once you really perform the "ritual" with the succubus, you will be branded with the "succubus pattern" on your body!

The setting of this thing that Liao Yu remembers is that as long as he has too much communication with females other than succubus, Elena can immediately sense it.

How can this work!
When I return to the human world and look for the new glorious saintess who should be the great-great-great-great-great-granddaughter of whom I don't know how many generations, won't it be all exposed at once! !
(End of this chapter)

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