Chapter 61 Flesh Realm, the Fall of the Elves
Luther is a patrol member of the elves.

At only 70 years old, he will soon reach the third level and enter the ranks of "elite players".

His idol target is his elder brother, Lamus who has stepped into the fourth rank warrior.

And his favorite.
Of course she is the beautiful and intellectual Princess Wilsey, who has just celebrated her [-]th birthday and is in the most youthful period of an elf's life.

Rather, which young male from the Elf tribe would not have a crush on the princess?
But their admiration here is just pure preference.

It is already extremely satisfying to be able to take a look at the princess's face at ordinary times. If she can be encouraged by the princess again, and have a word with the princess, it will make him unable to sleep for a whole month.

Come on, Luther!
You have to increase your strength quickly!

Only in this way can he go to the human city to support the princess like his brother, instead of staying behind and patrolling non-stop like him.

Luther sighed when he thought of this.

So is the Great Elder.

Obviously there are their barriers here, it is absolutely safe, there will be no enemies at all, why do you have to let them patrol non-stop.

Luther wanted to be sent out too.

I also want to fight the demons!
Want to avenge the elves!
Just as the patrolling Luther was immersed in his fantasy, suddenly, there was movement from the nearby woods.

Although the movement is very weak.

But the elves, who are the darlings of nature, are extremely sensitive to wind and grass. Luther immediately became vigilant and focused all his attention on the abnormal grass.


"Who's there, come out!"

After being yelled by Luther, the guy lurking in the grass seemed to know that he was exposed, so he stopped pretending, jumped out of the grass, and rushed towards Luther.

With the help of moonlight, Luther could clearly see the appearance of the black shadow that was attacking him.

The opponent's limbs are all blades, exuding a magical aura of aggression and destruction, that ugly and dirty appearance
Demons. Demons! ?
Sword Demon! ?

Luther turned pale with fright, and fear spread in his heart instantly, but the instinct of the body still made a resisting movement, drew out the saber at his waist, and stabbed at the phantom that pounced.


The sharp sword pierced through the phantom.

Luthor has been taught and warned that the demons who were once extremely powerful and destroyed their elf homeland, as a result, as a result,
That's it?

Luther looked at the body of the sword demon stabbed to death by his flustered sword on the ground. He was a little dazed, and went up to make another strike. After confirming that the sword demon was completely dead, his mind was full of question marks.

What is this?

Before Luther could recover from his thoughts, there were many strange movements in the surrounding grass.

What appeared this time was a big demon with a huge body and terrifying claws.


Same ending.

Still, he was easily stabbed to death by Luther.

Next are shadow demons, evil demons, rot demons, and succubi.
These demon soldiers who seemed to come to attack the camp were all killed by Luthor's sword, as if they were vulnerable.

Luther also went from being very afraid of the demons before, to doubting them, and now, he seems to be a bit jealous.


"Come again! Don't run away! The bastards of the demon race, today is your death day!"

Luther was no longer content to defend.

Like a god descending from the earth, he chose to take the initiative, chopping up melons and vegetables for the demons along the way, which made Luther even more crazy, satisfied Luther's desire for revenge, and even gave Luther a feeling, could he? Is it a savior feeling?
In the pleasure of killing the demons, Luther completely ignored why there were so many demons here and why the other patrolling elves had not appeared for a long time. He did not consider it at all. What he should do most was to turn around and tell the news. Tell the Great Elder.

Luther seemed completely immersed in the killing.

"Kids, wake up!"

Who is speaking?

It seems to be the voice of the Great Elder?

Just in such a trance, Luther regained his composure, and found that the corpses of demons all over the place, which he had chopped down, turned into dense insects.

There were even insects crawling on his body.

what! ?

Luther was shocked on the spot, and he subconsciously took a step back.

As a result, a dizzy sense of weightlessness immediately enveloped his whole body, causing Luther to kneel down on the spot. His limbs were as heavy as if they had been poured with lead, and there was a warning that the magic power in his body was seriously exhausted.

Luther's situation is not an exception.

But this is true for almost all the elves.

All lost their combat effectiveness.

Can't afford to fall.

And the demons they had spent a lot of energy and magic to kill before, the actual flesh and blood bugs, finally all flew high into the sky and flew to the sky.
Inside the body of a little girl with a sickly appearance.

"I hate it. It's obvious that everyone is having a good time with Alice."

"Why do you want to stop everyone from playing?"

The field of flesh and blood.

The domain skill of the Apostle of Corruption.

After unfolding, it will immerse all the targets in blood and flesh killing, and use insects to create the illusion of enemies. For example, if the enemy of the elves is the demons, the targets will imagine that they are madly killing demons.

But in fact, in reality, they were all wasting their physical strength and magic power in vain. These powers were all absorbed by the bugs and transformed into Alice.

And what Alice is dissatisfied about right now is...
I saw that in the center of the elf camp, a green barrier was shining with light.

Located in the center of the barrier is an old great elf. She floats above the barrier, constantly using the power of nature to wake up the other clansmen and expel the bugs in Alice's domain.

Seeing that all the bugs she loves have been chased away, Alice, who is holding the "doll", gets angry, so she has to increase the strength of the field and reveal her rotting demon real body.

The bugs who came back crawled into Alice's skirt one after another, rapidly expanding the body of this "sick" little girl, from a sickly person who might weigh tens of kilograms, to a fat butcher who weighed hundreds of kilograms immediately. The doll in her hand also twisted and squirmed, turning into a terrifying worm.

The bugs that had just been dispelled by the Great Elder Elder's enchantment, now came back one after another, as if they had been blessed, like a large black mass of locusts, using their sharp mouthparts, constantly biting and gnawing on the natural enchantment.

The range of the enchantment began to shrink rapidly. The elder elf in the center frowned and had to kneel down on one knee, clenching his teeth and struggling to support. Those elves who had lost their protection were crawled back by the bugs in the blink of an eye. into the body, crying out in pain.

"Hee hee. That's right. Alice will turn everyone... into toys. Then we can play together forever and ever, hee hee"

With a thick neck, a fat head, and a long tongue covered in mucus, Alice, who now reveals half of the "rotten devil's true body", has turned into a huge monster, and is excitedly facing the elves below. Shaking my head.

Results the next moment.

"Hey!" Alice groaned in pain.

I saw another sorcerer who was also floating high in the sky, wearing a brown dress and a mysterious and elegant crow mask. Dada used the crow scepter in his hand and knocked down Alice next to him. head.

"Woooo. Dadaya. Hit me Alice. It hurts!"

"Stop it, Alice, the king gave us an order to make these elves surrender and lose their resistance, not to kill them, let alone make them your toys."

Faced with Dadaya's dissuasion, the rotting demon was still a little unwilling. Alice licked her tongue, still showing greedy eyes towards the flesh and blood of the elves.

Seeing this, Shumo immediately said coldly: "Why, do you want to be king and hate you?"

As soon as these words came out, Alice seemed to wake up all of a sudden.

Her inflated monster body was shrinking at an extremely fast speed, and her fat, rotten belly was completely decomposed into worms, which were hidden under her skirt again.

In less than a blink of an eye, Alice transformed back into the same girl she was before, with slender limbs and a haggard face, looking like a frail and sickly little girl.

Oh, and that bloody worm on the side.

It didn't seem to have reacted yet, but it was kicked by Alice with a small leather shoe, and then quickly curled up, and then curled up again, and it turned back to the original "doll" in Alice's hand.

"don't want."

"Wang's important family, Alice, don't be hated by your family."

After letting Alice take back her true form and regain her sanity, the rot demon's mission has been accomplished, and Alice is no longer needed.

Dadaya turned to look at the few elves present who could still stand up.

There are a total of about two hundred elves in the camp.

After passing through Alice's realm of flesh and blood, there are only a dozen or so people left standing.

And these remaining elves, with the enchantment as the core, huddled into a ball.

Although on the surface, they took out their weapons and made a posture as if they were going to fight, but in fact, from their trembling legs and trembling palms that could not even hold the weapons, it is not difficult to judge that their inner fear and cowardice meaning.

The reason why they could hold on and didn't escape or surrender was because of the great elder in the center.

Although the flesh and blood domain of the rotten demon is a weakened version, its power is limited, but it can still stay awake in the domain, and even wake up other clansmen, so that the clansman maintains a bit of fighting spirit. This elder of the elves, indeed I have some skills.

The magician nodded and showed appreciation.

"Ma'am, can you tell me your name?"

Dadaya has always had a good impression of excellent magicians.

In the eyes of Elder Naxi, the sorcerer's question was no different from that of a weasel greeting the new year. She immediately said coldly, "I told you, can we let us go?"

"Sorry, it can only be decided by the king whether to let you go or not. I have no right to interfere, but at least judging from the order the king gave us, you don't need to worry about your life safety."

Although Dadaya was trying to persuade him to surrender, Naxi obviously didn't believe the devil's nonsense at all.

She was ready to fight to the death.

The thorns spread from Naxi's feet, the vegetation began to grow wildly, and the ancient trees in the forest bent towards Naxi's position.

In just a few breaths of time, the huge tree man formed by the power of nature was completed. Like the most loyal guard, it stood in front of the elves.

Ancient tree giant
Tier [-] Epic Summon.

Relying on the double blessing of its own domain and forest terrain, was it summoned?

Not bad indeed.

Dadaya gave a "good" evaluation.


The sorcerer stretched out his crow staff, and tapped lightly in the direction of the eight or nine meter tall ancient tree giant.

A seemingly insignificant small flame ignited from the staff and drifted towards the roaring ancient tree giant.

The huge ancient tree giant and the small flame form a sharp visual contrast.

However, the moment the flame touched the body of the giant ancient tree, it turned into a raging fire like a prairie fire.

In less than two or three breaths, the flames engulfed the futilely struggling ancient tree giant.

(End of this chapter)

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