Chapter 62 Flame Lord, Bone Dragon Rides Face

This is not over yet.

Tonight's battle can be said to be led by Wang. It is the first official battle. Shumo must do his best to be the best and most elegant.

I saw that the giant ancient tree collapsed in the raging fire.

And the trees seem to have turned into nutrients for the flames to burn.

The next moment, the ancient tree giant
No, it should be called a new, more powerful giant, standing up again.

It was a giant whose whole body was made up of monstrous fire, exuding a strong fire elemental aura.

Its roaring roar turned into a rolling wave of heat and rushed towards the face, making the remaining elves look pale and no longer had any intention to fight.

Fire Elemental Lord

Seventh-tier legendary summoner.

Just like that, he was easily summoned by that Demon Race.

It even devoured the giant ancient tree summoned by the elders with all their strength, and transformed the giant ancient tree belonging to the elves into a fire elemental lord in front of them.

What a powerful magic power it takes.

What a terrifying mastery of spell rituals.

can't go wrong
that is that is
If the elves before had any luck, now they all looked at the crow-masked demons suspended in the dark night sky with fearful and trembling eyes.

That is
Demon King's Apostle!

According to historical records, their elves have the most proud world barrier built with the power of the entire clan - Wall Maria.
It was an extremely strong barrier of magic power, a class with a "superior ritual", symbolizing the most outstanding level of their elves, covering their world, allowing them to sit back and relax, and not afraid of any foreign invasion at all.

However, the beginning of their nightmare started from the collapse of what they regarded as the "holy wall", from the bombardment by the magic apostle, the demon wearing a crow mask, with a series of super magic.

It was also with the collapse of the Wall of Maria and the failure of the world barrier that countless demons flocked in, and thus opened the prelude to the disaster of the elves.

Now, this historically terrifying sorcerer apostle is coming to the world again, but they are no longer what they used to be, and the strongest elder is only at the sixth level.

"stand up!"

"Have you forgotten the oath we once made to the burning World Tree!"

Seeing the elves who lost their fighting spirit one after another, Naxi, as the elder, yelled and reprimanded them angrily, trying to reawaken the will of the people.

As for why.
"Ma'am, don't make unnecessary struggles anymore, let me guess. The reason you are working so hard now is nothing more than to buy time for those young elves to escape through the back door of the enchantment. Bar?"

As soon as the magician said this, he faced the flame lord.In the face of the legendary apostle of the devil, the great elder Naxi, who was not afraid, changed his face for the first time and became a little pale.

Indeed, there are no young elves among the current elves.

Dadaya bowed slightly, as if apologizing: "Everything about you is already under the control of the king, give it up."

As soon as the magician finished speaking, there was a wave from the sky, and there seemed to be some huge shadow approaching quickly in the dark night sky not far away.

And when the shadow completely hovered above the head, the elder Naxi and other elves who looked up saw that it was a .
Bone Dragon.

A terrifying monster at the pinnacle of the undead.

Next, what made Naxi's pupils constrict even more and her almond eyes widened was that after the bone dragon slowly fell, on its back, one after another young elf children were all arrested, and the children were hugged in their arms. Together, curled up, shivering on the back of the bone dragon.

And beside these twenty or thirty elf children, is a young man.

In the arms of the young man, there was still a newly born elf baby.

That's Love!

Only a few months old!
This is another new member of their elven clan that was born with great difficulty.

A few hours ago, she was still very cute, and she was called Grandma Naxi in a childish voice.

As a result, it has now fallen into the hands of the demons.

Unparalleled anger burned from the heart of the Elf Elder.



"Let her go! You bitch - demon, take your dirty hands off Love's body!!!"

The last hope of seeing her was gone.

In the future of the elves, the children were also arrested.

Elder Naxi was also desperate.

She couldn't imagine what kind of atrocities their elves' children would suffer if they fell into the hands of the demons.

All these emotions turned into her rage, she left everything behind, and was about to kill the young man on the bone dragon's back.

As for the result, of course
Before she got within 20 meters of Liao Yu, a purple whip was thrown at her, and the Great Elder Naxi was thrown away.

The owner of the whip was another Demon King apostle wearing a dark purple armor. She spread her wings behind her and guarded Liao Yu, looking coldly at the great elder who was struggling to get up from the ground.

That's right.

This is the Succubus Elena.

Same as Juma Dadaya.

Of course Elena also attaches great importance to this battle, this time she is fighting in front of the king for the first time.

Therefore, she specially put on this pair of succubus armor with full armor.

It's a pity that it looks like now
Completely useless.

Again, another devil's apostle!
A sorcerer apostle is enough to crush them.

As a result, there are now three at once.

The elves were completely ashamed, and even the great elder Naxi gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with despair and powerlessness.

As for those on the back of the bone dragon, the little girls of the elves, although they are young and ignorant, and can't figure out the current situation, they are more or less scared when they see the adults in their family like this. Hugged, curled up and trembling in fear.

Only the baby in Liao Yu's arms, just a few months old - Love

Babies don't know how to tell right from wrong.

She relies on instinct for everything.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!"

The little baby burst into tears in Liao Yu's arms.

But it's different from other elves.

The person she was afraid of was Elder Naxi who had just said murderously to her that he had killed Liao Yu who was holding her. She had a bad impression of her stern grandma.

Once a baby is scared, she will look for the person she subconsciously thinks is the most reliable and can make her feel at ease and close to her.


The crying baby tried his best to push a little further into Liao Yu's arms.

Those chubby little hands tightly clutched Liao Yu's skirt, as if she was afraid that if she let go, she would not be able to rely on her.

Don't tell me,
The appearance of the elves is indeed one of the best. Even a baby is extraordinarily cute, like a ceramic doll. The small nose like jade made Liao Yu couldn't help it. He poked it with his fingers and teased it.

"Hey, don't be afraid, it's okay."

Liao Yu's gentle words, coupled with the strong natural fate exuding from his body, reassured little Love, and made the baby feel extremely reliable, as kind as a family member, so much better than the stern and scary Grandma Naxi went.

Especially, on Liao Yu's body, she could still smell her favorite, sister Welsh's.

So under Liao Yu's soft comfort, she really miraculously stopped crying gradually.

even say.
The little baby is also very smart, and seems to have noticed that Liao Yu belongs to the strong side holding her big brother.

So, she quickly changed from fear to curiosity.

I saw this little elf baby, still curled up in Liao Yu's arms, but stretched out her neck, poked out a small head, and began to look at the scene curiously and excitedly with her big watery eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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