Chapter 63 The Spirit of Nature
"What did you do to Love!!"

Seeing that the little baby was so close to Liao Yu, even ignoring her as a grandma, Naxi was heartbroken.

The Great Elder Elf could only understand that Love was brainwashed by the demons and became a servant of the demons.

Even a baby that is still babbling and has just barely learned to walk is not spared, and it is tortured with evil spirits. For Naxi, as an elf elder, this is simply worse than killing her compatriots in front of her. Be hateful.

"You... these devils!"

"Disgusting*—the Demon Race, die to me!!"

Elder Naxi broke out completely, desperate to snatch the baby back from Liao Yu's clutches, at least, at least kill Love, so that the baby will no longer be tortured by the demons.

Liao Yu knew how it felt when his compatriots were brainwashed and transformed by evil spirits in front of him and became slaves of others. He Zhoumu had also experienced the anger of this great elder.

The human camp at that time, too, would rather die than fall into the hands of demons and be brainwashed.

At the same time, another rule that everyone defaults to is that once they are found to be brainwashed, no matter how close they are, how close they are, even if they are blood relatives, they must do their best to kill each other.

Death is the best relief for those who have been brainwashed and transformed by demons.

Elder Naqian killed Liao Yu, trying to find relief for the baby, but without any accident, he still failed.

This time, Elena used the whip harder, and the expression under the succubus mask was very bad.

If it weren't for Liao Yu's order, these elves must be captured alive, otherwise the succubus would have no chance of survival against Naqian who spoke rudely to the king, regardless of whether she was a great elder or something.

Under the huge disparity in power, Naxi was kicked away twice by Elena, but she still had to get back up. Now, it is not the magic power in her body that supports Elder Naxi, but her support for the demons. Hatred for Liao Yu's crimes.

Many other elves, who were already shrouded in fear by the "Three Apostles" and no longer had the will to fight, now saw their Great Elder, Naxi's tenacious and tenacious will, was also shaken.

Seeing it again, their compatriots, those children who are only a few years old, and even the babies who are only a few months old, the demons have not let go of them. Their inner courage seems to have been awakened, and they gritted their teeth one by one. I also got up, my eyes were red, as if I wanted to bite a piece of meat from the demons before I died.

That's right.

Liao Yu is also familiar with this scene.

From fear, fear, to giving up, to silence, and finally to sacrificing one's life, the disintegrated will of the race was united, and an unprecedentedly powerful brand-new force erupted.

This is the evolution process of the human race after being invaded by the demons in the first week.

How similar to the current elves.

It's almost like an abbreviated version.

Why does it become like this.

Obviously the elves in front had given up and were all afraid, and only Elder Naxi was still struggling, but now, they had to fight to the death, and they were not afraid of death.

The answer is obvious.

It was because the elven children behind him were in his arms, and the elves thought they were babies who had been "brainwashed and transformed".

Every race has a limit.

Once they cross this bottom line, they will be forced to inspire their deepest will and potential, and become even more terrifying enemies.

This is also the reason why Liao Yu will never use any power of the evil demon clan.

Except that he firmly believed that Gu Luodan was a [-]-year-old boy.

All the actions of the demons seem to be for the benefit of the demons, but in fact they are all touching the bottom line of the demons.

Or in other words.

It is using the power of the demons to satisfy their own desires of the demons.

It's nothing, it's normal.

And more or less the same with the other apostles.

The big devil wants to satisfy his desire to fight, the magic demon wants to satisfy his novelty of the unknown, the rot demon wants to satisfy his fetish for corpses, the wise demon wants to satisfy his desire for duel, etc.
Even himself, the Demon King, Liao Yu admitted that he also needed to borrow the power of the Demon Race in order to pursue the truth of this "unrecognizable" world after a thousand years.


Some desires of the apostles are not allowed.

Just like demons.

The demons were led away by the demons just because they were on this road.

That's why every time a world is conquered, it is completely opposed to that race, to the point of massacre and extermination.

In Liao Yu's view, the idea is completely wrong.

Any player who has played strategy games knows that capturing cities, conquering other countries, and even invading other planets and worlds is for resources, especially the development stage.

Among them, population and productivity are the most valuable sustainable renewable resources.

After conquering one world, leaving it full of chaos and destruction, and being forced to go on to the next one, that's not called conquest.

That's called a locust.

Liao Yu raised his hand.

Signing to Elena that she no longer needs to protect herself.

At the same time, Liao Yu also handed over the little elf baby in his hand to the succubus.

"Help me take care of it temporarily." Liao Yu said calmly.

Maybe it was because of her love for the house, so when she saw Liao Yu handing herself over to another person, the baby was not afraid. Instead, she looked curiously at the new sister who took her over.

And this new sister
The eyebrows under Eileen's mask twitched wildly.

Especially now, this little elf baby actually picked up the armor on her chest with her hands, seeming to be playing with the edges and corners, looking very fresh and curious.

Normally, Elena would have been thrown out immediately.

but now.
"As you order, king."

Elena believed that Wang must have had deep intentions in doing this.

So after taking a deep breath, the succubus calmly let the little elf baby move curiously in her arms and held it obediently.

After giving Love to Elena.

"Hill, you should stay here too." Liao Yu whispered to the shadow behind him.


Liao Yu shook his head.

Seeing the king's resolute attitude, Hill escaped from the shadows and turned into the true form of the shadow demon apostle. She, who was wearing a cloak, retreated silently.

After this scene, the elves knew that there was a hidden apostle.

There are four apostles!
What shocked them even more was, who on earth was Liao Yu, who could command the four apostles, and even let one of them, the shadow demon apostle, blend into the shadows and protect him personally?
What does Liao Yu want to do now! ?

It wasn't just the elves who were confused.

In fact, several of the apostles were also very strange.

And Liao Yu, who was finally light, took the initiative to approach the position of the Great Elder Naxi.

You can leave the chores to your subordinates.

But the core issue still has to be handled by himself, the Demon King.

"I don't like senseless casualties."

"Surrender, give up resistance, I can promise you that you and your group will be safe." Liao Yu said to Naxi as he walked.

But obviously, it didn't work.

On the contrary, the Great Elder disregarded his image, and broke his mouth on the ground, as if to express his disdain.

"Guarantee. Safety? A joke! Just based on your words? It seems that the fiasco a thousand years ago really caused heavy losses to your demon clan. After a thousand years, you will start to use this low-level trick."

Naxi responded to Liao Yu with sarcasm.

Liao Yu sighed at this.

It doesn't matter.

This is also expected. If words alone can solve the problem, it would be too simple.

Liao Yu said nothing more.

His footsteps did not stop.

At this scene, the demon Dadaya who was watching on the sidelines slightly frowned.

Because if the king goes any further, he will enter the enchantment of the elves, the "natural domain" opened by the great elder.

Although this great elf elder has been crushed by magic, even Dadaya will not easily enter other people's fields. This is a very dangerous behavior.

The reason why domain skills are extremely rare and powerful is because there are all possibilities in the domain, even if there is a huge gap in strength between the two sides, under the rules of the domain, there is still the possibility of overturning.

Therefore, the most correct way is to use a more powerful domain to wrap the opponent's domain, and gradually eat away at it until the energy of the opponent's domain is exhausted.

But now the king.
Dadaya frowned slightly, and the eyes under the crow mask quickly changed to reveal more and more anticipation.

Especially when Liao Yu stepped directly into Naqian's forest realm without pausing at all, Jumo felt a little excited inside after a long absence.

Are you going to play in person again?

And still the same as before, will the battlefield be actively chosen in someone else's domain?

Wang seems to like the pleasure of letting his opponent "go all out" before crushing him?

Sorcerers love research.

Not just spells.

All unknowns and mysteries are what Dadaya pursues and explores.

Just like.
their new king.

This is also the reason why the sorcerer chose to come in the same "true body".

For now.

Can observe the king better.

From the fact that the king was able to crush the big demon and the sword demon with one against two, the power is beyond doubt.

But on the other hand, the demon would question the king. With Gulodan's temperament, he should not be aimless. At least he has noticed that there may be something wrong with the king.

So, what is the true power of the king?

Dadaya believes that he will get the answer next.

After all, the great demon and the sword demon may release water on the king, there may be blood suppression, and there may even be an element of acting in order to cooperate with the king.

But the great elder of the elves in front of him is the real thing.

Judging from Na Qian's hatred towards them, let alone letting loose, this elf elder will definitely try his best and show no mercy.

So it's different from before.

This time, it was a real life and death fight.

Exactly as the sorcerer expected.

The great elder Naqian had been staring at Liao Yu, and when he saw that Liao Yu really just walked into her forest domain, the great elder's face showed a bit of joy for the first time.


Naxi thought she understood Liao Yu.

This demon clan is nothing more than looking down on her.

I think that even with the blessing of the field, it is not a threat at all.

But next, Naxi, she will tell Liao Yu, this damn demon, how wrong he is, and will make Liao Yu pay the price for underestimating himself and for the evil that even a baby will not let go!

Ethereal singing sounded within the barrier of the forest realm.

The wind in the forest stirred up the fallen leaves everywhere.

Naxi's body was suspended quickly, and the fallen leaves danced and spun around her. The song of flowers played the poem, bringing the blessing and favor of the natural destiny.

Buds sprouted from the Elder Elder's skin, her eyes turned amber, and her hair turned to wicker.

The elves were the first to react to this scene.

They all looked at the Great Elder who was rapidly "changing" in the center of the barrier with a sad and mourning expression. They knew very well what Naxi was doing.

That is a taboo secret method of the elves.

A sacrifice of flesh and blood.

In exchange for the favor of "natural" destiny.

Transform yourself into a pure energy body, a pure natural element, and turn it into a natural spirit.

In this state, Naqian seemed to be one with the forest.

The forest is her, and she is the forest.

Sixth level, seventh level, mid-seventh level, peak level eight!

(End of this chapter)

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