Chapter 65
Nancy surrendered.

The elves have completely given up resistance.

No matter which race or civilization, survival is the first element.

In fact, in the history of the elves, there is no precedent for surrendering to the demons.

But the results were dire.

The elves who surrendered were all sent to the demon village that night.

When they come out of it again, although they still have the shape and body of elves, their souls and will have long been gone, and they are no different from the walking dead.

That's not an elf, but a demon servant with the appearance of an elf.

The bloody historical lessons warned the elves that even if they die in battle, they must never surrender to the demons, otherwise the only way to wait is to be brainwashed.

So Naxi is indeed leading the elves to surrender now.

But the object of her surrender was not the Demon Race.

It was Liao Yu.

The elf elder felt a higher level of "natural" destiny protection from Liao Yu.

This can also be proved by the fact that Luo Fu was so close to Liao Yu since childhood.

Elves in their infancy are particularly sensitive to this aspect and can do no wrong.

Although Naxi was unbelievable about this.

But maybe this is a kind of prophecy and hint, and the elves have always believed in such enlightenment.

of course.

Natural destiny is only one aspect.

Throughout the battle, Liao Yu's actions towards the elves also convinced Na Qian and made the great elder shaken.

First of all, although most of the elves have lost their combat effectiveness.

But the actual damage was not much.

Even the vast majority of elves were only emptied of their strength by Alice's "flesh and blood domain", and did not suffer any substantial damage.

This also applies to the elven children who were captured on the back of the bone dragon.

Although the children were terrified, there was no sign of harm on their bodies.

In particular, Naxi didn't see the appearance of brainwashing from demons, which made her hate her deeply, which was second.

As for the last.
Naxie took a deep breath.

"Why save me?"

The surrendered great elder questioned Liao Yu.

The demon king in front of her forced her out of the sacrificial state of the spirit of nature at the end, which made no sense at all.

If the demon king aims to control the elves.

It is undoubtedly the best choice for her, the great elder, the most prestigious elder among the elves, to die in her own forbidden secret method.

But Liao Yu didn't do that.

Seeing that Naxi was standing upright now, even if she surrendered, she had to stand up to cast, and still put on the noble posture of an elf, covering her chest with one hand, Liao Yu was happy.

He went up and down, and took a good look at the elder of the elves again.

Liao Yu didn't know how old Naxi was.

But to be called the Great Elder, he must be quite old.

But the characteristic of the elves is that the body will not age rapidly unless it is in the last few years of life.

Otherwise, before this, the appearance of the elves did not have many traces of old age.

At least from Liao Yu's aesthetics and perspective as a human being, Naxi still looks very juicy, and the years have not left wrinkles and old age on the Great Elder. peaches.

Liao Yu compared Naqian and Werxi in his mind.

The elf princess is called a young girl, and there is nothing wrong with it, at least in terms of physical development.

and so.

Liao Yu finally set his gaze on Naxi's chest.

Seeing this, the Great Elder immediately showed a sarcastic expression.

As if to say.
That's it?

I thought Liao Yu, the new devil, would be different.

In the end, isn't the devil still a virtue?
How many years have passed.

It's still the same as the era of the Black Beast Legion, full of low-level, vulgar, and cheap stupid desires.

The elder Naxi, who was cold and stern on the surface, became more and more energetic in his heart the more he thought about it.

The more the devil ravaged her, the more he made her do some careless things, the more it proved that the devil was nothing more than that.

Demon King?

It's just a pig in heat.

Their elves did not lose.

Naxi almost wrote all the thoughts in her heart on her face, immersed in the spiritual victory method.

And the elves didn't seem to feel it, but from the perspective of an outsider, let Liao Yu translate the expression of the elder Naxi at this moment, which is equivalent to "fuck me up."

There may be another "disgust" filter with a sense of contrast.


Liao Yu somewhat understood why the black beast was so shameful back then.

"Dadaya, take out what's inside her."

Liao Yu's new order brought Elder Naqian back from the spiritual world of "their elves did not lose". She was confused at first, but then she quickly realized, could it be said that they can't even use such a sacred object?
Without giving Naxi a chance to resist, a beam of magic power was shot out from the sorcerer's crow scepter, pouring into the body of the Elder Elder. Next, Naxi could only grit his teeth and watch helplessly. The scroll was stripped from her body by the sorcerer, and a corner of the scroll appeared in front of her chest.

At this time, Liao Yu walked over again, reached out and grasped the corner of the scroll, and completely pulled it out of Na Qian's chest.

After getting the complete scroll.

Liao Yu quickly shifted his attention.

As for Elder Naxi, who was panting heavily, whose breasts and neckline were messed up by the fluctuation of magic power, and who was so happy, Liao Yu didn't even look at him at all.

Hold the scroll in your hand.

This time it's no longer a knockoff.

【Relics of Salvation (Part [-])】

[Leaving behind the child of destiny thousands of years ago, it has incredible power]

In Liao Yu's hands, the scroll exuded crystal light.

Grand Elder Naxi didn't even bother to think about why Liao Yu knew where their sealed scroll was. Now she was even more shocked by the scroll's reaction to Liao Yu.

As soon as the scroll touched Liao Yu, it immediately turned away slowly. In addition to emitting a hotter light, it also kept flying and circling around, as if expressing and conveying. Excitement and joy?
Naxi's mind went blank.

Completely stunned.

You know, this scroll is a relic that the elves have finally collected after all the hard work.

After hundreds of years of research, they finally repaired the damaged relic and figured out the purpose of this relic.

But during these hundred years, the relics never gave them any light.

Even if they tried their best to nourish the relic with magic power.

The biggest reaction given by this scroll is that it can barely blend into their bodies, making it easy to carry and hide.

That's it.

But now.
Seeing Liao Yu's delay in responding to the scroll, it seemed a little anxious, so it posted it on its own initiative, and brought it close to Liao Yu's palm.

[The home system has been unlocked]

[Will it be activated immediately? 】

The prompt in Liao Yu's mind repeated again.

Only then did Liao Yu be pulled back.


Liao Yu rubbed the pages of the scroll with his fingertips, and the dazzling light immediately burst out from the scroll, covering an area of ​​tens of meters around Liao Yu's body in an instant.

Even the four apostles, even the sorcerer Dadaya, couldn't react. They would only come back to their senses when they appeared in a different dimension in the next moment.

Looking at the four apostles who were extremely tense for a moment, Liao Yu raised his hand and motioned for them to relax.

As for the elves who were involved, they were also very flustered, thinking that the demons were about to go back on their evil moves.

Only Elder Naxi was the only one.

Although she was not recognized as a user by the relic of salvation, she was also a custodian anyway, so she immediately recognized it as soon as she entered here, isn't this... the space inside the relic!
According to the prophecies of their ancestors, the elves came to the Kingdom of Illinois, looking for human beings who can be recognized by the scrolls and become users of the relics of salvation, to seal the demons.

The prophecy has indeed come true.

They really found it, no, to be precise, the user of the scroll found them and successfully activated the relic of salvation.

But why.
Why is this user the devil king! ?
But soon, Naxi discovered that she was still wrong.

The young demon king in front of him is more like the master than the user of the relic of salvation.

【You have successfully activated the "Homeland" system】

[Current home level: LV1]

[Vitality Rating: F-]

[Resource output efficiency: F-]

[Favourability efficiency: F-]

[The maximum number of "partners" that can be placed: 1]

[Maximum number of “Land Modules” that can be placed: 50]

【Owned partner: Welsh (5)】

[The favorability of partner "Velxi" is higher than 60%, and you can unlock the "Inheritance Theme" - Elf (consumes 1000 starlight)]

(*Inherited theme - after your partner's favorability meets certain conditions, you will get the corresponding "special building" drawing set according to your partner's race. After a certain number of successfully placed special buildings are reached, the area can be upgraded to a "themed home" for that race. ”]

(*Special buildings—provide higher home level bonuses, can be synthesized and produced, exclusive props or weapons that belong to this race, and put corresponding partners into special buildings to obtain different gain effects)
(*Theme Homeland - after placing partners belonging to the same ethnic group as the "theme", they will gain extra favorability, experience points, skill proficiency bonuses, and have a very low probability of being promoted to the partner's potential value]

[Owned common plot modules: 20]

[Owned special buildings: 0]

[Number of “theme homes” owned: 0]




[Please name your home: (to be entered)]

(End of this chapter)

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