Chapter 66 The Land of Great Revival
Liao Yu waved his hand, and countless sand, soil and rocks spread out from the alien space under his feet and turned into the earth.

He raised his hand towards the distance again, and the strange peaks and rocks tens of meters high instantly rose from the ground and were located here.

Then, Liao Yu glanced to the side, and trickling spring water emerged from the ground veins, turning into clear and winding streams.

Following the movement of Liao Yu's sight, the creek converged into a picturesque green lake at the foot of the mountain just now.

after this
Paths, woods, flowerbeds, meadows, caves, grottoes.
Liao Yu tried a lot.

These are the "normal plots" mods in the homestead.

He was just laying out the plots.

But in the eyes of the four apostles and the elves, it is as if Liao Yu is the master of this alien space, as if he is the creation god, he can change at will, create everything with a raise of his hand, and Can destroy everything.


Liao Yu quickly took back all the plots he had placed just now.

For no other reason.

It's too ugly.


It would be fine if it was just a game.

Realistic words.

forget it.

Liao Yu still has to maintain the perfect burden of the devil.

I can’t show my cowardice anymore.

But anyway.

This feeling.
Well, right.

The unexpected unlocking of the home system was definitely a big surprise and boost for Liao Yu.

In many nurturing games, in addition to increasing the favorability of partners, homes are also crucial in producing a steady stream of resources and materials for players 24 hours a day and night.

The same is true for "The Fallen".

It’s not obvious in the early stage, but when the player upgrades from Tier [-] onwards, especially to upgrade the star plastic, not only experience points are required, but also a lot of advanced materials are required. In addition to relying on monsters, synthesis from the homeland is also a big problem. .

But of course.

This convenience is a bit tasteless for the current Liao Yu, because the upgrade conditions of the "devil king"'s fate are not the type of materials submitted, but more like leading the demons to complete special group tasks.

However, just because Liao Yu can't use it himself doesn't mean he can't give it to others.

He has under his command now, but he has a whole demon clan to support.


Now there should be one more Elf clan added.

Seeing Liao Yu looking in his direction, Naxi, as the great elder, surrendered, but she must ensure the interests of the ethnic group and negotiate terms with Liao Yu.

"Don't even think about it!"

"We, the elves, will never accept being locked up here by you!"

Great Elder Naxi is really shaking right now.

It's fine if it's not sealed as a demon.

As a result, now, judging from Liao Yu's intention, it seems that he wants to keep them here.

It was sealed for a long time.

Seal their elves inside?
Liao Yu didn't mind Naqian's stubbornness and her willingness to die rather than surrender.

He didn't even bother to say more.

Expressed directly in action.

【Are you sure you can exchange 1000 starlight for the inheritance theme—Elves? 】


For normal players, 1000 starlight is definitely a long time to save. After all, a daily mission only gives 50 starlight, which is equivalent to spending 20 days of rounds in the game. This has to be done without starlight Under the premise of "drawing cards" to find partners.

But for Liao Yu now.


Liao Yu once again lamented the power of the Demon King's destiny. The hundred-fold reward brought by Star Sculpture I was equivalent to him being able to get 5000 starlight from daily tasks in one day. The last time he drew Kaveerxi, he spent 3500, and now he still has it. There were more than 1000 stars left, and Liao Yu used them immediately.

The starlight condenses, as if it came from the distant past, and the meaning of inheritance belonging to the "elf" is portrayed and recorded. Corresponding to Liao Yu, a new home panel emerges.

[Theme inheritance - Elf]

[Inheritance level: LV1 (improved by upgrading core buildings)]

[Core architectural drawings - World Tree (obtained)]

[Secondary buildings:
Well of the Moon - Slightly increase resource production rate (required number of elves: 1)

Ancient Tree of Wisdom——After putting a partner in it, you will get extra experience bonus (Number of elves required: 2)

Ranger's Hall - After putting the partner in, you can specify a certain skill of the partner for "specialization" learning (required number of elves: 4)

watch tree
Altar of the Elders.
Ancient Tree of War
[More secondary buildings, please increase the inheritance level]

After unlocking the theme inheritance of the elves, in addition to a new panel for Liao Yu to control, in this different space, there are also five more light groups in front of Liao Yu.

At first, the elves couldn't believe these five light groups. They rubbed their eyes one after another. Then when they looked carefully, they found that each one's mouths were so open that even their jaws were about to drop.

Among them was Grand Elder Naxi.

Elf! ?

This is what their elves have long lost. Little elves! ?

It can be seen from the home panel that although the buildings of the elves are called buildings, most of the cores are trees!
Various trees.

Ancient of Wisdom, Tree of Warden, Ancient of War
None of these "trees" can be built by workers.

It has to be done by the "elf".

By analogy, the elf can be understood as a universal seed.

You need seeds to grow a tree.

But in fact, since the demons invaded the world of elves thousands of years ago and burned the world tree, the elves lost their source and disappeared completely.


Elf can only rely on the "world tree" to produce.

Without the World Tree, there would be no elves. Without the elves, those high-end buildings and inheritance would be lost.

This led to the fact that after so many years, the elves have not been able to develop again, but have been declining more and more. Now there is only Naxi, the great elder.

Just the five elves that were initially given in the inheritance of home made Naxi breathless and wanted to pounce on them.

And the next moment.

Liao Yu waved his hand.

One of the elves immediately floated and came to the location designated by Liao Yu, and then turned into a seed and buried it underground.

After a while, the buds and new branches pushed through the soil. In the eyes of the elves, a small sapling grew vigorously, spread its branches and leaves, and finally turned into an umbrella-shaped tree six or seven meters high.

A rich breath of life emanates from the tree, and every branch and leaf seems to contain infinite mysteries. Ancient lines are spirally wound on the trunk, and crystal emerald green light shines from the crown of the tree.

Just by being next to this tree, the elves feel like they are bathed in the spring breeze, immersed in the rich and sweet natural scent, as if they have returned to the warmth of home.

Can't go wrong.

This is the world tree!
The origin of their elves!The world tree that became extinct thousands of years ago is now reborn!
The significance of the World Tree to the elves is that apart from the historical heritage, the most important thing is that only the World Tree can produce elves and the seeds of all things.

With the World Tree, it means that the elves have a new foundation for everything.

Elder Naxi stared obsessively. This emerald green tree seemed to be able to see the beautiful vision of their elves rising again, reappearing their brilliance, and returning to their noble positions under the light of the World Tree and in the reflection of the leaves.

"Hiha." The great elder wiped the corner of his mouth.

Until the voice of the abominable demon king sounded again, interrupting Naxi's longing for happiness.

Liao Yu: "I don't like to force, since the elves don't want to, then"


Naxi's sharp voice interrupted Liao Yu.

Look at the angry eyes of the Elder Elder now, it seems to be saying, how can Liao Yu drive them out!
This is heaven!
here is.
Belonging to the elves, the land of great revival!
(End of this chapter)

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