Chapter 67 Update Time Adjustment Instructions
The underworld update at midnight every day was criticized by the editor, and it was really a loss for follow-up reading, so it was changed to update at around 11-12 noon every day. You don't have to stay up late tonight to wait.

In addition, most of the books in the same period will either be on the shelves on August 8, or they will be on the shelves today on Friday, but we will extend it for another week and give you one more week to read for free. Others have 1 words on the shelves, and we are rushing to go with 15 words. .

In the free period, I finished writing the story of the elves and the homeland, so that everyone can watch it for free, and then start the story of the human royal family and imperial envoys in the kingdom.

That’s pretty much it. Although I’ve already jumped on it, I still urge everyone to catch up on it this Saturday, Sunday and Monday, especially Monday! ! !

Catch up on reading on Monday!

Catch up on reading on Monday!

Catch up on Monday! !
(Brainwash, brainwash, brainwash you! Hmph!)

On Monday, we will also add another chapter depending on the situation, for the final struggle.

Red bean puree arigado.

that's all.

(End of this chapter)

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