Chapter 69 Elena Wants to Be a Wife

"Alice! Stop here!! Take back your dirty mud! Wait until I allocate your own space for you, and then you can build a nest!"

The succubus' thunderous voice startled the rotting demon who was happily playing with mud.

Alice shrank her neck immediately, and whispered quietly:
"Eileen has fallen out of favor. I know Alice is evil. Huh, menopause. It's terrible."


Breathe in and breathe out.

Extra charge.

"Call someone out of favor! Scold someone for menopause!!"

Seeing that Elena looked like a fried cat whose tail had been stepped on, she was about to fight with Alice.

Or the magician came over to act as a peacemaker, and quickly persuaded the succubus to come back.

"Alright, Elena, don't pay attention to Alice's words. In my opinion, the king has already given you a great favor. Didn't you realize that?"

The succubus frowned: "What do you mean? You mean building the Demon King's Fort with you?"

Wang trusts her so much, which is equivalent to giving her the power to decorate the home. Of course Elena is happy.

But what Eileen wants more is her exclusive grace, preferably... the "private" type, not at this level, on the macro level of the demons.

And Dardaya's next words made Elena stunned.

"Do you still remember that before regaining the great elf elder, the king handed over the little elf baby to you?"


Seeing Elena's puzzled look, Shumo couldn't help but shook his head, as if, besides, haven't you understood Wang's obvious hint?

"Eileen, think about it carefully, why would the king take such good care of an elf baby, and even hold her personally?"

"And, if you think about it again, there was Hill, me, and Alice by Wang's side at the time, but why did Wang hand over that baby to you?"

The first half of what Dadaya said was actually a bit puzzling to Elena at the time.

That little baby is the same as other elf children, just throw it on the bone dragon's back, why not let the noble king hold it?How can you get such grace?
So later, when Liao Yu handed over the baby to Elena, the succubus actually hated the little baby, but endured it all the time in order to obey Liao Yu.

As a result, now Dadaya told her that this was the favor given to her by the king?
What happened to favor?

"You still don't understand, Elena, have you forgotten how you got here?" Seeing this, the magician could only give another reminder.

The succubus rolled his eyes.

such idiot question
When she is a fool?

Of course, she was born of the queen mother and the previous generation of demon kings.

born to.
and many more!

"Dadaya, are you referring to the fact that Wang wants to have a child with me?"

Although Eileen felt suspicious, just talking about this kind of thing could make her heart beat faster, her ears blush and her face hot.

And magician.
Dadaya shook his head first, then nodded.

He continued to analyze Elena:

"I think that Wang has some intentions in this regard, but more, he actually wants to test and train you, so that you can prepare for the matter of having a child."

"Do, prepare?"

"Yes, as a new generation of succubus, you lack experience. Even if the king really gave birth to a child with you, are you confident that you can take good care of the king's child? Do you know how to take care of a baby?"

"I, I." Elena, who was always eloquent, stumbled, unable to refute.

She was only a thousand years old.

Not to mention having children, she is still a virgin succubus until now.

But Elena quickly changed her expression, and asked in an excited and nervous voice:

"So Dadaya, what you mean is that the reason why the king attaches great importance to this elf baby is because the king himself also wants to give birth to offspring!"

"And the reason why the king handed over the child to me was to examine me, implying to me that he wanted me to practice how to take care of the child, use the elf child to practice, and prepare for our offspring!!"

The succubus spoke faster and faster.

By the end, the corners of my mouth were about to reach the sky.

But soon, Elena restrained her emotions, pretended to cough twice, and began to be a little suspicious of the magician.

"Dadaya, could it be that you have become smarter after staying with Leon for a while?"

She, Elena, almost ignored, came from Wang's hint.
How come you, a nerdy magician who only knows how to study magic, can find out?

Dadaya's explanation for this is:
"Leon has indeed taught me a lot, especially how to figure out the king's intentions."

"A sentence that Leon once said to me, and now I give it to you, many seemingly simple and ordinary actions of the king, in fact, hide a deeper meaning. When we get along with the king, we must think more, think more, Learn more."

Elena had nothing to say.

From the very beginning of the Demon King meeting, Zhimo was the one who could understand the king best. In terms of trying to figure out and comprehend the king's intentions, Zhimo was indeed far ahead of them.


After Elena snorted arrogantly, she turned and left.

Sooner or later, she will be able to be like Leon.

Do not!
She wants to do better than Zhimo, she wants to make Wang pat her ass a little bit, and she knows which position to adjust to!

In order to achieve this goal, she has to act now.

Elena looked around for the little elf baby girl, but in the end, she found it in the bone dragon's mouth.

This baby girl elf named "Love" seems to be particularly lively and bold. Other elven children, no, let alone children, even adult elves are trembling with fear towards their demons, wishing they could be separated from each other. How far is it?

but this little baby girl
"Hey! No!" Love, who had taken the initiative to get into the bone dragon's mouth, was now playing with one of the bone dragon's teeth as a slide, and was having a great time.

And Bone Dragon.
This peak existence of a majestic undead creature could only endure it silently, not even daring to close its mouth. It had been working hard to open it wide for the little baby girl inside to play in an amusement park.


Why do you ask it?
Although it is a bone dragon, it is neither blind nor stupid. This is a little baby girl who was hugged by that "devil king" himself!
How can it be a terrifying existence that a mere seventh-level bone dragon can provoke.

To it, Love is an aunt, a pro-ancestor!

This is not.

Seeing that the succubus apostle, Lord Elena actually came here specially for this little elf baby girl, the bone dragon felt more wise about its previous decision.

The bone dragon quickly opened its mouth wider for Love to play with. The tail of the dragon behind it was now wagging like a pug, as if asking for credit.


Seeing Elena, the "familiar" big sister, came over, little Love reacted very strongly. She seemed to be tired of playing with the bone dragon's teeth. Obviously begging Elena to hug her.

Elena took a deep breath, this time she was the one who picked up little Love with her own subjective consciousness, looking at the little baby girl in her arms, Elena couldn't help thinking about it, imagined that what she was holding now was not Fairy baby girl, but her own and the king's child,
After adding such a layer of filter, Elena suddenly felt that this little elf baby girl was also quite cute?

Of course, even though she felt so in her heart, Elena still had a cold face on the surface.

"Next, what do you want to do?"

Irene clicked to collect experience, and she asked directly.

Love didn't mind the succubus's jerky tone. After babbling a few times, she held her shriveled belly pitifully, as if she was tired from playing, and looked at Elena eagerly.

There are two words written all over the immature face.


(End of this chapter)

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