Chapter 70
Night in King Illinois.

Everyone has their own things to do.

The underground headquarters of the Five Flowers Alliance.

The five nobles who created the core members of the "Five Flowers Alliance" gathered together, headed by the Grand Duke Mrs. Walker, and the remaining four earls were on both sides of the round table.

A plan that will completely subvert the Kingdom of Illinois and bring about huge turmoil is unfolding here.

"Next, I will confirm our actions with you all again."

Mrs. Walker, in the main seat, is wearing a white dress and a black wide-brimmed hat.

She was nearly two meters tall, with huge shoulders and a thick pelvis, making her look very crowded even when she was sitting on the widest chair.

The exaggerated and unbelievably plump figure did not bring beauty to people, but it was a little creepy. The firelight in the basement reflected her pale skin, and the bright red lipstick on her lips seemed particularly eerie in comparison.

No one dared to disobey the Grand Duchess.

Not only does it come from the oppression caused by her appearance and status, but also from the terrifying monster hidden in the shadow behind Mrs. Walker.

Mrs. Walker said slowly:

"The envoy from the empire will arrive in the royal city in three days, that is, this Saturday."

"At that time, the royal city will hold a grand dinner to welcome and receive the envoy. All members of the Illinois royal family, even our old king, will definitely attend this dinner and will not dare to neglect the envoy. "

"An opportunity like this for the royal family to gather together may be rare in a hundred years. Our Five Flowers Alliance has been preparing for so many years for this moment. There is no more suitable opportunity than this dinner to wipe out the royal family. "

"I have already communicated with the imperial envoy, and the envoy has also given us support, and in return, we will capture that eldest princess, our beloved Princess Yuffie, alive during the operation and send it to the envoy's room , for the order to enjoy."

"So, massacring all members of the Illinois royal family except the eldest princess, and completely erasing them from the royal city, leaving no one behind, is one of the goals of our operation."

"And to capture the eldest princess, Yuffie must not be allowed to escape. This is the second purpose of the operation. It is not less important than the former, because it involves the follow-up and whether we can continue to get the support of the imperial emissary."

Mrs. Walker's summary, the three nobles below all nodded.

It is not difficult to see that the whole plan seems to be secondary to the "coup d'état".

How to please and cater to the "Empire Envoy" is also very important to them.

The sighs of the three nobles below gave the answer.

"The old king is also stupid. Wouldn't it be better to surrender to the empire earlier? It would lead to this disgraceful ending."

"After we take control of the royal city, we will immediately apply for political protection from the envoy, and ask the empire to build a military camp in our Illinois to permanently station troops. In this way, even if there are other old king's troops in the kingdom who want to resist us, It won’t make any splash, so I can only surrender obediently.”

The count's suggestion was immediately recognized by the other two members present, who all agreed:

"Hmph, otherwise, with our Illinois army, we still want to compete with the Imperial Army? It's as ridiculous as an egg hitting a rock."

"If the old king had accepted the empire's garrison like other neighboring kingdoms, was willing to exempt merchants and goods from the empire from tariffs, and was willing to grant preferential treatment to the people of the empire, how could he have ended up like this?"

"Yes, so after our Five Flowers Alliance took over Illinois, we must learn lessons, work hard to cater to the empire, and deepen exchanges with the empire. I have established a relationship with a private college in the empire and plan to send my son to Go and study abroad in the empire.”

The second nobleman said finally, with a smug face, as if showing off his connections in the empire.

And this indeed attracted the envious eyes of the rest of the nobles.

"That's great. I heard that the air in the empire is fresher than ours, the concentration of magic power is higher, and the moon in the empire is rounder. It's a pity. If I have children, I will send them there too."

"Speaking of which, Vidler, don't you have a daughter? How about sending Ariel to the empire? Your daughter is so beautiful. If she becomes a rich and powerful person in the empire, maybe she can Let your family get the "resident card" of the empire!"

The earl who said he wanted to send his son to study in the empire before was now turning his attention to the other person at the round table.

From the beginning of the meeting, unlike the other three, he remained silent throughout the whole process, like a count who was a bystander.

"Count Vidler" saw that everyone's topic was about himself.

He smiled and shook his head.

"Everyone, why don't we discuss more about the battle plan in three days? Don't you worry that the royal family will have hidden combat power? And do you have any countermeasures for this?"

Vidler's speech seemed to have a magical power.

Several earls from the Five Flowers Alliance who were in full swing just now, imagining the future, turned 180 degrees in an instant, and were suddenly pulled back to the topic of combat.

"Combat strength? It's nothing more than the Royal Knights. Oh yes, and Vidler, you told us, didn't you tell us that the eldest princess also recruited an A-level adventurer mercenary group? What's the name? Jiao. Eagle Mercenary Group?”

"But it doesn't matter anymore. The monster behind Mrs. Volker is our biggest hole card. With it, no matter whether he is a Royal Knight or an A-level adventurer, he is completely vulnerable to it. Hahaha!"

The earls of the Five Flowers Alliance are very confident.

The same is true of Mrs. Walker as the leader.

As if to demonstrate, Mrs. Walker hooked her fingers backwards, and the terrifying monster came out of the shadows. It had thick bones, and dark fires flickered in its empty eye sockets. It was holding a machete.
It is the Undead Warrior.

A third-level undead.

"Is this all your trump cards?"

"Vidler! Please pay attention to your tone. From the beginning, I felt that something was wrong with you. What's wrong with you?"

Count Vidler did not answer.

He just sighed and shook his head.

"Sorry, I seem to have overestimated you a bit."

"Thank you very much for explaining the action plan to me today. Your information is very helpful. Please continue to implement this plan."

Everyone in the Five Flowers Alliance who had questioned Count Vidler just now looked confused after hearing these words.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly seemed to have forgotten the unhappiness just now, and nodded like a puppet.

"Thank you for your cooperation."

"Then, I suddenly have some urgent matters to deal with, so I won't accompany you."

"Please keep working hard."

Vidler got up from his seat, and there were two followers behind him. The meeting was not over yet, and Mrs. Volker, the leader, didn't even say to leave, but they left very calmly.

But no one was surprised by this.

As if everything is natural.

After leaving the Five Flowers Alliance, Earl Vidler's appearance began to blur for a while. Dark blue snake scales climbed onto the skin, and dark brown snake eyes with vertical pupils reflected a deep and faint light under the moonlight at night.

Not just Count Vidler.

The two servants behind him were even more so, but their changes were even greater, their bodies swelled, and their whole bodies turned into snake-men. This is an obvious group characteristic among the demons.

Intelligent demon.

(End of this chapter)

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