Chapter 71 Chess Pieces
"Lord Leon, this is the news from Lord Dardaya. The king seems to have eliminated the threat from the elves."

The high-level wisdom demon who left the stage early respectfully handed a magic crystal ball to Leon.

After Leon put his hand on it, the image recorded in the crystal ball suddenly appeared. It was Shu Mo who, following Liao Yu's instructions, briefly summarized the operation and sent a good news to Zhi Mo.

After reading it in full, the two smart demons next to Leon were the first to express emotion.

"As expected of a king, in less than two days, we have successfully figured out the location of the elves' headquarters and captured all the elves in one fell swoop. Such efficiency is beyond our reach."

"Not only that, the thousand-year-old relic that the king seized from the elves also helped our family a lot. The king not only broke the elves' sealing plan, but also used this relic of the son of destiny to make it the strength of our family. , kill two birds with one stone."


This high-level wisdom demon who admired Liao Yu paused for a while, and said a little confused:
"However, the king divides such a precious different space into the elves, is it a little bit?"

Liao Yu's Demon King Tower plan also includes a layer of elves.

So the two smart demons now can't be said to be questioning Liao Yu, but they still feel uncomfortable.

It's like how can there be outsiders in the family.

Still so weak.

But soon
"What's there? Think it's a waste? Your thoughts are extremely ignorant."

As soon as Lord Leon reprimanded them, the two high-ranking demons immediately bowed their heads, not daring to say any more.

"Do you still remember what I warned you? Every step the king takes must have a deep meaning behind it. With this as the premise, think carefully about why the king would do this."

Leon did not directly explain the confusion to the two smart demons under his command.

Because he knows that teaching a devil to fish is worse than teaching a devil to fish.

Following Leon's thoughts, the brains of the two high-level intelligent demons were spinning rapidly. One of them, as if he had understood something, immediately showed a look of surprise.

"Lord Leon, is it because this relic can display different functions according to the different races in it? The world tree growing in the relic space is just the beginning, and it can be pushed forward later." Show more elven heritage?"

Another high-level Zhimo immediately understood.

He was very excited and said:

"So that's it! The king is using these elves to strengthen the relic of the child of destiny! So the real goal of the king is not at all for these weak elves after thousands of years, but to use this as a guide to restore the spirit behind the elves. The entire civilization inheritance!"

After being guided by Leon in this way, the two high-level wisdom demons could not recover for a long time, and their admiration for Liao Yu and the king in their hearts was infinitely higher.

After all, they only saw the surface, and saw those weak elves who were not worthy of staying in the demon king's tower, but the king was more macroscopic, trying to create a civilization for the demons!
"Pass this news on and tell all the wise demons that our planning policy will also follow the change of the king. In addition to searching for intelligence clues such as humans and Zergs, some other races, dragons, orcs, etc. must also be included. "

"Lord Leon, could you say..."

"That's right, the king should be aware of this too. The fall of the son of human destiny is equivalent to a huge treasure house for other races. There are more races than we imagined."

"In the past, we always wanted to take revenge on humans. It was too narrow. Now the king has pointed out another way to our people. The hint of the king is already obvious. We want to take this opportunity to put all other races , collect them all, make a foreign illustrated book, and give it to the king. This is what we, the wise demon clan, should do, to share the worries of the king."

"Obey, Lord Leon!"

The two high-ranking demons were extremely excited. Thinking about the great vision that the king had built, they felt their blood boil. How powerful will the demon race that has integrated multiple civilizations be?There is no doubt that their Demon Race will reach a new peak again under the leadership of the new king!
Of course.

Collecting the "Illustrated Book of All Races" for the king is a very distant goal. At the moment, their primary goal is to control the Kingdom of Illinois first.

Leon had no choice, to kill directly or use spells to control the Five Flowers Alliance.

It's like fishing with bait.

After letting human beings kill each other to the point of almost killing each other, they then used a third party to intervene and support the new puppet. It was obviously easier than him doing it directly.

Moreover, Leon is also very concerned about the imperial envoy, in case he makes the first move, the imperial envoy has some means to discover the abnormality in the royal city, turn back halfway and choose to escape, this is what Leon does not want to see arrived.

Instead of taking risks, it is better to sit on the sidelines.

Although everything is basically ready, three days later, this struggle for power among humans, this coup in the royal city, will become their wedding dress for the demons, but, just in case, Leon thought about it for a while. , or issue the command:
"Tomorrow, a shadow demon will be dispatched to lurk beside the human princess."

In this way, the Wuhua Alliance and the royal family are all under his control.

This was Leon's first battle as an apostle of wisdom and demons.

In order not to leave a stain on Wang's heart
Leon, no mistakes are allowed.


Elf area.

world Tree.

In addition to the umbrella-shaped green tree in the center, there are a few more saplings beside it. Although they are still young, Elder Naxi knows that these are the seeds of civilization and ancient trees of knowledge that bring endless "skills". , is an ancient war tree that gives powerful "fighting skills", is the essence of the elven civilization, and is their lost inheritance.

came back!
They are all slowly coming back!
If this place wasn't the domain of the demons, and if it wasn't at the hands of that demon king, Naxi would have been extremely happy. This is definitely the protection of the god of nature and the manifestation of the ancestors.

But now.
Do not!
They are not corrupted!

Now they have accepted the favor of the devil, and they are relying on the territory of the devil, but, yes!They are just lurking!

They also have the biggest hole card and back hand, the stupid devil king, who didn't find it at all.

That's right!

It's Wilhelm!
The most proud princess of the elves.

She is also the best elf she taught herself!

Naxi believed that after realizing the strange situation on their side, Wilhelm would cleverly hide herself and go to other countries to find humans for reinforcements!
And she, what the elves have to do is to endure!
On the surface, he pretended to submit to the demons, but secretly, he was accumulating strength.

In order to one day, when Versy led the army to counterattack the demons, they rose up again, cooperated with Versy and their princess from inside and outside, and completely defeated the demons!
Elder Naxi, who still felt a little guilty about "how could he surrender to the demons".

Now that I think about it.

There is no psychological burden at all.

She even said that she was going to go to the devil's room alone at night when the devil came back, and talk to the devil about the conditions, such as expanding more space for the elves.

For the elves, for Welsh.

Some sacrificed her Naxi, willing to sacrifice!


Lankey prop shop.

The lady with freckles and glasses, who was wearing an academy uniform, came here late at night, bringing all her small coffers with her.

"Huh? Miss Welsh?"

As soon as he opened the door, the clerk immediately recognized Wei Erxi.

The reason is very simple. Not long ago, the third-level spell scroll in Lanqi Props Shop that attracted much attention at the auction and made their prop shop shine was made by this common female student.

By the way.

Now Wilsey's "small treasury" also comes from the income from the third-level scroll she sold.

The elf princess, who is diligent and thrifty, originally wanted to save this money as the elf's revival fund, and she was reluctant to spend it on her own food, clothing, housing and transportation, but now, she took out all the money.

And purpose.
"I think, I want to buy some healing medicine, I want the best!"

Looking at the healing potions on the shelves, especially the sky-high prices of the high-end versions, Versy gritted her teeth and bought them, even though her flesh hurt.

After sending away Professor Liao Yu, for some reason, Wilsey was always restless and couldn't sleep anyway.

The elf always trusted her hunch.

Welsh was afraid that Professor Liao Yu still had some hidden illness. She was afraid that the previous injury would not heal, so she ran out and bought medicine for Liao Yu, thinking that the professor must drink it tomorrow, so that she could rest assured.

As for running out of recovery funds.
No, it's all right!
The Great Elder will definitely not blame himself.

Professor Liao Yu is the best revival fund for their elves!

She is investing.


After Wilsey left with several bottles of high-end healing medicine, the clerk who had just served her immediately came to a dark room from the back of the prop shop.

There is a spell magic there for communication.

After the clerk performed the operation, he reported to the person opposite:
"Yes, eldest princess, Wilsey came here just now. She is the commoner female sorcerer you hope to win over."

"Are you here to sell new spell scrolls again?" A faint voice came from the opposite side of the communication video.

Until the clerk shook his head.

"No, Master Yuffie, that commoner female student is here to buy medicine, healing medicine."


The eldest princess' voice was no longer flat.

She quickly asked, "For herself?"

"It doesn't look like it." The clerk recalled that Wilsey looked uninjured and shook his head.

Inside the palace.

The eldest princess opened the curtains with her hands, looking at the seemingly peaceful Wangcheng below in the night, her eyes were thoughtful.

"Master Yuffie, do you need us to send someone to follow up?" The clerk offered to suggest.

However, it was quickly rejected.

"Need not."

"Don't do anything to her, I will investigate this matter myself."

"Yes, my lord princess."

Yuffie sat back at her desk after finishing the communication.

On the table, there is a chessboard.

This is like a kind of Go, where Princess Yuffie is staring at now, the white army is surrounded by the black army, it seems that after the next move, it will be swallowed up.


When the princess shifted her gaze and raised the angle of view, she would find that these white soldiers were actually just bait for "abandoned sons".

The black army seemed to eat a big chunk of the white army.

But in fact, they were already surrounded by the White Army even further out.

However, the current Princess Yuffie reached out, took out one of the white army chess pieces that was used as a "bait", and placed it next to her.

as an uncertain factor.

And she
Hate being uncertain.

(End of this chapter)

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