Chapter 72
The next day.

There was a hasty knock on the door, and after Liao Yu opened the door, there was an anxious and nervous Welsh outside.

"Professor, something went wrong."

Liao Yu first asked Wei Erxi to come in and sit down, and then poured a glass of water for the elf.

Then he asked reassuringly: "Don't worry, talk slowly, what happened? Is it about your ethnic group?"

"It stands to reason that I should be able to receive a reply from the Great Elder this morning, but, but..."

Versie was holding the water glass extremely hard, she was fidgeting and her tone was hurried.

After exchanging secrets with Liao Yu yesterday, after meeting each other frankly, in order for the professor to better study the mystery of the "relic of salvation" and master the method of sealing as soon as possible, she specially wrote a letter to Elder Naxi, hoping to get the group Reinforcements over there.


"Professor, it's already nine o'clock, I, I still haven't received any news."

Liao Yu: "Is it possible that your great elder is busy with other things, or should we wait and see?"

"No, professor, you don't understand, our communication technique, as long as we open each other, even if the other party doesn't reply, we can know, and"

Wilhelm hesitated for a while, and told Liao Yu another piece of information.

"And Professor, in fact, according to our agreement earlier, the Great Elder should have sent another group of tribesmen to join me, but until now, I have not been able to contact them."

Wilhelm pursed her lips.

If it was a coincidence that the clansman who disappeared before was a coincidence, then even her summons has not been heard now, which can only prove one thing.

problem occurs.

There is a high probability that something unexpected happened to the ethnic group.

"I understand, just wait for me a moment, and I will go back with you."

Something happened at home.

The first thing that comes to mind is definitely going back.

Seeing Professor Liao Yu's unhesitating look, as if it was not their elves' home, but also the professor's home, Versie felt a burst of warmth in her heart, and even her flustered emotions calmed down a little.


Welsh quickly shook her head and stopped Liao Yu.

"No, professor, in the event of an unexpected situation like this, Elder Naqian has taught me not to go back. It will cause the tribes with Elder Naqian to lose contact. Even if we go back, it will be of no use. , but instead threw themselves into a trap.”

Liao Yu was quite surprised by Vercy's decision.

His original plan was to "investigate" the elves with the flustered Welsh.

Let the young princess discover the fact that the elves "disappeared" overnight.

Liao Yu also left some clues.

Such as the buds of the world tree, the breath fragments of the elves, etc.
In this way, to some extent, Versy should feel a little more at ease, thinking that the elves may not necessarily encounter accidents, but may also have new opportunities and changes.

In this way, it was completely completed, temporarily severing Versie from the elves.

He was the only "person of my own" left by Versey's side.

At the same time, it can also divert Wilsey's attention, changing the "main task" of the elf princess from sealing the demons to finding the disappeared groups.

This is the solution that Liao Yu can think of at the moment, which will cause the least harm to both parties.

but now it looks like
"Professor, the situation shouldn't be that bad, just look at this." Welsh comforted Liao Yu in turn.

As she spoke, she took out a piece of emerald Huaiyu.

"This is the life stone of the Great Elder. Now the life stone has not broken, which proves that at least the life of the Great Elder is not in danger and is in a safe situation."

Liao Yu would naturally be happy to see Welsh calm down first.

As for how to guide the next elf princess, he also has an alternative plan.

"It's good news, but we can't just sit there like this."

"Sealing the demon clan is the second priority now. Finding out the situation of the elves is the primary goal. You said before that a group of fellow clans should have come to join you in the royal city, but there is no news. They disappeared, right? Since we are in In the royal city, why not start the investigation from here."

Along this road, Liao Yu can naturally lead the Five Flowers Alliance out.

Although she was a little cruel to Wilhelm.

But Liao Yu planned to show the elven corpses tortured by Ariel, the perverted noble lady, to Velxi later.

The more pure and flawless the white paper.

Once it is stained with ink, it will turn black faster than others.


What surprised Liao Yu again was that.
"Yes, that's right, Professor, I have to do something to investigate from the Royal City. With Professor! I may try to contact the princess in the Royal City. Princess Yuffie should be able to help us!"

Liao Yu: ".?"

"You mean Princess Yuffie? The eldest princess?"

"Yes, ah! It's such a professor. At the invitation of my tutor, I participated in a fundraising meeting held by the Five Flowers Alliance. I met Princess Yuffie at that dinner party. The eldest princess is recently revising the The college’s non-local enrollment policy even invited me over to hear my opinion.”

Wei Erxi's disguised identity is that of a transfer student with excellent academic performance, which is equivalent to a grassroots visit. It seems reasonable and nothing special.

But Liao Yu doesn't think so.

He believes that behind many "accidents" must be inevitable.

According to the hypothetical principle.

If the eldest princess discovered Wei Erxi's identity, or realized that Wei Erxi was different, she deliberately approached her.

The key evidence for maintaining this logical chain is.
Wilhelm, where did she reveal her secrets?

And the answer to this question, after the elf took out several bottles of advanced healing medicine from the backpack she brought, Liao Yu solved his doubts.

Welsh bought this last night, worried that Liao Yu was still injured in the previous battle.

But Liao Yu's focus was entirely on these medicines.

"Is this from Lankey's item store?"


"These potions are not cheap, Versie, where did you get so much money?"

In fact, when Liao Yu asked this question, he already had guesses in his heart.

That third-order "Ascension Technique" scroll!
He should have thought of it earlier!

With the current level of human beings, how can a magician who can make a third-order magic scroll be used for auction? Only senior magicians who are from other places and have just arrived, or relatively stupid, will choose to go to the auction .

Versie's faltering expression already explained everything.

In this way, Liao Yu can almost restore the incident.

The elf princess, who had no social experience at all, was immediately targeted after giving the third-order scroll to Lanqi's props store. Behind Lankey's props store was probably the eldest princess.

As a commoner top student, Wilsey was able to participate in the upper-level fundraising meeting of the Five Flowers Alliance, and the operation of the eldest princess must be behind it.


It seems that he is not the only one who is eyeing Wei Erxi.

What is the purpose of this eldest princess?If you just want to win over Vercy, why do you have anything to do with the Five Flowers Alliance?

After sorting out this relationship, Liao Yu was not in a hurry.

If my previous speculation is correct, then the information that Vercy went to buy healing medicine for her late at night must have been delivered to the eldest princess by Lanqi's item shop.

Liao Yu just imagine, if he were that Princess Yuffie, he should be...

dong dong.

At this moment, there was another knock on the door from outside the office door.

Wait for Versie to open it in the past.

The elf's exclamation came.

"Master Yuyufie!?"

(End of this chapter)

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