Chapter 73 It’s like us being erased from history

"Sorry, did I bother you?"

The woman outside the door was wearing a windbreaker and a very generous hat. Most of her long hair was tied up and hidden under the hat, but a few shadows of red hair could still be seen from the temples on both sides.

In the Kingdom of Illinois, red hair is a symbol of royalty.

"No, no, no. Not right! Master Yuffie, what are you doing now?"

Wilsey was still in a daze.

She had just told Professor Liao Yu that she wanted to ask the eldest princess for help, but the moment she stepped back, Yuffie knocked on the door and came over?

"I just happened to deal with some things here at the college, and I came to see Miss Wilsey on the way, but it seems a bit presumptuous and abrupt. Why don't you, Miss Wilsey, keep busy, and we'll leave it another day."

The princess in casual clothes briefly explained to Wilhelm before she turned her eyes away and looked at the other person in the room behind, Liao Yu.

Yuffie was very polite and respectful, even though she was the eldest princess, she still showed apologetic eyes to Liao Yu, as if apologizing for her interrupting the class.

Later, when he saw that the plainclothes princess was about to turn around and leave, it was Liao Yu who spoke immediately.

"Wilsey, don't be dumbfounded at the door. Please come in, Your Highness Yuffie."

"Yes! Your Excellency, don't disturb me, we just have something to ask you for!"

"Can I ask you something? Okay, I understand."

Youfei nodded and entered Liao Yu's office. As for the two plainclothes guards she brought with her, the princess put them on the door handle and did not follow them.

"Miss Welsh, let me tell you about your affairs first. You look very anxious. What happened? How can I help you?"

"my one"

Versie stuttered, she was all thinking of keeping Yuffie, but she didn't think about how to explain to the princess later, she couldn't just tell the elves directly.

At this time, Liao Yu had to come.

"Your Highness Yuffie, it's like this. You know that Miss Welsh is a transfer student. She comes from a small village around the Wangcheng. Just a few days ago, she made an appointment to meet her partner in the same village. Take them to appreciate the prosperity and magnificence of the royal city, but..."

Liao Yu shook his head and said: "But several days have passed. It stands to reason that her fellow villager should have come here long ago, but there has been no news for a long time. Miss Welsh is worried that they got lost in the forest in the outskirts and were attacked by monsters, so I was asked to come over and explore together, but not only did we gain nothing, we also suffered a little injury."

Liao Yu sighed, intentionally or unintentionally, he drew Princess Yuffie's attention to those high-level healing potions on the table, which he took out from Vercy's package while the queen was outside the door.

In this way, it not only explained Wilsey's behavior of buying medicine last night.

It also serves as proof of what he just said.

After Yuffie listened quietly and completely, the eldest princess clenched her fist with her hand on the table, and murmured:

"I didn't expect that group of guys to be so rampant."

Liao Yu: "What does Her Royal Highness mean?"

Yuffie sighed, with a look of self-blame and guilt in his eyes:
"I have collected a lot of cases like yours recently. This is a deep-rooted organization that has been rooted in the royal city for many years. They specialize in deceiving and murdering outsiders to make huge profits. Some of the people in this group even Use this to practice evil techniques and spread evil cults."

When she heard that the eldest princess actually had clues and was not even an exception, Velxi was immediately very anxious and wanted to hear more.

The princess seemed to have grasped this emotion of Wilsy.

Yuffie continued: "The Kingdom has made up its mind to destroy this organization, but we need more power. If Miss Welsh is willing, there will be a battle rally tomorrow night dedicated to crusade against this organization."

"Participate! We participate!"

Welsh eagerly agreed at the first moment, but she didn't realize it very quickly, and quickly put her eyes on Liao Yu's side to ask for opinions, and Liao Yu would make the final decision.

This look was caught by Princess Yuffie.

"Of course, the purpose of the establishment of the Royal Academy is to build the kingdom and protect the safety of this place. Your Highness Yuffie, as one of the professors, will also participate."

"Thank you, Illinois is honored to have a professor like you."

Yuffie didn't stay long and left quickly.

And Liao Yu looked at the back of Her Royal Highness, to be precise, it was the shadow demon hidden in Yuffie's shadow.

That's right.

From the first moment the eldest princess entered the house, Hill noticed it and informed Liao Yu.

This is a real demon clan.

Earlier, Leon had recruited a low-level shadow demon from the shadow demon group, and now it seems that the intelligent demon on the other side has also made a move and is eyeing Yuffie.

That's why Liao Yu agreed to the eldest princess so readily.

He was aware of the conflict between the Five Flowers Alliance and the First Princess at that time, and it seemed that the two sides would soon see a resolution.

Zhimo may also have taken a fancy to this opportunity.

Then, as the devil king, he waited for the opportunity to act, and also participated in it. It would never be wrong to be one more backup.

After leaving the academy, the eldest princess returned to the dormitory of the palace.

This time, Yuffie seemed to be in a good mood. When she came to the desk where she often sat, she placed the white stone that she had taken last night as a "bait" into the encirclement of the "Black Army".

After thinking about it again, Yuffie added another new white pawn into it.

However, it was at this time.

"Your Highness is very interested."

A hoarse and deep voice sounded from the darkness of the queen's room.

Immediately afterwards, a man wearing a gray-brown shabby cloak with holes in it, like a dirty tramp, walked out slowly.

Princess Yuffie just glanced at it and didn't make a fuss. She still sat at the front of the desk and said calmly: "If I remember correctly, it is written in our agreement that you are not allowed to show up without my permission."

The princess's indifferent warning tone, not only did not make the gray tent man calm down, but instead he let out a sinister "Jie Jie" laugh as if hearing a joke.

"Really? In that case, my good Highness, you can continue to be monitored by others."

at last.

Princess Yuffie frowned, shifted her gaze, and asked the man in gray hood: "What do you mean? Surveillance?"

The gray tent man didn't explain too much.

I saw him next, stretching out a hand with festering skin and burns from under the cloak. However, in this ugly hand, an incomparably divine radiance bloomed.

Under this light, the shadow under Princess Yuffie's feet seemed to be stimulated and squirmed, shocking the eldest princess.

After just a few seconds under the light, there seemed to be nowhere to hide. A black shadow-like monster leaped from it, as if trying to escape.


As if the man in gray hood had been well prepared, he pierced the heart of the shadow monster with a sword. It was as if he had repeated this action countless times - in the past.

"What is this?" Princess Yuffie calmed down after a brief panic, and she stared at the dead shadow monster on the ground in confusion.

"Shadow Demon."

"Scout of the Demon Race." The voice of the gray tent man was full of disgust and hatred.

can follow later
"Demons? Are you kidding me? Demons?" Princess Yuffie asked twice in a row.

It is enough to see its inconceivability to the "demon race".

And this seemed to have stimulated the gray tent man, making him a little crazy, and the eerie and hoarse "Jie Jie" laughter echoed in the room again.

This was not his original voice.

It's more like the larynx is damaged and the vocal tract is destroyed, so it can only produce such a harsh and hoarse voice, which sounds like a monster.

But if you listen carefully.

In the laughter, in addition to the ridicule, there is also a little desolation, unwillingness, and revenge hidden in the deepest part.

"Yes, my lord, of course you don't recognize it, after all, the demon race has been erased from history by you."


The Gray Cape took off his hood.

Half of his body was hidden in the shadows, and the sunlight outside the window only vaguely illuminated half of his face. One of his eyes was gouged out, his ears seemed to be pierced by a sharp instrument, and his cheeks were covered with large areas of bruises. After the burn, the disgusting pus scabbed over.

Judging from the shape of his face, he might have been a handsome warrior once, but now, he gives off the same feeling as his voice.

is a monster.


"Your Highness, you don't recognize me either. You don't recognize me. We are the same as those who have been erased from history, aren't we?"

(End of this chapter)

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