Chapter 74 The Homeless Ghost

Princess Yuffie was silent.

She bought this man with the gray hood from the "slave market" when she was visiting a foreign country. She took a fancy to the powerful magic power of the other party and brought him back to Illinois secretly.

As for the gray canopy man who is sometimes sober, sometimes crazy, and keeps saying things like "42 adults", "a thousand years ago", "demon race", "betrayer", etc., Yuffie just treats them as gibberish.

But now.
The eldest princess took a closer look at this shadow monster killed by the gray mantle.

She was very sure that in the nearly 500 years of human history, there was no such kind of monster.

No matter how much Yuffie didn't believe in the myths of ancient history, but when a monster that could hide in the shadows and couldn't even be detected by her appeared exactly like the legend, Yuffie's worldview was greatly subverted.

Not only because the demons really exist.

Even more because, this also proves the previous gray tent people.

"So, what you said before is also true?" The eldest princess's beautiful brows were deeply furrowed at this moment.

The gray-capped man suddenly laughed, his distorted expression made the already ugly face that was scabbed with burns even more ferocious.

"My dear Your Highness, what are you referring to? Are you referring to the dimensional rift that tore the sky thousands of years ago, and countless powerful demons invaded the world?"

"Or does it refer to the century-long war between humans and demons?"

"Or do you mean the millions of warriors we have died protecting the world?"

"Or is it referring to the hero who defeated the devil and saved the world and those 42 adults?"

"Still mean"

"The one who took advantage of our trust after the war and murdered 42 adults. The one who was selfish, the one who tampered with history, the one who failed us all and stole our world!!"

Speaking of the last man in gray cloak, he almost screamed.

His whole body was trembling with anger, and every scar, whip, and torture on his body seemed to express the endless hatred accumulated deep in his heart.

He smashed things in the study crazily and held his head, as if just recalling certain scenes from the past made him extremely painful and unacceptable.

Princess Yuffie didn't stop her.

Let the man in gray hood vent his emotions.

After this madness lasted for nearly several minutes, the gray tent slowly calmed down.

He sat blankly, the expression on his face turned from mania to numbness, and he seemed to know that he was just being powerless and furious, so only empty eyes remained.

"Okay, I believe you, but I want to know, how did you, who came from thousands of years ago, survive till now?"

"Live till now?"

Every word the eldest princess said seemed ridiculous to the ears of the gray-cloaked man.

"If you have to endure every moment, the stabbing pain of a knife, the tearing of your heart, and the pain of your own flesh and blood at night, as if you are being eaten by ants, then indeed, you can call me ours. It's alive until now."

"This is the path we chose ourselves, because we cannot die yet, and we still bear the blood feud of 42 adults, so we swallowed the fire and became ghosts in history. We firmly believe that one day, the betrayers will get It’s retribution. I can’t die without seeing the miserable fate of the betrayer.”

The gray-cloaked man murmured to himself, what supported his decaying body was not only the "fire" spell, but also the will of hatred.

"So, who is the "betrayer" you speak of?"

Princess Yuffie asked this crucial question.

"No, you can't say it, you can't mention it. It will be discovered, it will be discovered!! That name is taboo, and all of us have been cursed. Once we say it, I, together with everything here, your palace, the royal city , and even the whole of Illinois, will be devastated! Can’t say that we can’t say that we can’t make the same mistake again, can’t, absolutely can’t!!”

The man in gray hood seemed to have fallen into some desperate and painful memories again.

It seems that "they" once caused an irreparable tragedy because of this mistake.

He covered his mouth with ten fingers, his nails digging into his flesh and blood, as if he wanted to tear his mouth apart, just to prevent that taboo "name" from being spoken.

Seeing this, Princess Yuffie immediately changed the subject.

"Okay, let me change the question. Is there any connection between the appearance of the demons and that betrayer?"

"Contact? No, no, no, only we who were thousands of years ago knew how terrible the demons were, and the same was true for the betrayer. That person was extremely afraid of the demons, so he had been searching for the demons, looking for the Chaos Rift that was sealed by the brave, in an attempt to completely eliminate them. Demons, because they are the only existence that can threaten that person, but now it seems"

"Haha! Hahaha! That person failed! It turns out that there are things that the betrayer can't do! This is retribution, retribution!"

He who fought against the demons on the battlefield thousands of years ago would never have imagined that one day, he would turn around and yearn for the demons so much.

Although the Gray Canopy people very much hope that the demon army will set foot on the land, burn the flames of war, spread the destruction, and destroy the so-called "human" world now, just like it did thousands of years ago.

But he knew it in his heart.


Even the demons can hardly contend against the traitor.

That person almost completely stole the power of a brave man who used to be the "Child of Destiny", reaching a level more terrifying than that of the savior a thousand years ago.

Moreover, the betrayer's minions, the "great sages", were also assigned by that man the relics of salvation from the once brave men.

Every relic of salvation has unparalleled power, and many of them have absorbed the experience of the war between humans and demons, and were improved by that person into a special attack version against the "demons".

The more afraid you are, the more defensive you will be.

So it seems that the current human world is much weaker than it was a thousand years ago.

But actually.

The Gray Canopy people know very well that this is just a deformed world of slaves created by traitors. Of course, being a slave does not require power, as long as it keeps producing value for the "master".

If you really care about it.
They gathered underground forces a hundred years ago, and even relied on the secret documents left by "Melvin" to communicate with an extraterritorial race to unite to resist. They thought they could avenge the betrayers, but in the end they had paid a painful lesson with blood and tears. Only in exchange for this information.

And with the arrogance of the demons.
There is little hope for the Gray Canopy.

I can't even think of what kind of devil king can fight against the betrayer who holds the power of "brave".


This is still an opportunity for them.

The gray canopy man quickly regained some sanity and clarity.

He must tell the other "ghosts" this information as soon as possible.

The attack of the demons in the future will still be able to draw most of the betrayers' attention to some extent, and this is a good time for them to develop and regroup their forces.

The demons can't kill the brave.

This is the "scheduled" fate.

and so.

The brave can only be killed by their humans.

Just like what the "betrayer" did back then.

For this reason, the gray-cloaked man finally turned his attention back to Yuffie, the eldest princess of the Kingdom of Illinois who was in deep "difficulty".

"My Highness, don't be nervous. The demons should still be in the preparation stage. The shadow demons in you are probably wandering around for reconnaissance without distinction. The top brass of each human kingdom may be dropped. What's more, even if the demons really want to attack, , even if the sky falls, there will still be someone tall to hold it up, and all the pressure from the demons will be placed on the empire, right?"

"In my opinion, Your Highness, this is an excellent opportunity. I know that you have always wanted to make Illinois independent and free from the control of the empire. It is precisely because you have such ambitions that you take me in and plan three Tianhou, the plan to destroy the Five Flowers Alliance and the Imperial Envoy together, right?"

"I will make a move and become your highness' sharp blade to remove all obstacles for you. I think you should be able to trust a seventh-level great magister thousands of years ago, but after that, I hope you can also Fulfill the agreement, allow Illinois"

"Help us homeless ghosts."

(End of this chapter)

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