Chapter 75 42 Partners
Early the next morning, Princess Yuffie sent her followers to deliver the admission letter to Liao Yu.

Tonight's battle meeting to destroy the Five Flowers Alliance was held in the safest palace in order not to be leaked, and the private party of the eldest princess was used as a cover for the public.

Before leaving, Liao Yu handed a cloak to Wilsey.

"Put this on when you go out in the future."

"In this way, if it is necessary to show the power of the elves, it can be covered up a little, so that no one else will find out."

In addition to the identity of "professor", Liao Yu now has the identity of "adventurer".

At that time, he still attracted a lot of attention in the Adventurer's Association because of Airi, the earl's daughter.

Liao Yu guessed that there must be adventurers in the hands of the people the eldest princess had attracted, so just in case, Liao Yu asked Wilsey to wear a cloak to take over Hill's position.

As for Liao Yu's suggestion, Wei Erxi didn't have any doubts, she put it on immediately with her eyes bright, and she liked it very much, showing an expression that she hadn't expected before.

Instead, the shadow behind Liao Yu shook slightly.

It seems to be expressing "dissatisfaction".

Just replaced?
Liao Yu immediately comforted him in a low voice: "I will always like Hill."

"Huh? Professor, did you say anything just now?"

"I said that Miss Welsh is also very cute after putting on the cloak." Liao Yu smiled seamlessly.

"Ah? Ah! Professor, don't talk nonsense."

The elf blushed on the spot, and quickly pulled down the brim of some cloaks, all shy.

See the devil speak the devil.

See elves speak elves.

Liao Yu worked out this set of letters with ease, and don't underestimate the senior players who can get a full 42 partners in the game to a full degree of favorability.

In the game, my 42 partners, there are men and women, not to mention men, this is very simple and pure, there are not so many things, just fight together and it's over.

Female partners can unlock the extra favorability limit of "affection".

But because he is the child of destiny, he is a brave man, so he must not be able to step on multiple boats. When frequently brushing the favorability of a partner of the opposite sex, other partners of the opposite sex will lose their "love" degree accordingly.

This mechanism should be to prevent players from opening the harem.

But Liao Yu took a loophole.

When the partner performs the "dispatch" task, the status bar will be locked, that is to say, what it looks like when it goes out, it will still be the same when it comes back.

There is also a mechanism, the higher the favorability of the partner, the more rewards after returning from dispatch, and the higher the probability of obtaining additional rare items.

So when Liao Yu checked the affection of a new girlfriend, he dispatched all the other ones who already had high affection and asked them to lock the panel.

This keeps looping.

This will not only maximize the efficiency of dispatch, but also easily achieve the affection level of all female partners.

Liao Yu in the game is also proud of his wit.

But think about it now.
Isn't this the same as keeping the incumbent and sending out all the predecessors?

No way, Liao Yu is not saying that he is greedy for the CG portraits of those partners, but just to unlock the "special plot".

When the female partner reaches full "love", there will be a separate adventure mission with the brave, which is very serious, in order to enrich the background and personality of the partner, and establish bonds.

For example, one of the fire elf companions impressed Liao Yu deeply.

When I first met the fire elves, the partner was the villain boss who made the whole village suffer from the curse of fire. As a brave man, he acted on behalf of the sky and eradicated the fire elves at the source of the curse.

In the end, because this fire elf can transform into a human form, Li Hui is also very good, and after losing the battle, he became a partner.

Later, in the special plot expansion of Full Favorability, Liao Yu learned that the people in this village had actually died long ago and died of a plague. It was the fire elves who gave them a magic ritual called "Fire". , to survive until now.

The "fire seed" is the original power from the fire spirit.

Every time a fire seed is distributed, it is actually equivalent to that the fire elves are using their original vitality to maintain these villagers.

This also explains why the growth of fire elves is so poor.

Later, Liao Yu was a little moved, so he greatly increased his investment in her, from "Fire Elf" to "Flame Elf" to "Fire Lord" and finally.
Become the peak eighth-rank flame queen.

As the player's "brave" partner, improving strength and class is indeed like cheating.

All in all, Liao Yu likes the stories behind these partners very much, he never skips the plot, and each of them has experienced and experienced seriously.

Although it seems a bit scumbag, but the feelings for the partners are true, and they have been trained to the full level in the end.

It's a pity that no matter how powerful the power is, it will not help in the face of time.

The 42 partners from the millennium should be gone.

In the words of the game, a generation of old characters have all left the stage, as if the supporting role is a supporting role after all, and cannot accompany the player forever.

But Liao Yu will not give up trying to find them.

Not to mention the behind-the-scenes person who "falsified" history and "erased" their existence.

It seems that the topic is a bit heavy.

Liao Yu looked at Versy who was foolishly wearing a cloak and following around him.

The elf princess certainly wasn't the first.

Liao Yu still has to reflect deeply on his new partner after a thousand years.

Now that he has really time-traveled and everything has become a reality, then he can no longer do such things that require lightning strikes without a bottom line.

and so.

From now on, everyone will be wings.

There is no predecessor or current one.


When Liao Yu arrived in the private hall of the palace, as he thought, apart from the core members of the royal knights of the eldest princess, there were also a group of people in different costumes who looked like "nonsense soldiers".

The gold and silver medals on their chests are the best status symbols.


However, most of them were taciturn, or they were embarrassed, and the atmosphere was a bit depressed.

Until another group of adventurers came in through the side door.

"Look, it's the horned eagle! The only A-level mercenary regiment in Wangcheng!"

"They really came too, that's great! Now we win!"

"To be honest, I was quite nervous before. After all, I was facing a five-flowered person. Now I see Mr. Haihu, and I feel a lot more at ease."

"The eldest princess is really powerful, even the horned eagle can persuade people."

"I heard that they spent a lot of money to take a scroll of a third-level spell in Lanqi's prop shop. At that time, everyone was still surprised, thinking that the horned eagle mercenary group was going to hunt down some A-level monsters again. , Now it seems that this is the case! It turns out that they are preparing for this battle!"

With the entry of seven or eight people from the horned eagle mercenary group, the dull atmosphere just now was swept away.

Maybe this is the power of high popularity.
Many adventurers were filled with excitement as if they had met their idols.

The burly man headed by the horned eagle mercenary group, Haihu nodded to the excited adventurers in the conference room, after all, they are all comrades in arms.

At this moment, a girl in the horned eagle group suddenly poked Haihu and drew Haihu's attention to another location.

It was Liao Yu and Welsh there.

The leader of the Horned Eagle suddenly froze, seeming to recall something. He quickly showed a surprised expression, and then quickly stepped forward and walked in the direction of Liao Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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